Saturday, January 31, 2009

How To Slow Down Aging In Your Skin

By James

No one wants to look old before their time, we are a society that values youth, even more than we value health. It is a constant race to find and develop new products, that will give people the fountain of youth effect. With a hundred or more new products popping up every week, it is impossible to know what is good and what is not safe.

When there are some many questions concerning what is safe and what is not, is it really worth the risk of not knowing what the long term effects of a certain product, or procedure? If you start thinking about your skin when you are young enough to prevent premature aging, you maybe able to eliminate the need to take risks on the unknown. Think of all the money that you will save, if you decide to take the prevention method as opposed to the repair one.

One of the best things that you can do in the anti aging fight, is to limit the amount of time that you are exposed to the sun everyday. Every time that you get a sunburn you are doing serious damage, burns cause the skin to loose it's hyaluronan, this is the key ingredient to the skins ability to repair itself.

It is important to remember, that you should never avoid sunlight completely, your body reaps great benefits from the sun, just do not overdo it, and wear sunscreen.

Your skin reflects back at you what you eat, if you eat healthy, than your skin will mirror that. If you eat burgers, fries, and any other greasy food, your skin will be prone to breakouts, these breakouts damage your skin permanently. If you eat a healthy low fat diet, you will not only feel better, but you will look better too, a diet full of green leafy veggies, will improve your skins condition even further. Another good thing that you can do to save your skin, is to stay well hydrated.

The human body is made up of mostly water, this fact should make it common sense that we need water to be healthy. Our skin is our biggest organ, it needs to have water to function the way it is supposed to, including stay youthful

Until there is an answer that has been proven without a doubt one hundred percent safe, why would you risk it. Your skin is the first thing that people see when they meet you, it is important to be good to it, so that it will remain healthy and young. If you are reading this too late, and you have to turn to a product or a procedure, just be sure to do your research, look for things that are organic.

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Pearl Jewley - Just in time for Valentine's Day!

By Trint lakeland

racelets " The pearl jewelry Way!

I want to find the perfect two toned bracelet. Any suggestions?

There are many different styles of bracelets in the pearl jewelry way. When looking for one of these bracelets, you can search online, or go to the local jewelry shop. There are bracelets, and bangles that are made in the two toned style. There are also a few cuffs that are made in this fashion. When looking, you may want to decide upon what style of bracelet that you want to purchase. These pearl jewelry items are simply too good to pass up when looking for a bracelet. There are beaten gold, fancy gold and woven gold among the choices that are available to you when searching for a bracelet of this type anywhere.

What is a fancy bracelet?

A fancy bracelet is so named because the pearl jewelry is usually created in a fancy way. These designs are not your normal run of the mill designs for a bracelet. They are designed to look nice and to be worn with nice clothes. Hence the term fancy. These designs range from the simply elegant to the sublime. There are bracelets that have fancy designs incorporated into the pearl jewelry bracelet. These designs can be an elegant pattern or they can be shapes and forms. These bracelets are fun to wear and make a wonderful fashion statement with any type of clothing that you wish to wear.

How about if I want a bangle bracelet instead?

That is no problem. These pearl jewelry items are easily found both online and in store. Bangle bracelets are also very popular with the younger crowd and are a perfect gift to give that special someone. These bangles can come is baby, cuff, and wide just to name a few of the styles of bangle bracelets that are available to you when searching through the pearl jewelry items either online or at a store. They also can come with semi-precious stoned inlaid in them, or they can have designs hammered into the bangle itself. These fun bracelets are a joy to wear and fun to give as a gift to anyone. Who doesnt love jewelry as a gift?

Can I get a watch in this style of jewelry?

Absolutely! There are many watches that are created in the pearl jewelry. Even famous names such as Seiko and Citizen manufacture these watches in two tone gold. These watches are beautiful and should have pride of place on your wrist. These wonderful watches make a very clear fashion statement and also help keep time accurately. These watches are also comparably prices with most other watches in the pearl jewelry. These watches are functional and beautiful at the same time and will give you hours on enjoyment as well as functioning as a time piece. These watches are top notch and fully functioning as well as being an excellent conversation piece.

