Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Finest Acne Cures

By Jeff T. Roshwood

Trying to navigate your way through the vast abundance of acne treatments in any drugstore can at best, be a bewildering experience. If you are suffering from acne, the last thing you need is to be presented with row upon row of various treatments, especially when you have no real inclination of which product to try.

Of course you'll always see row upon row of the latest miracle creams or magic wonder pills, all claiming to be clinically proven. On the other hand, you'll see just as many treatments that have been on the market for years, a fact which in itself could suggest they do work. After all, if they did not, how could they still be around and why would people still be buying them?

Like anything else, common sense about how to treat acne is always a good way to go. Let's face it, many times we run to the drug store when we get some medical ailment because we are conditioned to do so.

Unfortunately, as I'm sure you will agree, there is every probability that any new cream or lotion you buy, will inevitably end up gathering dust because as with so many other treatments, if no results are seen, you'll simply stop using it. Sadly, every time you do this, you're essentially throwing your money down the drain.

Whether it's you or someone else in the family battling with acne, the best advice anyone could give you, would be for you to see a dermatologist. This way you would have the advantage of actually educating yourself with regards to the problem, which in turn would allow you to better understand your options.

He or she would be thrilled to examine the patient and give you some guidelines before the skin condition gets worse. Like any good doctor, they would rather be called upon to halt the disease in its early stages then later when the problem is severe.

While you are with the doctor, talk about over the counter medications and what is the best choice for the acne sufferer in your life. He or she will be able to guide you to narrow down the choices because you will have more information about the kind of acne your teenager is facing.

Furthermore, rather than any specific brand being effective, it's the active ingredients in those brands which provide the cure, or at least an improvement. With this in mind, discuss the various active ingredients with your dermatologist as this will help you decide on a suitable product when you next visit the drugstore.

Yes of course there are treatments which work, as well as all those which don't, but having said that, it would be unrealistic to expect a single treatment to be a total cure. The fact remains, the most powerful tool in combating acne is good personal hygiene, coupled with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

If the desire to change his or her lifestyle because of the acne results in a healthy way of life over all, the win of beating pimples will just be a small part of the improvements these steps will make in his or her life.

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