Monday, November 24, 2008

Have a New Lifestyle

By Stewart M. Russell

Many new websites are being developed in which lifestyles are discussed. With the changes taking place in the economic condition of the world, people too have to change their lifestyles. And a website like invites articles on this theme.

Among the first ones are blogs dealing with gardening. Having a nice garden and looking after it personally can be a hobby or a lifestyle. You can get adequate exercise through it and you can get fresh flowers, fruits and vegetables in your own garden. The first article deals with transplant seedlings and how to use them to your advantage. The reader is advised to prepare the plot with organic materials so that more plants can be grown fairly close to each other and still be healthy because of the basic material used. Seeds are available in packets which give instructions on how to use them. Winter plants will grow only in winter and summer ones only in summer. Hence it is important to read the information on the packet rather than go blindly.

Seeds are available in the market and you have to read and follow the instructions carefully. No plant will grow if it is scheduled to be grown in winter and you plant it in summer. Those plants which need more water or sunlight will wither if these instructions are not followed properly.

You can collect old cardboard boxes, planks of wood, soil, leaves, old carpets, sand, soil, old newspapers and the like to begin with. These can be collected from nurseries or from the neighborhood. Once all the material is collected, it takes just about a day or two to make a garden.

You need to have old cardboard boxes, plenty of old newspapers, leaves, wooden planks, old furniture, old carpets and the like. These can be collected from a nearby nursery as well. Once all the material is ready it takes just a day or so to grow a garden.

One should first put up a fence with planks and cardboard. Then smoothen the land first by placing the old carpet, cardboard boxes etc. The plot should not be too big. It can be just a meter in width and a bit longer. Old soaked newspapers can then be placed over the ready ground. The newspapers should overlap so that the sunlight need not create unnecessary weeds under the plants. Compost can be bought or made from kitchen waste like vegetable and fruit peels.

The economy is going downhill and it is necessary to economize but you need not do so at the cost of good health. Changing the lifestyle ought to do the trick.

Most of us tend to go to the gym for a workout to stay fit. Membership fees can be high therefore you can save some money if you were to do some workout on your own. Instead of using the elevator you can climb the steps. Everyday jobs like laundry, cooking, cleaning, taking the dog for a walk can be done vigorously so that more energy is used and more sweat is produced without going to the gym and paying money to do exercise. Also walking to the nearby store instead of using the car saves on petrol.

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