Sunday, November 30, 2008

5 Reasons Why You Are Skinny And Not Muscular

By Caleb Lee

Since back in the day, I no longer have any trouble with regard to my external appearance. For the reason that I'm already into martial arts ever since I was 5 years old. And when I was 12, I already get down to hard-core strength and conditioning routines.

But then again, I meet folks who don't look the way they want, and whenever they bare their soul, it's like hearing the same thing again and again. That's why I am writing this post, if you are:

* A lean guy who has trouble building muscle mass...

* Obese and sense that you can't count the calories

* "skinny fat" where you have no brawniness, but you're just thin...

Therefore, I can verify that you are this way because of one of these 5 things:

First Reason: You Lack Specialized Knowledge

* You don't have any idea on how to build up strength.

* You don't have any idea on how to lose weight.

* You have no idea how to eat healthy

* You don't know how to cook, as a result, you barely eat fast food as well as food in a packaged form.

* You don't know which training program is best.

Knowledge is always the first step. The first thing you need to realize is how your body works, how proper nutrition and exercise changes the animal - then you discover how to make it do what you want it to do. In your case: change your physique for the better-build muscle and lose fat.

That's why you're here. I will give you the knowledge you need. But it's up to you to apply it. Knowledge is NOT power, only APPLIED knowledge is power.

Reason #2: You Are Lazy

* You know how to build muscle but you don't want to put in the work.

* You know how to build strength, but you think it's "too much work".

* You make alibis like "I don't have the time!" though you know how to burn fat.

* You know how to eat healthy, but it's easier to eat snack food and microwave box food

I'm a big fan of being what I call ambitiously lazy. That is, I find the very best ways (specialized knowledge) to get the maximum results I want in the minimum time. So I get in, get it done, and get out. You have to EARN the right to be lazy.

You can read every book on the planet about building muscle and losing fat, but if you never start exercising and eating nutritious then you'll never get ANY results. You have to go for it. Don't be afraid of failure, the most successful people realize that their entire life is one big mistake!

Reason #3: You Accept Yourself As "Skinny" or "Fat" or "Not Muscular"

* You think of yourself as "skinny, fat or not muscular" instead of as what you want to be

* It doesn't bother you a lot that you're this way at all

* If you truly cared enough, if it worried you enough, you'd change

* You're HAPPY with the way you look

Being weighty and unfit in this day and age is considered usual. It wasn't always like this. We used to be hunters and if you weren't in shape-you were dead-end of story. During the industrial age each and everyone survived on hard physical labor, everybody was in shape and on top form.

You were considered "sickly" if you were skinny and not muscular or ridiculed for being fat. You shouldn't feel bad about yourself but don't just say "this is just the way I am". You can become whatever you want to become and achieve things you never thought you could achieve if you're sick and tired of your current situation and want to change bad enough.

Reason No. 4: You Consider Gaining Muscle and Burning Fat is tough

* You accept terms like "hardgainer" and relate them to you

* You don't get results in 2 weeks, so you quit

* You leaf through books and magazines that point out "battling the bulge" like it's hard

Building muscle isn't all that tough. If you've always been thin, try to get strong. Your body SHOULD adapt by building muscle to help you get stronger. It's the way your body works.

Losing fat isn't hard either. You eat clean and you stay active. Anyone who says they can't find 12 minutes a day 3x per week to lose fat is lying to themselves.

Fifth Reason: You Are Not Persevering Enough

* You haven't said "hell or high water"

* You haven't advised yourself "failure is not an option"

* You haven't decided yet that "this is the year I get this sh*t handled!"

To tell the truth, you can build muscle, burn fat, and reshape your body using practically ANY training routine and dietary program. That's the reason why there's so many of them out there. The key to success (ANY success) amounts to 2 things:

1. Come to a decision that you're going to make a start and

1. Do it ANYWAY

I used to train with methods I wouldn't use now. They're not "proper" but it WORKED because I refused to take failure as an option. If you too develop the "do or die" attitude, you can achieve anything.

I will give you the understanding - or you can see it wherever. I like to think that I know the most immediate, coolest, very competent methods to make it - though you can acquire the knowledge you need from anybody. Besides you don't need to be all that "positive" in your thoughts. Just come to a decision to go for it as well as look for means to get it through.

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