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Growing Plants Inside A Container

By Kent Higgins

Gardening in containers gives even the smallest porch or patio the ability to project beauty and color or even fresh vegetables and spices for those who care for them. You can let your imagination run wild by utilizing container gardening, even if you live in a small apartment or home. There is a huge variety of plants, flowers, vegetables, and more that can be grown in pots and containers in even the smallest of perceived spaces.

Flower boxes, plantar boxes, window boxes, bay windows, sills, even creatively used fiberglass or plastic tubs and basins can be used to grow plants and flowers. There are literally millions of opportunities to grow plants, you just need to see them.

Before you use a container for plants, however, make sure you know what it's properties, with soil and plants inside, will be. Will it drain well? At all? How strong is it, will it hold all that dirt and water? Is it large enough? Too large? Each plant is different and has different needs, so make sure your new home for your plant is fitting.

Plastic pots should have drainage holes and moisture trays or the ability to fit in them. Cheap, flimsy plastic can degrade and break down in sunlight, so make sure you use something sturdy enough. The bottoms of plastic 2-liter bottles will work if you cut small drainage holes in them, but don't use them for more than a year before replacement.

Glazed ceramic pots are great and can have a lot of beauty and charm and intricate design, but they also need to have proper draining built in. Glaze does not allow water to pass through or soak in, so it needs to be provided.

Ceramics that haven't been glazed will do well, but can dry out the soil too, so watch for that. They are also prone to breakage and conduct heat and cold very well, so they can harm the plants in them if you don't have the proper control.

Wood containers can rot or break down and will absorb water, but will also give it back when the soil inside is dryer than the wood around it. They make great containers for many reasons, but can easily succumb to rot and ruin. To avoid this, grow only plants that die at the end of the season, then empty the pot and allow it sit dry and empty for the winter before reusing it. This will kill any rot that's growing in the pot and greatly increase its lifespan.

If you're growing plants that require deep roots or are growing several plants in one pot, make sure there is room for that. Deep pots for deep-rooted, tall plants are a must so that the plant not only has room to spread out, but so it won't topple over when it gets larger. It's better to grow a large plant that's starting small in the pot it will be in for the rest of its life. Transplanting is hazardous and traumatic for most plants and can cause problems.

Finally, the color of the container is also important. In hot climates, use lighter-color containers so that the heat will be reflected and do the opposite in colder climes. Some people put their decorative plant pot inside another pot when the seasons change, just to take advantage of the color factor. It can be that important.

Above all, though, make sure to have fun and to grow plants that you find rewarding and beautiful and you'll definitely have a greener, happier home!

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How Older Adults And Seniors Can Get Health Insurance

By Jordan FeRoss

Older adults can face special challenges when attempting to obtain health insurance in Texas. Many health insurance providers are all too aware of the potential for large and numerous health care claims from this demographic and want to avoid these increased claims. The age and health history of a person will be taken into serious consideration when an insurance company considers selling a policy to an individual.

Of course, it isn't impossible for older adults to get health insurance in Texas. A person age 65 or older who has worked for ten years, or is married to someone who has worked for that length of time might be able to qualify for Medicare through the government. Medicare will cover most, but not necessarily all of a person's health care needs and they may still need some additional coverage.

There are other ways to qualify for Medicare, as well, such as having a serious illness or disability. A person who has been receiving income from the Social Security Administration for at least two years may also qualify for Medicare. A person whose spouse qualifies for Medicare may also qualify automatically. This is one way for older adults to get health insurance in Texas.

Though Medicare covers the majority of medical expenses, there can still be some bills the insured will need to cover. To help keep these costs down, you may choose supplemental insurance to augment your Medicare benefits. These plans are designed to work with Medicare and cover the costs the government plan does not. Similar to many group insurance plans, there are open enrollment periods for supplemental insurers and you'll want to be sure you don't miss what is often a narrow window to apply. If you do miss the open enrollment, you may need to wait until the following year before you are fully covered by your health insurance in Texas and will be charged for any uncovered Medicare claims in the interim.

Not everyone will need a Medicare supplement, but for those that do it saves them a lot of money each year and may allow them medical care that they could not otherwise afford. There are also additional health insurance options in Texas that may be purchased. Some older adults have health insurance included in their retirement packages that will suit them well and cover any additional medical costs.

