Sunday, November 30, 2008

Derailment and Problems Of Model Toy Trains

By Russell Perry

This is a pretty common problem with railroaders, no matter how experienced they may be. It can be quite an annoying problem as well if it happens often, but it is fixable. There is no doubt that derailments will happen especially in the designing stages of your track layout, it will even happen with excessive speed on occasion.

Its when it happens constantly in the one spot that there is a problem. This means something very specific is wrong.

If regular derailments keep happening in the same spot and you are about to rip your hair out, don't stress just yet. You first need to determine exactly where its happening. If it happens that your train derails on a curve, don't just assume the curve is too extreme. It could be that the wheels could be hitting something on the track.

Take all the cars off the locomotive and run it without any excess. If it still derails. If it runs ok, add more cars to see if its one of them that is the problem. Check the track thoroughly as well.

If your track is uneven, this will also cause the train to constantly derail. This could lead to bumps and loose bits of track that will knock your train off its tracks. This happens when you are using tables and the connection between the two table is not even.

Also make sure that the switches are running properly. You may just need to clean the rails and the frog. Even the smallest tiniest bit of dirt in just the right, or wrong spot will derail your train every time.

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Stress Management Tool: Periodic Massage Chair Therapy

By James Knolan

It seems that in these modern times that stress is just part of the landscape. We seem to be under more pressure whether at home or a work. The major shift of stress seems to be from physical stress to mental stress. Our fore fathers were in much more under stress from physical dangers. We on the other hand, seem to be under much more mental stress. We react to both mental or physical stress in much the same way: the fight or flight reaction. Our source of stress has certainly changed, but not our reaction to it.

This reaction to stress causes the body to kick itself into high gear. Our heart rate is increased, the major organs shut down all but the most basic functions and adrenaline is pumped out to boost our energy. There is a major redirection of chemical reactions in the body to get it immediately ready for action. However, with many of the stresses we encounter there is no physical release to all this redirection of energy. This can be problematic since many toxin are the by product of these chemical reactions and these stay in the body.

Stress management is learning how to cope with stress, redirect its energy and release it from the body. We may not be able to eliminate stress from our lives, but we can have strategies to deal with it positively. If you could take the heightened affects of being under stress and put it to positive pursuits, then we are working stress management. The toughest element of stress management is to release it physically.

Effective stress management requires a physical outlet to release the chemicals that the body is releasing when under stress. Physical exertion is one of the best methods, since that is what the body is primed to do. Another excellent method to release stress is massage therapy. There are many benefits with massage therapy. It is great to loosen up tight muscles and relieve tension. It can relax the organs in the body activated by the stress reaction. It will release toxins that are in our muscles and help to flush them out of our system. And best of all it helps us relax our mind and bring harmony back to the body.

A very convenient alternative to going to a massage therapist is a massage chair recliner. These advanced massage recliners have massage therapies ranging from deep tissue, Shiatsu, sports massage, Swedish and many others. There are various benefits to each massage type and each may focus on particular benefits. They will all help relieve discomfort and tension. They all help your mind to relax. These treatments enhance the flow of the lymph system and the blood. Both of these systems filter out chemicals that build up in the body.

Stress comes from our environment and is subject to our interpretation and built up set of reactions. These cannot be eliminated entirely. Massage therapy is an essential tool in our stress management toolbox. Massage chairs are one of the most convenient and effective ways to receive massage therapy. These recliners have full body capabilities and have many additional features beyond massage. Many have stretching, music therapy and heat. These additional features compliment the massage and help to induce total body relaxation.

Stress management is about having the right set of tools to effectively redirect, neutralize and release the affects of stress. Wouldn't it be great to be able to sit down in a massage recliner. Let it start to ease your aches and pains. Release the build up of tension in the shoulder and neck areas. Take your mind off the stressful situation for 15 or 20 minutes. Give you a chance to regroup, rethink your situation with a fresh mind and body. A massage chair recliner can be a very effective and convenient tool in your stress management tool box.

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Why Home School Testing Is Necessary?

By Andy Austim

Home school testing is a highly recommended step for matching your child with the appropriate curriculum. As you'll see, every student is different, with different needs and learning capabilities. If you select a curriculum for your child based solely on age, the child might not be ready for it yet and that can cause problems.

Home school testing can help you find the right home school curriculum for your child. If you don't have the right tools, your child will not learn. The right tools include a challenging curriculum that will spark the child's interest but not be so difficult as to discourage him. If your child is bored, he or she will not try, and home schooling will not succeed. If the curriculum is not interesting to your child, it will not be easy to comprehend and your child will not grasp essential concepts.

Parents who home school their children will find that most companies that sell home school curricula and home schooling products and supplies also offer home school testing. Among the most frequently used test for grade levels from kindergarten through the twelfth grade is the California Achievement Test.

Many topics that are appropriate to a given grade level are evaluated through home school testing. Basic math concepts, word analysis and comprehension are among the test subjects included in the kindergarten level test. Vocabulary, math computation, language and reading are included in the 4th grade test, along with a large variety of other subjects and skills.

There are a variety of options available for administration of home school testing. One option is to have an online company administer the tests. Another is to have the child take the test at home on paper and then mail it in for grading and evaluation. In some cases the parent may give these tests.

Informal home schooling tests are customized for curriculum and parental evaluation of the student. Most home school testing is drafted to be detailed with regard to specific items and requirements. This is why depending on the test, there's a tendency to focus on some goals or procedures but to give less weight to some others.

The data taken from the test should be looked at by a professional. It is essential that home school testing be administered based on what the child has a knowledge of, with no assistance from the parent so that it can be certain that the test can provide an accurate assessment. Needless to say, a child can learn best if the right course of study is presented.

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Choosing The Right Karaoke Song For Different Age Groups

By Barry Adams

Almost every age group we have, has karaoke lovers, and they all seem to enjoy the karaoke songs no matter what age group they are most applicable to. Having said that, every age group pretty much has its favorites though. If you are a Karaoke Disc Jockey it might be beneficial for you to know what songs would fit in best or be most popular with the general age group of your audience. Here are just a few examples of how you could categorize your music according to audience age group.

Suppose you are doing a birthday party for pre schoolers or entertaining a family group. Here is where your job is really going to get challenging, trying to please such a wide diversity of age groups. Perhaps at one time the little ones would have run off to play while the adults did their little sing along. Not anymore these little ones want in on the action. Most likely if they have learned how to talk then they are ready to sink karaoke songs. Often these songs that are favored on the nursery rhyme or kindergarten songs such as, Baa Baa Black sheep, Oh Susanna, or old MacDonald had a farm. Think back and you'll remember how much you enjoyed them as a kid.

Ok, so now you have tired out the little ones lets move onto the preteens. These are so hard to please. They pretty well choose their karaoke songs based on what the older ones will like. Only problem here is if parents are present then they might not be too happy at their pre teeners belting out some heavy metal music. Try and find a happy medium here. You just might convince the kids to sing out some Daddy A Go Go karaoke songs. They may or may not be their favorites but they do find them amusing.

For all the in-betweens now is going to be your easiest part. For the teens you are going to need a selection of the most current karaoke songs, in rock, heavy rock and rap. Then for the parents you're looking at songs from the 50's up to the 80's. Oh yes there's a bit more that has got to be included here. For each of these eras you need a selection of rock and roll, country western, jazz, and perhaps some blues.

For the senior there something sad about their music, and that's becomes it comes from a time when so many of their loved ones were killed in the wars. So the music they seem to play and love the most is what is called the old war songs. To your best to have a selection of Karaoke songs to fit this age group. Such as the white cliffs of Dover, or I'll take you home again Kathleen. One only needs to look at the face of one of the seniors singing these songs and you will see a flood of memories pass across their face.

So doing a karaoke party for a mixed group can be pretty challenging when it comes to the music. After all you do want to be popular amongst all age groups. If you have a tight budget however, you might want to stick to entertaining the age group that you have the most music for.

