Saturday, November 29, 2008

Having Problem With Dog Training?

By Don Pedro

There are several kinds of methods available to train your dog. You can choose from any of them. So it is not that hard to find a proper training manual but then it's up to you to make sire that your dog has been trained in the right way.

Always be friendly with it and try to follow a particular method to train your dog. There are many owners who go for paper towels or tissues. Instead of that you can use a litter box to train your dog.

Training your dog properly also requires a healthy environment. It is always an extra advantage because at that case your dog will be able to give more concentration on what you are trying to say and will be able to follow the directions.

A proper communication between you and your dog is also necessary. If you train it for doing a particular thing then don't discourage or yell at it for doing the same thing later because it will only confuse him. Also you need to be extra careful about what you are doing in front of it.

You will find gadgets that mention the size of the collar assuming the size of your dog. But when it comes to a dog with a huge size then it can be a total disaster. The collar can be a miss fit for your dog and that will make its life difficult. So make sure that the collar you are using is suitable for your dog.

If your dog is barking all the time then you need to train it as well. Using a crate punishment can be an option for this. Some owners use electric collars to train their dogs.

Always keep a friendly relationship with your dog. It will make your job lot easier and at the end of the day you can have a real good friend who will accompany you all the time.

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