Thursday, November 27, 2008

Chantix, is it really a magic pill?

By Chris James

When all other devices have failed, it has been found by some people that Chantix is the one that finally did help them to quit. Chantix is different than most stop smoking aids. It works as a nicotine blocker, which in turn blocks the absorption of nicotine to the receptors in the brain. This, over time, lessens the desire to smoke as there is less receptors available for the nicotine to attach itself to. Which, of course, makes you want that cigarette less and less.

A lot of folks have quit relatively easy using this method. And on top of that, there has been amazingly few withdrawal symptoms. Surprisingly, even two pack a day smokers are at times successful. But the first thing is to check and see whether your insurance company will cover it as Chantix is only available by prescription and many companies are reluctant to cover stop smoking products in general. If it is indeed covered, expect at least some level of pharmacy co-pay.

Since Chantix contains no nicotine, it is not necessary to quit smoking when you begin the medication. You will receive a starter pack that gradually builds up the medication in your system over the next two weeks.

Whether you pick a quit day two weeks or three weeks out in order to allow the medication to build up even further is unimportant. The important thing is that you do pick a quit day and stick to it.

There can be side effects to using Chantix. These differ depending on the person using it, but can be as varied as excessive gas, headaches, nausea or as some people have described them, extremely vivid dreams.

The support with Chantix is also quite good with a free online system that begins even before you start to take your medication. This includes daily e-mails updates and stop smoking projects designed to help keep your efforts going in the right direction.

Although Chantix works very well, it may not be the medication for everyone. It appears to more effective for smokers who are addicted physically to nicotine and not so much psychologically addicted. Therefore if your addiction is more mental than physical, then your doctor may prescribe something different to better suit your needs.

Whatever you do, do not think that Chantix, or any other stop smoking aid for that matter, is the magic pill that is going to make you quit. Only medications used with a strond desire to quit have a chance of being successful. The medications, Chantix included, are only there to give us an edge in quitting, not do it for us.

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