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Lose Belly Fat - Forget the Sit-Ups - Forget the Crunches

By EJ Marley

Do you want to know how to lose belly fat? You may have heard that Sit-ups and crunches are the best way. These are the exercises that work the stomach muscles and make them strong. While this will help you to suck in your stomach, these exercises do nothing to help you lose belly fat.

To lose belly fat, consider this - You have to exercise to lose fat from any part of your body. If we frequently overeat or exercise too little, the body stores fat around the belly for future use. When we exercise regularly, the body quickly reverses the process and we lose belly fat.

So the good news is, no sit-ups or crunches are needed. What is needed is regular exercise. Some squats, push ups, a high rep dumbbell workout and a daily walk will do wonders to help us lose belly fat.

So, there's really no secret to losing belly fat. Do a simple work out each day, eat less bad foods, and eat lots of the foods that will make you strong. Also, have 5-6 smaller meals instead of 3 big ones. These nutritionally dense foods and physical activity is all it takes to lose belly fat.

The fact is, I know the secret to lose belly fat. You see, I used to be really fat. I had given up hope of ever feeling strong and healthy, or looking good.

One night at a shopping center I ran into a friend I hadn't spoken to in a year or so. He used to be way too fat like me, but he had slimmed way down. He said he lost almost 70 pounds. It took him about 6 months, and his energy level had increased dramatically. He truly was a friend, because he shower me how he was able to lose so much belly fat, and with so little effort.

My first thoughts were "this will be too hard". After all, I like to eat, and didn't think exercise was for me. I was happy to learn that I was able to eat anything I wanted, as much as I wanted, an I quickly began to lose belly fat. Also, no jogging, no crunches, and no sit-ups.

I want to give something back now. I went ahead and put together a whole bunch of free information on how to lose belly fat. It's all quick and easy stuff you can do with no special foods or exercise equipment. Check it out today!

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Unequaled Shiatsu Massage Chair

By James Knolan

Shiatsu massage originates in Japan and so does the massage chair. However, this technology has spread throughout the world and is no longer just a Japanese phenomenon. There are a handful of companies that make the best shiatsu massage chairs today. These companies have studied the techniques and have developed extraordinary technology to replicate these subtle techniques. We present the best shiatsu massage chairs on the market.

First, if you are looking for a great shiatsu massage chair, they do not come cheap. Be prepared to spend $3,000 to $5,000 on one of the massage recliners. This should be viewed as a long term investment in your health and well being. These massage chairs are designed to last between 1,000 and 2,000 hours of service. This means you could get massage therapy for as little as $3.00 per hour!

Shiatsu massage is based on some of the ancient Chinese acupuncture techniques. Shiatsu stimulates what are known as trigger points that help the major organs to relax. There are a variety of subtle hand motions using the palm, hand and thumbs to soothe and relieve muscles. The best shiatsu massage chairs have mechanically replicated these techniques and drive them with sophisticated software programs.

The best massage chair brands make the best shiatsu recliners. These are made by companies such as Panasonic, Sanyo and Omega. You will find many that claim to be shiatsu recliners, but the best technology has been developed by these firms. The other important aspect is warranty coverage, which you can be assured with these top companies. Here are some of the best shiatsu massage recliners being offered.

The Sanyo HEC DR7700 is the top of the line for Sanyo. This massage chair has a specialized roller mechanism called the GK roller system. The GK roller system can come over the top of the shoulders and thus provides an excellent neck and shoulder massage. This massage lounger is also zero gravity which takes the pressure off your spinal column. The DR 7700 can detect trouble areas and zero in on those areas automatically.

The Omega Montage Premier is the best massage chair from Omega Massage. The Omega Montage Premier performs a scan of your back and can detect the almost 100 acupressure points. The massage will then be customized based on your readings. This massage chair comes with many features including full body heat, lower body stretching, and even an MP3 music player. This is certainly the closest massage recliner to having an in home spa.

The Real Pro Ultra series of massage recliners is Panasonic's newest line. In particular, the EP 30004 model has some wonderfully effective shiatsu massage treatments. They have a new massage style called Junetsu. The Junetsu is an ultra find kneading type massage that provides deep penetration all the way to the bone. It uses thumb-like pressure by making small circles in pressure point areas of the back. This is a very therapeutic and effective massage technique.

These 3 massage chair companies have excellent shiatsu massage recliners. Panasonic, Sanyo and Omega are the top shiatsu massage chair brands available today. You can find almost every conceivable function has been masterfully integrated into this massage recliners. If you are looking at massage chairs, then you really owe it to yourself to check out these name brand massage chairs.

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Antique Lionel Trains Price Guide and Grading

By Martin Stein

Below are a list of grading values if you want to value your model train. It's pretty self explanatory and easy to read. You should be able to find out exactly what your model train is in terms of condition by looking at the guide below. Make sure you also get someone with an objective view on things to have a look at this guide and then view your model train or model train collection.

Mint Condition - This means its more then likely brand new. Must be all original and unused with no marks at all

Factory New - This is used to describe something that is unused and all original parts. It may how ever have a few marks from handling or shipping the item.

Like New - Must have all original parts, but may have slight age marks. No rust at all either.

Excellent: Must have all original parts. Might have a few nicks and scratches, but has no missing parts or distortion of parts.

Very Good: Has some minor scratches or paint damage. May have slight surface rust and may have had some minor parts replaced.

Good: Has been used and looks like it has been used occasionally. May have surface rust and minor dents.

Fair: Scratched and some paint loss. Could be dented have missing parts and will likely have rust on the surface. Looks like its had heavy use

Poor: Major work needed to be done on the body, major scratches, lots of rust and missing parts as well.

Junk: Only useful for parts.

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Christmas Decorations for the Holiday Season

By Juliette Crane

Are you ready for the hectic and chaotic holiday season? This annual event can come at you fast if you're not paying attention. If you didn't notice throughout past, the stores stock up on Christmas decorations, trees, and gifts rather early. Try before Thanksgiving. This always struck me as odd. Why in the world are they jumping to one holiday before a more current one has even passed?

Businesses are weird like that. My guess is that they're trying to make as much cash off the holiday season as they can. Anyway, you know what all this Christmas talk means. Oodles of Christmas Decorating For The Home. How are you planning to deck out your house this year?

You can find Christmas decorating ideas in home magazines. These include most women's magazines, as well as those devoted to the home only. They often have great Christmas decorating ideas in their articles, and you may find some by looking at their advertisements. They may also have a special section with craft items you can use for Christmas decorating ideas. These can be easy enough for children, or complicated enough that it may take you a week to complete them.

The other part of Christmas that I enjoy is baking and candy making. It is the time of year that people do not seem to be concerned about what they eat. It is so much fun to entertain this time of year because the Christmas decorations on cookies and candies add a festive look to the platters. From the day after Thanksgiving until New Years I make sure that I have Christmas goodies available to share with anyone that drops by. I make special snack mixes that are both sweet and salty to take along to other's homes. I also make special treats to place on co-workers desks.

I really should think of a few new ideas this year concerning Christmas Decorating For The Home. Although I'm not interested in competing with other families, I do want to express some Christmas cheer and spirit. It's wonderful to step out on your lawn and stare up at a magnificently decorated home. I should know; I do it every year with my neighbor's house. Hey, don't forget to check out Christmas Decorating For The Home ideas online. Countless ideas are at your fingertips.

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Do You Need To Raise HDL Cholesterol?

By Andy Austim

When you are told your cholesterol is too high and what you should do to bring down the cholesterol levels, your goal should also be to raise HDL cholesterol in the bloodstream. High HDL cholesterol levels are known to lower the bad effects of LDL cholesterol, thus avoiding complications associated with the high cholesterol count.

If your HDL cholesterol is at a low level, you may have a greater chance of developing heart disease. Low HDL cholesterol levels will cause the LDL cholesterol to stay in the arteries where it can cause a blockage. If you raise HDL cholesterol, this causes LDL cholesterol to move from your arteries and go to your liver where it can be processed.

