Thursday, November 27, 2008

3 Simple Strategies to Quit Smoking

By John K Lam

You can see smokers everywhere you go. Since there are so many people smoking in this world, it is no surprise that you can see one or two people puffing happily at every corner. However, smoking is really harmful to the smokers and the people around them including children and adults.

Smoking is a habit that is very hard to get rid of - mostly because it is easy to get back to. It does not matter that you managed to abstain from smoking for six long months - and you think you are over it. If you give in to the impulse when a friend offers you a puff, you are hooked right back. It just takes one cigarette to have you back in the habit.

However with these 3 simple ways, anyone can quit smoking successfully:

The Right Reason for Stop Smoking

First, you must have a desire to quit smoking. People always saying "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink." If you have no intention to quit and enjoy smoking, nothing in this world can make you quit. So in order to success in any smoking cessation programme, the desire to quit is very important. Moreover, you need to have a right reason to stop smoking. Quitting for the wrong reason can bring disaster to you. So be careful when choosing the right reason to stop smoking.

Know the Enemy

You need to be aware that your greatest enemy is nicotine. More than 4,000 chemicals are produced when a cigarette is lit, but it is nicotine which provides the 'high' for smokers and it is highly addictive!

Choose the Right Weapon

To help smokers to stop smoking easily, I will recommended a powerful weapon which called stop smoking herbs. Moreover, it can help to get rid of the smoking habit. More and more people start using this method to quit smoking. They are really effective in quit smoking however you must ready to do so. Most smokers manage to quit smoking in less than 30 days by using stop smoking herbs.

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