Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Brain Fitness Software - The Gift They'll Always Remember

By Martin G. Walker

It's gift-giving season again, and the challenge of coming up with novel gift ideas is beginning to loom. That's where brain training software comes in. Brain training is still new enough to ensure that you'll be buying a gift not a re-gift. And for the loved one in your life who can be a particular challenge to buy for, brain training software may be just the answer.

Do you know someone who loves puzzles, craves mental stimulation, and likes a challenge? Good brain training software not only meets these requirements but can also improve a person's ability to solve those puzzles and meet those mental challenges, making it doubly rewarding.

And if you know someone who doesn't get to the mental gym much any more, but has begun to rue the resulting mental flab, brain training software could be just the answer. Just as we may roll our eyes when our nearest and dearest buys us a pair of running shoes (when we haven't broken a sweat in years), we'll be secretly pleased that you care enough to invest in our mental well being.

With brain training programs popping up in gyms, senior housing and schools, it's clear that we're at the start of a trend that will continue to grow. Scientific evidence has proven conclusively that the brain can grow new brain cells and change the way its wired throughout our lives. Not even our core intelligence is thought to be a static quantity any more. The opportunities for the individual (and for the gift giver!) are unlimited.

But before you scurry off to put a few copies in your shopping cart, we must address the thornier question of which brain training program to buy. As with so many things in this world, choosing the right brain fitness software isn't so easy.

Since the brain training field is relatively new, there hasn't yet been a shakeout in the market. Far from it. This year software vendors have been releasing new brain training products thick and fast hoping for a piece of the growing pie. For consumers this results in a minefield - high-priced products, affordable products, science-based training, pseudoscientific games. It's all out there.

Here are a few things to look out for when researching products:

1. Is the training derived from a specific scientific program or research study, and what did that study show? (If this isn't clearly stated, beware.)

2. Does the training meets the baseline goals for plastic change in the brain - that it demands focus and attention with a rewarding exercise, and that it progressively trains core brain functions (such as working-memory, processing speed and left / right brain interaction)? As with anything worth the effort, if it's not challenging, it won't work.

3. What does the vendor say about the degree and duration of the training? The vendor should say just how much training is needed to reach a specific goal. If this isn't stated, it's uncertain that the science is truly sound.

Buying the right brain training product isn't as straightforward as buying the most expensive. In this new market, price doesn't determine quality. In these turbulent economic times this gives us an opportunity to find a product that is not only effective but affordable.

But one things is certain, a little digging will produce a unique and uniquely satisfying gift for someone on your list this holiday season.

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