Understanding your food habits is the initial step your doctor will use to control your cholesterol levels. A nutrition expert will be able to give you advice on a diet plan that will assist in lowering your LDL cholesterol and at the same time raise HDL cholesterol. Such a diet plan will consist of low fat, lean protein and vegetables and fruits that provide a lot of nutrients.

Reducing risk for heart disease requires work. The only way to improve your heart function, lose weight, raise HDL cholesterol and reduce your LDL "bad" cholesterol, is to begin an exercise regimen and keep up a daily routine of eating properly.

It is advisable to make the task of improving cholesterol a family affair. When you get the feel of the healthy diet, it will be quite simple and natural to follow the diet plan. Persuading your family members to join you will actually help in improvement of their health too. Your children should be taught the effects of nutrition on their health and the eating habits that will provide them with nutrition. If we are able to do so successfully, this will help them throughout their life to maintain health and avoid health related difficulties.

There is a whole lot of information available about how you can alter the way you live your life to take care of your health problems. You should find several cookbooks that will show you how to cook great tasting meals that are good for your heart. A lot of the recipes will let you know to what extent you raise HDL cholesterol and decrease LDL cholesterol at the same time.

If you are able to lower your cholesterol level with the foods that you consume, then you will likely not be required to take any medications. However, remember that a diet plan alone may not be sufficient to lower bad cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol concurrently. You should always consult your doctor, who will advise you on medications necessary for control of cholesterol.

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Texas Poker Stars: Online Poker In The United States

By Holding Pairs

In poker, we observed incredible growth in recent years. Poker business people are making big money during the growth in poker action this boom has created. We will show you how people are cashing big checks during this poker boom.

First, let's examine why this boom has happened. There were three key things that have caused the increase in action at the poker tables. Okay, listed chronologically, this is what happened that led to the growth in poker.

It all begins in 1994 when polish poker player, entrepreneur, Henry Orenstein invented the know how for the the "pocket cam". This allowed TV viewers to see the hole cards that each of the players have while the hands are being played out. The first use of the device was in 1997 on The Late Night Poker Show, in England.

Poker had been on TV since the 70's, however few people were watching. The reason for this was that not having the knowledge of what the players were holding, it was impossible to know what the players were trying to accomplish. The pocket camera made viewing poker on television very captivating.

The next thing that contributed to the accelerated growth of poker was the arrival of the online poker rooms. The original internet poker room was opened in 1998. Players can now play poker in the tranquil environment of virtually any place they can imagine. Online poker will show consistent growth as players began using these new poker venues.

Now we're ready for the decisive event that caused the boom. So, when Chris Moneymaker wins the 2003 WSOP Main Event, poker takes off. Gaining his entry thru a $40 online poker room satellite, then winning, sets off this unique boom.

The combination of the pocket cam increasing the interest in seeing poker on TV, and the rise of web based poker rooms increasing the player base, set things up for the explosion that occurred due to Moneymakers stunning win. With the world seeing an internet, amateur rookie player, out duel some top pros to win the biggest poker tournament ever at the time, poker took off.

This rapid increase in activity produces an incredible number of opportunities for aggressive entrepreneurs. There are many ways to become wealthy in this growing poker industry. Most of these business opportunities are internet based. Here are a few of the businesses you might want to start in this growing industry.

Some poker amateurs have found themselves making a nice living as successful professional poker players. Some dedicated marketers have gotten extremely wealthy by acting as an affiliate for the online poker rooms. Poker strategy books are big sellers.

Business people are selling software programs that help online players to study their own play from the games they play in. Some entrepreneurs have started their own online poker rooms. We have seen live poker leagues happening at local bars just about everywhere.

These are most, but definately not all, of the interesting opportunities that people are finding to cash in on the poker boom. Operating a poker opportunity with an online presence certainly appears to be the most promising. The future for poker still looks bright, and there is plenty of money to be made for those ambitious enough to take action.

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Nothing Says Cozy Like a Homemade Cookie in Alabama!

By Kristin Ross

Whether it is knitting, sewing, baking or even woodworking, there would definitely be people in every state taking up the hobby of making homemade crafts. It's a truly wonderful hobby to take up but why not share those talents with more than your friends and family? There are crafts and trade shows held all over the country to showcase people's skill in their respective crafts.

Without knowing what festivals to join in your own state, though, how would you begin? Is the next fair close to your own home in Alabama or do you have to travel a great length to attend it? A way to find out what crafts and trade shows and festivals are around the state would really come in handy.

You would need to network efficiently with other people participating and organizing these fairs to get wind of the latest happening in Alabama. But what if you're new to all this? You would be clueless on what step to take regarding participating in these events.

There are databases of all crafts and trade fairs and festivals all over the country, in every state. And for Alabama, there is also a calendar for all these events.

There will always be those who would surely love the taste of homemade recipes for a cookies and other pastries, the delicacy of hand-knitted, hand-sewn and hand-quilted materials and the skill needed to make a block of wood into a work of art. It would be awesome to make a little extra income doing what you love best. Who knows? Maybe you could be known for your skills in Alabama through these.

By joining a service that keeps you updated on all these fairs and festivals happening in Alabama, you would be making your life much easier. It would be wonderful to showcase your talents at such events.

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S Scale Model Train Set - Lionel Toy Trains

By Ernest Perry

In this article I am going to be talking to you about the S-scale or the S-gauge model train. This is a model train thats scale is 1:64 in size. It's popular because it fits between the HO and O model train scales. It can meet the requirements on a scale which is larger then the HO scale, which is considered too small for many hardcore model train fanatics.

It is how ever smaller then the O scale for model trains, which is good because it allows your track layouts to be laid out in a smaller area of space. As we all know, space can be at a premium when it comes to model trains and having space around the home. There is nothing more annoying then having a vision for your model train layout but not having enough room to implement it.

The S-gauge series of model trains has been around for nearly 100 years, but it did not really become popular until the creation of the re designed American Flyer model of trains. These were first produced by a company called A C Gilbert. They were based in Connecticut in the USA in the mid 1930's. Funnily enough it was one of the companies that was not hit hard by the recession, which just goes to prove how crazy we model railroaders really are!

The American Flyer model train, the train that has become so popular started its life out as a clockwork model train. It then became later an electric train. At this point it was dramatically redesigned to fit its new power mode. Gilbert's design for the new American Flyer was a huge hit. The American Flyer and the model trains build by A C Gilbert were built on the S-scale, how ever they ran on the O-gauge tracks which were standard at that time.

A decade or so later, A C Gilbert changed it up again. They designed and re designed it. They re designed the tracks for the S-scale model trains. Taking it away from the more traditional 3 track rails which were the ones used in the electric model trains of the day.

In general the three track rail back then would have two outer tracks for the wheels of the model train, and then the 3rd track in the middle would be the one carrying the current from the electricity to power the model trains motor.

The three track model was not very similar to the real thing how ever the two track rails were very similar and become very popular. The two track rails had a more realistic look to them and they made the layouts seem more real. This is because they were starting to look like real train tracks.

These tracks were developed for the smaller S-scale model trains and it allowed the model train tracks to have more realistic layouts with more curves and curves of different radius's. This was much better to run the popular and newly re designed American Flyer on.

Most of the baby boomer S-scale fanatics would have had their first taste of that scale with the hugely popular American Flyer model train back in the 50's. This was a very popular Christmas present. At this time, the American Flyer was also competing with another popular model train series, the Lionel model train. These two were the big dogs in the market at the time.

The S-scale model trains are still very popular including the American Flyer. They are rising in popularity with the younger generation. The Lionel company purchased the model train type from the people who purchased the American Flyer from A C Gilbert. The Lionel company was in very deep financial strife in the 60's and 70's and it went through many different sets of hands. The Lionel company still operates today, but its a totally different company from what it was.

There are still many different organizations out there today who cater to those who are interested int he S-scale model of trains. There is actually a national association called "The National Association Of S-Gaugers."

