Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Preventing A Yeast Infection - Tip For Thousands Of Women

By Jennifer King

Preventing a yeast infection is a problem thousands of women would like the ability to do. And for some women it's a problem that is ruining their life on a regular basis. For a lot women they have similar triggers that start the itching in their vagina, and they immediately know they have another yeast infection. What these women don't understand is that most fungal infections can be avoided especially if they know what is causing them, and they don't think they can do anything about it.

Antibiotics are now the largest cause of fungal infections, and there's one massive reason why too many women need antibiotics, and that is for a UTI. Approximately 10 million women in America will go to see their hea;th practitioner this year with a UTI. That's 10 million UTI sufferers being prescribed antibiotics to treat their infection. Of those 10 million 30 to 40 percent will need another prescription because the first one won't cure their urinary tract infection. Every time another course of antibiotics is taken the likelihood of a reoccurrence of the infection increases, and so does the chances of being infected with the mutated Candida yeast.

Antibiotics kill your colony of friendly bacteria that live in and on your body. With your beneficial bacteria wiped out your body is a host to any type of infection, and the most common infection after a course of antibiotics is a fungal infection. Your friendly bacteria are also needed to keep your immune system running at full strength, and the diminishment of this natural defense structure for your body is another big reason why the harmless Candia yeast turns into an aggressive fungus.

To avoid using antibiotics for a urinary tract infection you can cure your infection with a home remedy. A home cure is not only safer for your health but you'll cure yourself in a much quicker time.

A drug free remedy will work in about 12 hours, and antibiotics will need at least 3 days. If you've used antibiotics regularly in the past then you'll probably need a longer course as the infection causing bacteria in your body slowly build up resistance with every time you take them. That includes the occasions you've taken antibiotics on other infections such as stomach infections. The reason antibiotics need to be taken for a specific length of time is they need to eliminate all of the bacteria in your body. Any E coli that are left after you finish your course of pills will become resistant so if suffer from another infection you'll need a stronger course of treatment.

A home cure for your bladder infection only needs to flush out the bacteria that are infecting your urinary tract. There's no need to kill the bacteria living in your bowel colon as they live there naturally anyway. Because there's no reason to eliminate them you don't need antibiotics.

If you find you suffer from recurrent bladder infections, and then you suffer from a fungal infection after your treatment you now have an alternative way of treating your UTI. Most women haven't caught op to this yet, and know that their next UTI means they need to cure a yeast infection as soon as their UTI is cured.

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