If a person needs help applying for Medicare, there is a Health and Human Services department in Texas to help them. The social workers there can help you find out if you are eligible for Medicare. There is also a website for the federal government where a person can get more information about Medicare and how to get the health insurance in Texas that they need.

Finally, a note on Medicare's prescription drug benefit. Older adults who depend on Medicare for their prescriptions and health insurance in Texas must beware of the limited coverage for this portion of their benefit. Prescriptions for older adults can be very costly and further justifies the need for supplemental insurance to ensure everything is covered. By being aware and informed of all their choices for health insurance in Texas, older adults and seniors will find themselves with fewer out-of-pocket costs and better coverage for their specific needs. While it can be a frustrating process, it is necessary to be vigilant about your health insurance in Texas to avoid excessive financial burden in retirement.

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Critical Dos and Don'ts of Marrying Your Foreign Fiance

By Art Saborio

A few things you need to know if you are submitting your K1 Fiance Visa without the aid of an attorney.

Here is an important requirement for the applicant, before submitting the K1 Fiance Visa Application. You must have met your fiance within two years of submitting your K1 Visa Application. Say you met your fiance three years ago and decided to send in the application. You will be denied and will have to start over again. The best thing to do would be to take another trip out to see her. Then come back to the USA with updated travel docs and submit your application.

These trips prove certain things to the USCIS officers. They prove your on-going relationship. The officers tend to not trust long distance relationships that do not show a current face to face meeting within the last two years. To them the relationship is not normal. If you have not seen your fiance within the last two years, then something looks definitely wrong to them. This will be something that would have an immediate negative impact on your submittal and will most likely lead to your application not being approved.

In the past two years you would have had to have some documented contact with your fiance. Once is ok, but if you want to prove your worth to the USCIS officers, then see her at least twice within the last two years. Just once will not show your true intent. Now this is my opinion, but a lot can happen in a long period of not seeing each other. A bond can grow weak. It is best to work on that bond by seeing each other every 6 months or at the least once in a year. But that is something you will have to work out with your fiance.

There are K1 Fiance couples that I have been in contact with that were really not compatible. They found this out after they were finally together in the USA. They were so uncomfortable with each other that even sleeping in the same bed was not an option.

I met my fiance every four to six months and spent a total of three weeks each time I flew out to see her. The first time was very uncomfortable. The second time it was better. The third time I knew she was the right one for me. It is tough to make these trips, but well worth it once your fiance is in the USA with you.

Take a trip to see your fiance regularly. Spend time with her. Here are a few things you must consider when on your trips. Keep all plane ticket stubs, hotel receipts and currency exchange receipts.

Here is a list of the exact things I saved from my trips. I kept plane ticket stubs, hotel receipts, currency exchange receipts, and retail shop receipts. I often bought her things, so keeping the retail receipts were something that showed exactly my whereabouts. Receipts from retails stores always carry the name of the store, address and the date of purchase.

I always took a lot of pictures of all our travels together. I would always take a few pictures of us together with a date and time stamp. I had two pictures of both of us from every trip and I submitted all those pictures as proof.

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Thousands Travel For Weight Loss Surgery Abroad

By Michael Dunage

Weight loss surgery has increased in the U.S., partly because of the epidemic of obesity which has struck the nation. Rather than exercise or go on a diet, individuals are turning to surgery as an aid to weight loss that involves losing the pounds faster and simpler.

A lot of insurance premiums do not cover elective type procedures and even those with policies that cover the treatment, many are under-insured. Individuals are now using the Internet do compile their own research on destinations abroad that perform top quality and affordable weight loss surgery care.

Most medical insurance policies do not cover weight loss surgery procedures and even in the cases that do, the majority of policy holders have insurance plans that are under-insured for this treatment type. There is an alternative however, and many are now traveling abroad for weight loss surgery. There are several top destinations to select from.

One of the most popular destinations for weight loss surgery in Mexico. There are several procedures to choose from such as a complete gastric bypass, lap band or various other weight loss treatment types. You can gain much experience by contacting a medical travel coordinator or facilitator service on the Internet to arrange your weight loss surgery treatment abroad. They offer many inclusive packages at cost more affordable that in the U.S. or elsewhere.