They do have a very active membership with people ranging from all ages. If you Google them you will find their website. They have activities, a newsletter, events they hold and of course suppliers for S-model enthusiasts. They have associations in the US, UK and Australia and probably more but I could not find any. There are even some Yahoo Groups on the subject.

S-scale is still one of the fastest growing scales that is within the model train industry and it's not going away any time soon. It's actually growing quicker then any other scale. It works on such less space compared to that of the HO scale. S-scale products are reliable and they are still very accurate.

It might have been a checkered past for the S-scale model train, but it's not going anywhere soon and its a good way to start with your model train hobby.

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In Japanese culture the koi fish or carp is thought to be one of the most Vital Fishes. This is because it is always going from one place to the next and dosent stop swimming, often moving the water. some States are trying to minimize the Koi population because of its tendency to mess up streams by stirring up the underlying dirt.

By Markus Katsuo

The Koi fish is pure perseverance - Koi swimming upstream can be interpreted as showing perseverance because of the fact that the Koi does not "go with the flow". This can show a person how to be strong in the face of adversity and develop strength of character or purpose. The Carp can also represents wisdom, knowledge, longevity, and loyalty.

The Koi fish is pure resolve - The Koi fish swimming upstream can be interpreted as showing determination because of the fact that the Koi does not "go with the flow". In many ways this shows how to succeed in adversity and challenge even though life is a challenge.

Strength in time of adversity - The koi fish can also symbolize the strenth to go on even with big obstacles in front of us. Even when it seems we are being swept backwards we keep on going forward and making progress.

Japanese Koi fish tattoos - Koi fish, or "brocaded carp"), are ornamental common carp. The Koi fish in Japanese tattooing plays a vital role in both Chinese and Japanese legends, and stories. In many of the Japanese and Chinese legends, Koi are transformed through their efforts over time. If a Koi Fish climbs a Dragon Gate on the Yellow River it would be transformed into a dragon. it is said to mean good fortune or luck. An example of koi means "love, affection" and koi are therefore symbols of love and friendship in Japan: a good example is the short story Koi-san by Mukoda Kuniko.

Japanese Tattoos include different varieties

Kohaku - a red pattern white-skinned Koi,

Taisho Sanshoku - a white-skinned Koi with a red and black pattern

Showa Sanshoku - black-skin Koi with a red and white pattern

Tancho Showa, Tancho Sanke, or even Tancho Goshiki

Asagi - Koi with blue scales on its top and red scales on its underside

Shusui - partially scaled version of an Asagi

Bekko - black pattern with white, red, or yellow-skinned Koi

Utsurimono - a black Koi with a red, white, or yellow pattern

Goshiki - a mostly black Koi with red, white, brown, and blue accents

Ogon - a Koi that is one solid color, can be regular or metallic; known colors - red, orange, platinum, yellow and cream

Kin Gin Rin - Koi Fish with shiny scales. "Gold Silver Scales" There are also Gin Rin versions of almost any other type of koi.

Kawarimono - some other Miscellaneous types of Koi

Doitsu-goi - German Carp

Koromo - Koi fish with areas of blue-on edge of scales neatly aligned

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Maintain a Healthy Kitchen using Miracle Mineral Solution

By Virginia Pipolini

Did you know that sodium chloride has been used for over 70 years to purify water? Many jurisdictions around the world have recognized sodium chloride as an effective treatment for processing foods and cleaning packaging equipment, for sodium chloride does not leave a residue. You can have that same safe disinfecting action in your home using Miracle Mineral Solution, known as MMS. When you mix MMS with an acidic activator, like lemon juice or citric acid, it produces sodium chloride.

One study conducted by the Research Group of Industrial Microbiology at the Department of Applied Biological Sciences in Brussels, Belgium showed that the production of Curvacin A, a Bacteriocin Produced by Lactobacillus curvatus, was reduced using sodium chloride. This study focused on bacterial production in fermented sausage.

Sodium Chloride, or NaCl , was used in a study conducted at the Mansoura University in Mansoura, Egypt. In this study there was a significant decrease in bacteria growth on raw poultry. "The The use of NaCl in meat to increase shelf life and enhance flavor is an old practice", they stated, "Addition of NaCl to meat has been associated with antimicrobial properties. It is also used to improve water-holding capacity and results in subsequent improvements in purge loss and cooking yield."

Miracle Mineral solution, or MMS provides an easy to use, cost effective anti-bacterial agent for use in the kitchen and bath areas. Using only a few drops of the 28% solution with the acidic activator, you will notice a smell reminiscent of bleach. After a three minute activation time period you can then add water. For cleaning kitchen surfaces you can use a spray bottle.

What kitchen uses are there for the sodium chloride solution produced by MMS? You can soak your sponge and scrubbers in an MMS solution, thereby reducing the bacterial count. Sponges are notorious for holding and growing bacteria, and most sponges remain in use far beyond the safe use period.

The solution you make using your Miracle Mineral Solution activated mix can be used to sterilize counters as well as your sink. We have all heard how important it is to sterilize the working surfaces in your kitchen after handling raw meat. It is just as important to cleanse your hands as well, both before and after handling raw meats. Use your sprayer to mist working surfaces, knifes, and sink. You can even spray the meat itself, just as they do in those packaging facilities. Sodium chloride dissipates into salts and water, and nothing more.

Keep the mister with your miracle mineral solution mixture handy for cleaning your hands before you grab that bowl or glass out of the cupboard. This easy to mix, cost effective solution will not hurt healthy skin cells, but will attack the bacteria and other pathogens you may have picked up from keyboards, doorknobs and pets.

When you mix Miracle Mineral Solution with the citric activator it will last about twelve hours. This means you will want to mix a new solution, using only a couple drops of MMS each morning, something easily done while you make your coffee. Use this spray throughout the day to maintain your healthy kitchen. When done you can pour the left over in your pet water bowl to purify the water and the bowl as well.

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Why Cholesterol Blood Test Is Important

By Andy Austim

If your doctor doesn't offer you a cholesterol blood test the next time you go, be sure to ask for one. That way you will know how your cholesterol level is going and you will be able to make adjustments if necessary. Most of the time you don't have to ask the doctor to give you a cholesterol blood test. This test is just one of several that are done on a regular basis. There is a battery of tests that is done regularly on every patient once he or she reaches a certain age.

After analyzing your cholesterol blood test results, the doctor can advise you whether your cholesterol levels need to be lowered, or if your present lifestyle is enough to keep the cholesterol down. If it is needed to reduce your cholesterol then the doctor may prescribe some medicine but usually the first step to be done is diet control.

You can have tremendous control over your cholesterol levels by controlling your diet. You can get your cholesterol levels right where they need to be by choosing to take the important step of monitoring your diet and kinds of food you consume. You can team up with a good nutritionist to create a heart healthy, low cholesterol diet plan that you can easily follow and will enjoy.

Lowering your cholesterol level doesn't mean that you are condemned to a lifetime of bland and boring foods. With many delicious food choices available, it can be an adventure in healthy eating. Look for new, cholesterol and heart-friendly foods that you will enjoy and you will have a happy, healthy dieting experience.

You will be amazed at the vast array of cookbooks, online recipe columns, informative magazines, and much more available to you to help you prepare healthy, low cholesterol foods. Good, cholesterol friendly cookbooks will give you extensive lists of foods you will welcome and they will teach you how to prepare them. Learning how to plan and prepare heart healthy, low cholesterol meals can be challenging and fun, and learning this new skill will help you incorporate these good habits into your lifestyle.

Getting support from your family members for the new diet changes will make it easier for you to follow it. If you can avoid all unhealthy food from your house with the support of your family, you will not feel tempted to eat such food to ruin your diet. Another plus is that the rest of your family can reap the benefits of eating healthier foods as well.

You may need to do another cholesterol blood test to check your levels to confirm whether your changed lifestyle is working. The only way you can make sure that you are improving is by checking the cholesterol in between and making changes if required to keep the level going in the right way. You will also being to notice the positive changes to your health by the way you start to feel and look healthier.

