Monday, November 24, 2008

Should I See A Regular Dentist Before Seeing A Cosmetic Dentist

By Amy Nutt

Depending upon how frequently you have visited your regular dentist in the recent past, it may be advisable to pay them a visit concerning any type of work done. There may be certain circumstances that your regular dentist would need to handle prior to having any procedure purely done for cosmetic purposes.

Many people may also be surprised to find that their regular London Ontario dentists may also be very capable of handling the procedures that they thought they would have to visit a cosmetic dentist for, and at a potentially more reasonable price.

Have All of the Basics Covered

If it's been a long time since you've seen your regular dentist you should, at the very least, schedule a check up and cleaning prior to scheduling an appointment for any type of cosmetic procedure.

You may have cavities, cracks, excess build up of plaque or even the beginning stages of gum disease without even being aware. These are things that should be examined and taken care of before any purely cosmetic procedure is scheduled.

This step will also serve as a time and money saver because it's very likely that if you schedule your appointment with a cosmetic dentist first and end up suffering from one of these problems, that they will revert you back to your regular dentist to have them taken care of before scheduling any kind of procedure anyway.

Discuss your plans with your regular dentist while on your check up appointment.

Many dentists today, even those who base the majority of their business in general dentistry, are trained and very capable in many of the procedures that are considered cosmetic.

If you're sought after procedure happens to be whitening discolored teeth, repairing broken teeth, replacing missing teeth - really anything that doesn't involve the straightening of teeth, your regular dentist may very well be able to take care of the problem for you.

It also wouldn't hurt to consult your regular dentist regarding the straightening of crooked teeth even if he or another doctor in the office doesn't specifically perform that type of work, because they may be able to refer you to an exceptionally qualified orthodontic specialist that can do the work for you. This can eliminate the headache of trying to seek out a practitioner that you can trust on your own

If you happen to be one of the few adults that still sees their regular dentist twice yearly as recommended, and you follow all of the recommended practices of regular oral care and you have had no problems since your last scheduled visit, it may not be entirely necessary to schedule a preliminary visit with your regular dentist, just be wary that if there is a problem that arose since your last trip to the regular dentist then you may find yourself back there for treatment before the cosmetic dentistry London Ontario work can be done.

There are probably hundreds and hundreds of qualified oral care specialists available and more than willing to perform whatever procedure you would like, but it could take a good bit of research and effort in order to find one that you are comfortable with. It's not advisable to sacrifice the quality of the work if your regular dentist isn't trained in or doesn't have any experience performing the type of work that you want, but if they are versed in it, it makes perfect sense to have them perform it because you already have an established relationship with them.

You want all of the necessary information in front of you before you sign up for any kind of procedure and your regular dentist is the best place for you to obtain most of that information, so a visit to his or her office is at the very least advisable before getting any kind of cosmetic procedure performed.

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