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Have You Tried All Kinds Of Stop Snoring Devices?

By Andy Austim

The problem of snoring is really annoying, and for as long as people have snored, various stop snoring devices to try and stop it have been around. Some have done almost everything from sewing tennis balls to their pajamas so that they sleep in one position all night to sticking sleep strips on their noses every night. But whether these methods to stop snoring are effective or not depends on the reason for the snoring.

The first step when trying to stop snoring is to consult with your physician. It is helpful to bring someone knowledgeable about your snoring to help respond to the questions your physician may ask. Because you snore when you are asleep, you may not be able to describe your snoring accurately. You may not even realize how serious the problem is.

Your partner can be very helpful to the doctor when it comes to your snoring by keeping track of when you're snoring and when you're not. If you are suffering from a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, it's a serious problem if you actually stop breathing in your sleep.

A stop snoring device called CPAP has been very successful in preventing snoring. Not only does it prevent snoring, it keeps those suffering from sleep apnea breathing all night long by forcing air into the air passageways while they're sleeping. It works through a special mask that the snorer wears while asleep.

How do stop snoring devices such as nasal strips work? They are worn on the nose and keep the nasal passageways open. This helps the snorer get enough air. For some people, this is enough. For others, it is no answer at all. Identifying the problem is the key to selecting the right solution to chronic snoring.

Some snorers are mouth breathers which often causes vibrations in the palate or tonsils to produce the snoring noises. Stop snoring devices that you place in your mouth at bedtime can help reduce the snoring. Most dental devices to stop snoring bring your tongue forward or position your lower jaw forward while you sleep. This opens up the airways to allow for better breathing and reduced noise.

If you don't have a medical condition such as sleep apnea that is causing your snoring, you may want to try out the stop snoring devices that are available. Many people have found great success with these simple items and both sleeping partners can finally enjoy a peaceful bedtime.

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Natural Health Products Report

By Fisiwe Owen

Our bodies often need a bit of special care and it is always good to know you appreciate and look after your own. So it is worth remembering just how important out immune system is to this care.

The immune system is the part of the body that helps to prevent disease and illness and is an often underestimated process of our bodies. This includes taking precautions against diseases and helping your body when you do get infected with a disease.

Of course to help it do its job more efficiently we need to feed it with good quality nutritional supplements. This is all very well but when you are next at the natural health store, will you know what the best things are to buy to achieve this?

First off, it is worth looking at the natural health medicines that are available within the area of natural health. These types of preparations are being used increasingly by people that do not want to use those mass produced type but still want the anti-bacterial properties that natural medicines offer.

It is also good to know that natural health medicine is based around working with the body to restore the missing elements that can affect our immune system. The problem with our use of chemical based remedies is that they create an imbalance within the body which natural products do not.

As natural health medicines are older and are not synthetic it is easy to see why they will work so well in our systems. Often misunderstood, the body has a natural balance that natural health products work in combination with and not against as so many traditional medicines do which are often more concerned with curing at any cost.

When you know what is at stake, you understand that natural health medicine can give you that ultra boost you need to get your body in the best defensive shape possible. The constant bombardment and consumption of synthetic products is have a detrimental affect on all of us and putting our bodies in a state of imbalance so it is not surprising the interest that is being shown in natural therapies, medicines and other products.

Without doubt the biggest benefit has been with the lack of side effects which many people are tired with especially when many of them are worse that the conditions symptoms the medicine is trying to cure. The whole purpose behind natural health products is to help the body carry out what it is designed to do without distressing it or causing harm in the process.

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The Most Dangerous Obstacle of Making Money Online

By Henry Zeng

I'd like you to know that this article is just important to your online business career. If you don't overcome this dangerous obstacle, you won't be making any real money on the Internet.

I've learnt it really the hard way.

Honestly, 90 percent of marketers are doing things that prevent them from ever achieving their goals:

They have no plans. They love (and fall victim to) products that give them huge promises with little or no efforts. They always hop from one "big opportunity" that can make "a lot of cash" to another. They only care, "can I make money with this?" So today is Adwords, tomorrow is AdSense, and yesterday it was another hot concept (but already forgotten by them).

Do you get what I mean?

These people are what I call "opportunity seekers".

Opportunity seekers buy a lot of products, but hardly use any of them. When the next so-called "easy money method" comes by, they just stop their current practice (which probably works) and end up buying the new one. They always ask you:" What's the easiest way for me to make some cash right now?"

It's NOT easy to make money online, buddy.

So DON'T chase every new opportunity comes out that looks like it'll make you money.

If you have ever read Stephen Covey's The 7 habits of Highly Effective People, you will know that one of the most essential habits is begin with the end in mind.

For your online business, it means to have a detailed plan and a clear vision in your mind.

Just think about what you would like to achieve for your Internet business in the near next 2 years.

30 mini sites that earns you a monthly $200 each? That's good. 10 membership sites with a solid recurring monthly income of $9000? That's even great. What about building your credibility and having a high response list of 20,000 subscribers that earns you $18,000 every month? That's fabulous!

But not to have a bunch of digital trash in your hard drive. Not ever!

You should just have your vision like this. Having a vision or not distinct opportunity seekers from real Internet entrepreneurs. When you have a clear vision of what you want your business to become, you will be more focused to your business that makes success possible.

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Stick to Your Calories Loss Diet with these Simple Secrets

By Rowena French

Even with the best of intentions, most people who start a calories loss diet generally give it up during its early stages. They do this because they are unaware of a number of very common pitfalls that stop them from succeeding in their quest to lose weight and get healthy. Learning to spot these early so that you can avoid them or work around them is a way to make sure that you stay on your diet and reach your weight loss goals.

Massive changes to your diet often happen on less than reliable diets. A diet that includes only one kind of food like fruit or rules out for example all carbohydrates is likely to be very demanding, uninteresting and not easy to stick for very long. The best way for your body to benefit from a change in your diet is when this happens gradually, over time. So avoid rash changes to your diet and 'trick' your body into thinking that its business as usual. In this way you will not experience the hunger pangs that drive people back to their original unhealthy eating and as a result, cause little or no weight loss.

Seeking unattainable goals in your enthusiasm to succeed at the beginning of a calories loss diet is not uncommon. Many of us set goals that are achieved during the 'honeymoon' period of a diet within the first week or so, but because our weight loss then is largely water loss these can not continue to be achieved. Rapid weight loss at the outset of a diet is encouraging but you should not expect this on an extended basis. Weight loss professionals nominate one or two pounds weekly as a realistic and healthy weight loss so a weight loss goal of more than two pounds each week is unachievable. Make sure that you set realistic goals so that you can avoid the disappointment that always goes with aiming too high.

Using food as a reward is a real pitfall to be avoided because one of the most common ways that we all reward ourselves is food. How many times have you told yourself 'I stuck to my calories loss diet all week so one cheeseburger will not hurt me'? Well that cheeseburger will hurt you. In the long run, it will be just more calories that you need to burn off. Instead of rewarding yourself with food for a job well done, take the same amount of money that you would have spent on a food treat and spend it on a new blouse, a new lipstick, a book, a new CD, or something else that will motivate you to keep going on your weight loss journey.

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Alcohol and Muscle Building, Don't Mix Them Please

By Ricardo d Argence

There are people who wonder if alcohol affects muscle building. The studies and research shows that if you drink alcohol, your workout will not be as effective, as well as that you will deplete your body of important vitamins.

Protein is a key ingredient in muscle building and as such should not be interfered with. Unfortunately, alcohol impairs protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the process by which amino acids are joined together to create complete proteins, alcohol consumption has been shown to slow this process by 20%.

The level of testosterone in the body is another factor in muscle building. If you are a woman and you are looking to build muscle mass, you will notice that woman develop lees muscle mass than men. Because of the low levels of testosterone, woman have 15 to 20 times less than men do. What does that have to do with alcohol? Alcohol not only decreases testosterone, it also increases estrogen.

Consuming alcohol causes the kidneys to use large amounts of water in able to process the toxin. Yes, the body recognizes alcohol as a toxin. Do not let this happen you will quickly become dehydrated.

Nerves control muscles and nerves produce the stimuli to contract muscles from electrolyte minerals dissolved in water. Further more water lubricates the joints and protects them from injury during workouts.

Drinking alcohol robs your body of key vitamins. Alcohol depletes Vitamins B, C and A; in addition to calcium and phosphorous. If you consider the most important vitamins to develop healthy muscles are B and C, that is just one more reason that drinking alcohol while building muscle is such a big deal.

In order to build muscle, you must breakdown fat deposits while increasing muscle mass. Alcohol works against this effort. Alcohol works against this effort. Alcohol contains empty calories, that is a calorie with no nutritional benefit. It also has twice as many calories as carbohydrates and protein.

While we are on this subject, it should be noted that calories consumed while drinking are the first ones to be burned. Alcohol calories are burned first, then fat stores are a energy backup. You will find that there are things that don't work and do work when exercising. You need to know which exercises will help you meet your goals and what will work against you.

We have examined most of the major points on alcohol and bodybuilding, however, you have to consider the other affects of alcohol on the body. Prolonged use can lead to liver damage, diabetes and a host of other medically related problems. It will be increasingly difficult to build muscle if you suffer any one of these. At the end of the day, is it really worth the cost?

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An Introduction To Saunas

By Bob Hobson

The Use and History of the Sauna

It is unknown exactly when the first sauna was built, but it can safely be said that saunas of one sort or another were in use by nomadic tribes in what is now Finland more than 1000 years ago. The original saunas were a tent in which a fire would be lit - after the fire went out, people would enter, similar to the sweat lodge of Native Americans.

From these beginnings, the smoke sauna evolved. These were small buildings with a fireplace. Smoke could exit through a small hole made in the roof but again, the fire had to die out before people could enter. These saunas were in use until the 1920s, when the modern style of sauna familiar to us came into use. Smoke saunas have seen a small revival in their country of origin, with many Finns considering these to provide the best sauna experience possible.

By the 1930s, a new type of sauna stove was introduced. This sauna stove allowed the rocks to be heated without being placed directly over the flames of the fire. This meant that the fire could burn while the sauna was being used. The earliest stoves of this type used wood as a fuel but later models used electricity.

Different Types of Saunas

Saunas can be built in many shapes and styles. They can be separate buildings or they can be installed in a house or apartment. Traditional saunas are wooden structures and are as beautiful as they are functional.

The popularity of saunas all over the world has brought about a lot of new designs, including the innovative portable sauna. These are collapsible saunas which can be easily transported and used nearly anywhere. These saunas are big enough for one person to use - your head and hands are outside of the sauna, so you can read or do other things while in the sauna.

The barrel sauna is another style. These saunas are small cabins which are built much like a barrel (i.e staves and hoops) and can seat as many as eight people. A barrel sauna can be built either inside or outside and can use either an electrical heater or a wood burning stove.

The 1960's saw the first infrared sauna with an infrared heater as its source of heat. Infrared heaters work by heating objects and people but not the air, unlike traditional sauna heaters. Infrared saunas use an infrared light and those who use it agree to the superior benefits of health compared with traditional saunas.

Sauna Construction Details

Wood is the main component of nearly every type of sauna. Cedar or hemlocks are some of the types of wood used for the floors, benches, walls and ceilings of a sauna. The stove and the rocks it heats are the only non-wood materials.

Saunas provide dry heat at a temperature between 70 and 100 Celsius. Water can be thrown on the rocks to raise the temperature as desired and to generate steam.

A sauna can use either electric heat or a wood burning stove. While wood stoves are usual in rural settings, urban sauna owners generally opt for electric heat.

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Getting more Alkaline into Your Diet and the PH Miracle Aging

By Gift Mabuza

Vegetables and fruits are the easiest ways to get more alkaline into your diet. Vegetables that are alkalizing are: alfalfa, barley grass, beets, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chard greens, collard greens, cucumber, dandelions, eggplant, garlic, green beans, green peas, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, nightshade veggies, onions, parsnips, peas, peppers, pumpkin, radishes, rutabaga, sea veggies, spinach, sprouts, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watercress, wheat grass, and wild greens.

Food is nothing without the spices, herbs and sweeteners that give it that extra bit of character. You can add these alkalizing additions to your culinary efforts to bring your PH levels into balance. Alkalizing condiments are: cinnamon, curry, ginger, mustard, chili pepper, sea salt, stevia, miso, tamari, and all herbs.

Knowing which foods and supplements that add alkaline to your pH levels is just the beginning. Implementing them is the next step which takes planning and commitment. After adding these healing foods to your diet you can test your body's pH levels with saliva strip test available at most health food stores. Keeping your pH level between 7 and 8 is the target for good health.

Aging and the pH miracle diet

We burn nutrients within our cells to get energy, maintain our body temperatures and get our bodies to function correctly. No matter what type of food you eat, vegetable or meat, acid or alkaline, gourmet food or junk food, they are composed of the same elements: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.

However, the modern way of living has resulted in our bodies not being able to rid themselves of the acids correctly. Lack of sleep, lack of exercise, overwork, stress, smoking, pollution and high acid diets (heavy in meat and dairy products) all prevent our bodies from properly expelling these acids. There is too much acidic production from these lifestyle and diet factors, and the body simply cannot get rid of it.

In order to stop aging and reverse the affects of acidic damage on the cells, you must start alkalizing your diet according to the principles set out in the pH miracle diet. You must help you body develop a better system to rid itself of the acid wastes. Then you must facilitate it in pulling old wastes out of your body.

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Acai Berry Antioxidant Supplement

By Pam Holder

There are very few foods in the world that can claim to be superfoods. Superfoods must have many more benefits besides just providing enough calories and some nutrition. However, there are some foods that are able to be elevated to superfood status because of the incredible benefits they can deliver.

Acai berry is one of these foods. With its ability to do everything from increase weight loss to fighting off disease, acai berry can provide you with better health without any effort.

What makes Pure Acai Berry such an incredible food is the fact that its nutritional content is as close to perfect as possible. First of all, it is absolutely filled with antioxidants. Click here to find more information about Acai Berry Antioxidant Supplement.

As you probably know, antioxidants are necessary for slowing down the effects of aging and for fighting disease. The berry also has monounsaturated fats, which are the healthy type also found in olive oil.

Fiber and phytosterols are also part of the package, as is a well balanced amino acid complex. In all, this food is a very complete way of getting energy, nutrition, and antioxidants all in one package.

Because of its extremely complete nutritional content, the acai berry has the potential to provide tons of benefits for your body. Among the most popular reasons for people to use the product are to increase energy, maintain better health, and to lose weight.

You can expect to have more energy when you use the acai berry because of its combination of carbohydrates and fats and its high concentration of antioxidants. All of these things combined make it a very good source of energy and a great way to increase your stamina during the day. Because you are likely to feel and be healthier while taking it, this will also increase your energy.

The antioxidant levels of this berry are more than five times as high as in blueberries and other such foods. This makes them very powerful in terms of fighting aging and bodily damage. Many people rely on this berry to fight off the free radicals that can be implicated in everything from cancer to wrinkles.

Antioxidants have the amazing power to neutralize free radicals, which can help you feel younger and healthier than ever before. By using foods with high levels of antioxidants, you can experience great health and fend off the damaging effects of pollution, UV light, aging and more.

Pure Acai Berry can also help you with your weight loss goals as it has the ability to help your body burn fat more efficiently and to increase your metabolism. In addition, because it can help your body work more efficiently in general, you can expect losing weight to be easier.

For instance, the ability of the berry to increase your stamina will make it easier for you to exercise, and the berries perfect amino acid complex will allow your muscles to function properly during exercise. The berry even provides digestive support so that you can use your food more efficiently.

The benefits of the acai berry are hard to beat and it is a great addition to any diet. Since it is not a local crop, the best way to get the benefits of this berry is in the supplement form offered by Pure Acai Berry.

Since this is the most concentrated and purest way of getting the incredible benefits of this berry, you will be able to reap the benefits of this berry much sooner. Begin now and you can even get a Free Trial of Pure Acai Berry to see the benefits for yourself! Click on Acai Berry Antioxidant Supplement to find out more.

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A Better Real Estate Deal In Winnipeg Than In Toronto!

By Dane Masters

About three years ago, my family and I decided to take advantage of Toronto's real estate upswing. We opted to sell our townhome while prices were skyrocketing ending up with a very decent profit. In fact, our profit was so good that it allowed us to pay cash for a large, four-bedroom character home in Winnipeg. Yes, we had decided to relocate to another city, leaving our friends and family behind, setting out for a new life for our family. And the best part? We were mortgage-free!

Our big house is absolutely sprawling and the property boasts a double lot. If our home was located anywhere within the Toronto real estate market, there's no way it would sell for less than $300,000. Fully renovated and depending on the exact location, the selling price could even be close to $500,000. So, how did we manage to land this real estate deal and claim our mortgage-free status? The real estate market in Winnipeg is one of the city's best kept secrets. We've experienced a 20% increase in our market in the past three years. However, when we bought our home, we paid a measly $65,000 for a three story home in good condition. There are some cosmetic things that needed (and still need) to be done. My husband plans to install brand new hardwood flooring throughout the main living area. But these are minor concerns when considering what a home of this size and character would go for in the Toronto real estate market.

If one should peruse the listings of houses in Toronto, one would get a shock to discover that the prices of independent homes in the city are out of reach of the common man. They can only settle for condominiums or town homes. A big house sells for nothing less than $250,000. The condition of the house does not matter--the price is fixed. So most people cannot afford to buy houses in Toronto. They cannot opt for good neighborhoods or places with plenty of amenities or good conditions.

Imagine the thrill of living in a place where commuting to and from office is peaceful. No gridlocks to battle through, no evidence of road rage. Anyone who wants to live here can afford a house since it is only $100,000. There are umpteen houses to choose from, in a variety of neighborhoods. If you wish to put up new windows and high efficiency furnaces along with your fixer-upper, Manitoba Hydro offers loans at low interest rates. So there is no need to worry. The town homes and condominiums up for sale demand a maintenance fee; but this is only a fraction of what one would have to pay in Toronto.

Thus, all types of people can adjust to Winnipeg, for the real estate prices are within affordable range unlike the city of Toronto.

What is the best thing about Winnipeg is that life moves at a slower pace over here. Every one has time for each other. The children are happy with the wide open spaces. We keep in touch with family and friends, though we are far away. The silver lining on the cloud is that we took the right decision three years ago when we decided to move out here!

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5 Reasons Why You Are Skinny And Not Muscular

By Caleb Lee

Since back in the day, I no longer have any trouble with regard to my external appearance. For the reason that I'm already into martial arts ever since I was 5 years old. And when I was 12, I already get down to hard-core strength and conditioning routines.

But then again, I meet folks who don't look the way they want, and whenever they bare their soul, it's like hearing the same thing again and again. That's why I am writing this post, if you are:

* A lean guy who has trouble building muscle mass...

* Obese and sense that you can't count the calories

* "skinny fat" where you have no brawniness, but you're just thin...

Therefore, I can verify that you are this way because of one of these 5 things:

First Reason: You Lack Specialized Knowledge

* You don't have any idea on how to build up strength.

* You don't have any idea on how to lose weight.

* You have no idea how to eat healthy

* You don't know how to cook, as a result, you barely eat fast food as well as food in a packaged form.

* You don't know which training program is best.

Knowledge is always the first step. The first thing you need to realize is how your body works, how proper nutrition and exercise changes the animal - then you discover how to make it do what you want it to do. In your case: change your physique for the better-build muscle and lose fat.

That's why you're here. I will give you the knowledge you need. But it's up to you to apply it. Knowledge is NOT power, only APPLIED knowledge is power.

Reason #2: You Are Lazy

* You know how to build muscle but you don't want to put in the work.

* You know how to build strength, but you think it's "too much work".

* You make alibis like "I don't have the time!" though you know how to burn fat.

* You know how to eat healthy, but it's easier to eat snack food and microwave box food

I'm a big fan of being what I call ambitiously lazy. That is, I find the very best ways (specialized knowledge) to get the maximum results I want in the minimum time. So I get in, get it done, and get out. You have to EARN the right to be lazy.

You can read every book on the planet about building muscle and losing fat, but if you never start exercising and eating nutritious then you'll never get ANY results. You have to go for it. Don't be afraid of failure, the most successful people realize that their entire life is one big mistake!

Reason #3: You Accept Yourself As "Skinny" or "Fat" or "Not Muscular"

* You think of yourself as "skinny, fat or not muscular" instead of as what you want to be

* It doesn't bother you a lot that you're this way at all

* If you truly cared enough, if it worried you enough, you'd change

* You're HAPPY with the way you look

Being weighty and unfit in this day and age is considered usual. It wasn't always like this. We used to be hunters and if you weren't in shape-you were dead-end of story. During the industrial age each and everyone survived on hard physical labor, everybody was in shape and on top form.

You were considered "sickly" if you were skinny and not muscular or ridiculed for being fat. You shouldn't feel bad about yourself but don't just say "this is just the way I am". You can become whatever you want to become and achieve things you never thought you could achieve if you're sick and tired of your current situation and want to change bad enough.

Reason No. 4: You Consider Gaining Muscle and Burning Fat is tough

* You accept terms like "hardgainer" and relate them to you

* You don't get results in 2 weeks, so you quit

* You leaf through books and magazines that point out "battling the bulge" like it's hard

Building muscle isn't all that tough. If you've always been thin, try to get strong. Your body SHOULD adapt by building muscle to help you get stronger. It's the way your body works.

Losing fat isn't hard either. You eat clean and you stay active. Anyone who says they can't find 12 minutes a day 3x per week to lose fat is lying to themselves.

Fifth Reason: You Are Not Persevering Enough

* You haven't said "hell or high water"

* You haven't advised yourself "failure is not an option"

* You haven't decided yet that "this is the year I get this sh*t handled!"

To tell the truth, you can build muscle, burn fat, and reshape your body using practically ANY training routine and dietary program. That's the reason why there's so many of them out there. The key to success (ANY success) amounts to 2 things:

1. Come to a decision that you're going to make a start and

1. Do it ANYWAY

I used to train with methods I wouldn't use now. They're not "proper" but it WORKED because I refused to take failure as an option. If you too develop the "do or die" attitude, you can achieve anything.

I will give you the understanding - or you can see it wherever. I like to think that I know the most immediate, coolest, very competent methods to make it - though you can acquire the knowledge you need from anybody. Besides you don't need to be all that "positive" in your thoughts. Just come to a decision to go for it as well as look for means to get it through.

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Diet and Fitness Plan Elliptical Loss Weight

By Louis Soul

With diet and fitness, even on television exercise machines, weight loss products, and other paraphernalia to improve fitness have more or less gained control over the airwaves and made their way into the households. But exercise is not the only way to build that body beautiful. It also entails certain amount of responsibility on the foods one chooses to eat. Being healthy and fit requires one to observe diet fitness.

First thing to know would be the fundamental differences between these two diet approaches. As the name implies, high curb diets concentrates on taking in carbohydrate-rich foods while high fat diets endorses fat-rich foods. High curb diets are utilized to glycogen stored in the liver and muscles. Glycogen is a glucose complex that provides large amounts of energy ready for use in anaerobic exercises.

Diet programs all over can help you shed off excess pounds, but only one diet can help you stay sexy, and it is the one that satisfies you most. Other important aspects of having a fit diet are moderation, balance and variation. One must be careful not to leave out important nutrients and other substances necessary for healthy body functioning. health organizations are clear about the amounts of nutrients an individual should have in the body.

The Health Pointers for the Fitness Babes

Exercise is an essential in life. Most people will certainly nod their heads to this. Exercise is not only perfect for losing weight, it is also good for keeping a reasonable body weight, for giving a boost on the metabolic rate and also for burning those unwanted excess calories. Exercise also revs up the heart and the lungs' machinery making them more efficient in doing their natural functions.

It is best to focus on doing what one knows she can do than to reproach herself for having not done enough. She can start from this point and then progress on afterwards. This should make her feel successful for having kept her commitment to herself.

Have some sort of fitness social support. Being in a fitness community maybe the important element lacking in your training program. A social support can do amazing wonders and therefore should not be underestimated. It would be helpful to work out in a gym once in while if one customarily does her work outs at home. One can also try classes in activities that have always been interesting such as yoga, pilates or sailing perhaps. One can also join clubs such as a walking club or a running club for instance.

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Laser Skin Treatment Removes Acne Scars

By Amy Nutt

Acne can be devastating at any age, but far worse than the condition itself is the scarring left behind. While the pimples and infections will eventually go away and can be treated, many teens are left with the reminders on their faces in the form of unpleasant scars. Fortunately, they don't have to live with them forever.

With laser skin treatment, acne scars are treatable. This process is also referred to as laser skin resurfacing and it can make all the difference in a person suffering from acne or another skin issue.

How It Works
The advancements in laser technology have made it possible to use this treatment to resurface the skin and not only remove acne scars, but also to treat the active cases. After a laser skin treatment, acne is greatly reduced and may even be eliminated after several procedures.

When the laser is focused on areas of the skin, it burns away the top layer and penetrates the skin to stimulate cell growth. This has the effect of producing an entirely new layer of skin, fresh and unscathed. Since this is a rather delicate procedure, it's important that only a trained professional perform it.

What to Expect
This technique works very well on fair skinned people, but requires a little more finesse on those with darker skin, since the laser could cause loss of pigmentation or color. It can be used on a variety of scars caused by pimples and infections. These might include irregular skin, pitting or even raised areas of scar tissue, depending on how the infection was treated.

Before treatment, you'll be briefed on what is going to happen. Your eyes will need to be protected, so the spa professional will cover them. This just ensures that there will be no accidental exposure, though the laser will not be used near your eyes.

The procedure can be slightly painful, so often a topical anesthetic is applied to help with that. Any discomfort after the treatment can be relieved with Tylenol. Depending on the type of laser used, you may have some recovery time and require multiple sessions. The least invasive laser treatment, Fraxel, is virtually painless, non-invasive and requires several treatments in order to achieve good results. For this reason, some people prefer the stronger CO2 laser.

Resurfacing the entire face can take up to 2 hours, but most people only need a partial treatment for specific areas which takes far less time. If you opt for the strongest and most invasive treatments, you could end up with a few weeks of recovery ahead of you. However, at the end of it, you'll have smooth, much improved skin.

Not Just For Acne
While laser treatment is a great way to help acne and remove the scars, there are plenty of other uses. It's been a common way to get rid of fine wrinkles and liver spots in celebrities for several years and now the public has access to this, as well. As an anti-aging treatment, lasers are quite successful. They can also be used to reduce or even remove (with multiple treatments) hair in areas where it is unwanted.

Laser skin treatment can be found at spas that offer more technologically advanced techniques. It's a procedure that should only be done by professionals who have the experience with the equipment, since misuse could cause problems like burns and loss of pigmentation. A properly equipped spa will be able to treat acne and other skin problems without issue, though.

As this Pickering acne treatment becomes more common, you'll find that more and more spas offer this option. The popularity also brings the price down, making this a procedure that nearly anyone can afford.

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Pet Insurance Consumer Reviews and Guidelines

By Maxwell Smithson

Pet insurance covers all kinds of emergencies, injuries and illnesses, as well as visits to the vet's surgery, prescription fees, tests to diagnose ailments and x-rays, etc. Pet insurance policies can be bought for limited period cover a little like travel insurance that their owners would take out. If you purchase your pet from an early age then you would be wise to insure them as soon as possible as the chance of an insurance company providing a policy as the pet reaches middle age is remote.

Insurance schemes specializing in providing health care for pets started in the late eighties in line with the rise in pet ownership. As pet insurance has become more popular, there is every chance that your veterinary surgery will be familiar with and accept the various pet insurance programs currently available. Pet insurance now comes in a variety of guises to cater for nearly all eventualities including schemes to cover if your pet is the cause of an accident damages another person's property or injures someone to name just a few situations.

Such is the popularity of pet insurance nowadays that just about every eventuality can be covered by your insurance company with comprehensive policies that will pay all medical expenses plus damage caused by your pet and even injury to other animals and people. There are many companies that offer pet health insurance, and you should ask your Veterinarian what companies he or she recommends. Almost all pet care insurance provides, at the very least, health cover that includes cuts, illnesses, accidents, abrasions and also dental expenses.

Once a claim has been submitted to the pet insurance company, they communicate and pay the vet directly. More importantly with the rising costs of pet healthcare generally and with the lengths that many of us would go to for our pets, pet insurance has become very popular option with pet owners. Not purchasing pet insurance may seem like an easy way to cut down costs but just one visit to the vets for something fairly serious makes the small expense per month seem like a good idea.

In an effort to reduce the number of small claims, the pet insurance companies, in line with other insurance institutions, ensure that an excess is added to the policy which if increased can reduce the monthly premium considerably. The top pet insurance schemes ensure that treatment costs are covered, up to a set limit per year, for as long as the pet requires treatment at the vets. Although financial research carried out into the subject has shown that pet insurance can be a minefield for owners and its complexity is deterring some people from taking out cover.

One thing to consider is that the insurance costs will depend on what pet you have, its age, health and breed because this is a complicated area, much more so that arranging a policy for the health of a person. To counteract the probable health costs later in your pet's life, starting a pet insurance plan as early as possible is usually the best way to avoid financial problems as they become older.

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Selecting a Metal Detector Tips

By Ann Triune

A metal detector is a useful device that can detect metal using electromagnetic induction. Besides being used in airports and malls, they can also be found in excavations, mining, and archaeology sites. For a long time, too, metal detectors have been used by prospectors and treasure hunters. If you are one of the people who make use of a metal detector, then you should know that choosing the right device will greatly aid you in your job or hobby. The following are selecting a metal detector tips.

To get the best of your money, consider these questions before you make your purchase:


Metal detectors can be very expensive. They run for as low as $50 to more than $400, depending on its features. The more advanced models are usually the ones that cost more, so it is important to know what features you need and do not need. Besides, buying a metal detector with too many features that you will not use can be too overwhelming.

Place of Use

Metal detectors are built differently-for different locations or uses. If you plan to use your metal detector on the beach, make sure it is waterproof or submersible. If you take it to rough terrains, it has to be well-equipped for the environment.

Length of Use

The operating time of metal detectors vary based on the battery life. Some can work for as long as 24 hours, while others do not last as long. Most models need rechargeable or replaceable batteries, while some have charging kits.


Choose a metal detector the same way you would choose all your other belongings-make sure it is durable, made of strong materials, and will survive your normal usage. This way, you can save money and be contented with your choice.


Metal detectors that can be upgraded or allow other devices to added or attached to them are better choices than ones that do not allow improvement.


The job of a metal detector is to find what you normally cannot. Its metal-searching scope will dig deeper than you, so it has to be precise and have accurate detection. Test the metal detector before you buy it. If it cannot detect small pieces of metal or jewelry nearby, then do not get it, even if it is cheap.

The Right Choice

Always get advice or a second opinion, preferably from an expert on metal detectors. Make sure the information and metal detector tips you get are helpful and updated so you will not have to regret choosing a wrong model or buying the more expensive one.

Metal detectors cost a lot of money, so make sure that you buy one that is worth the amount you spend and will do the job well for you. Ask for metal detector tips from your family and friends, and especially from experts so will make a purchase that you are contented with.

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