Enjoy the personal attention and care coupled with a luxury hotel room which will accommodate the patient, family or friends. You will usually be transported back and fourth from the hospital or medical center to the hotel and you will have a personal assistant to help with any questions or shopping that may be necessary. The Flight can also be arranged in addition to the package at a discount. A nearby destination is Mexico and the travel time is very reasonable.

You meet your personal attendant and check into a luxury hotel room nearby the hospital where you will be having weight loss surgery. Mexico hospitals used for this purpose are modern, clean, and have state-of-the art facilities and equipment. You will meet your surgeon who is board certified in weight loss surgery. Mexico may be their choice of practice, but many have trained in the Western countries on modern techniques and have done hundreds of weight loss surgery procedures.

Another good place for weight loss surgery, Costa Rica is a country that is developing in some places but completely modern in others. They offer medical tourism programs for surgeries like weight loss surgery and have similar programs to those you'd find in Mexico. You travel to Costa Rica and check into a luxury hotel near the hospital and clinic. You will initially meet your doctor for weight loss surgery; Costa Rica's doctors are also well trained.

When it is time for weight loss surgery, Turkey hospitals also offer luxury hospital rooms. The well trained nursing staff will take care of you and prepare you for weight loss surgery. Turkey hospitals have state-of-the-art surgical suites and your surgery will proceed exactly as in the U.S. After the surgery, the nurses will take care of you before your flight home.

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Identity Theft Fraud Protection: Easily Protect Your Identity

By Harvey Warmuth

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America, affecting one in four households. It is a rampant problem that results in millions of dollars worth of damage each year.

Identity theft is often looked at as an individual's problem, though it ultimately affects each and every one of us. We all suffer when identity theft occurs. Identity theft is a type of consumer fraud that occurs when someone steals or assumes another person's identity for the purpose of financial gain, ultimately through some sort of criminal activity.

Thieves will use an identity theft victim's sensitive personal financial data to commit the crime. The data they will use includes credit card numbers, bank account information, and Social Security Numbers. Through the unauthorized use of such information, the thieves intend to get a financial gain through illegal means.

The crime of identity theft is relatively new, and is becoming very popular with thieves. You must be very aware of how you handle your financial information so that you do not become a victim of identity theft. Also, you have to be extremely careful with your online activities, including the use of email, as this is a very popular way for a thief to steal your identity.

While there are certain steps you can take in handling your personal affairs to ensure you are not a victim of identity theft, there are also identity theft protection products to aid in your fight against this crime. Identity theft protection is something that you should seriously consider investing in, as it is a great way to protect your identity.

The biggest step you can take when it comes to identity theft protection is to put a fraud alert on your credit reports. This is something that you can do yourself, or you can use the services of an identity theft protection company to do this for you. The latter choice is a great one for convenience sake, as you will need to renew the fraud alert every 90 days, so sometimes it is best to have a service do this for you.

Identity theft is definitely on the rise, so protecting your identity is becoming a more critical issue. Because of the seriousness of this crime, using an identity theft service to lock down your identity is one the best ways to protect your identity.

Not only will an identity theft protection company really help you protect your identity, if you happen to become a victim of identity theft, they will help you recover from the crime. So when you purchase the services of an identity theft protection company, you are purchasing a safety net in case you do fall victim to ID theft.

With an identity being stolen every four seconds, and with the cost to consumers in the billions, you need to lock down your identity immediately. Protecting yourself from identity theft needs to be your top priority, so that you never have to suffer as a victim of identity theft.

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Compatible Numbers in Numerology

By Cheryl Pierce

Numerology as we all know is an ancient science of numbers. Every number has certain specific characteristics that might be compatible or not with other numbers. Finding numerology compatibility helps understand relationships and each other's nature. Numerology compatibility can determine success or failure in your life. For happiness and good health, it is important for you to find numerology compatibility at home and also at your work place.

In this article, we shall give you more information about numerology compatibility and how you can make use of it to pave the way for success in every aspect of your life.


You and your business partners: You should not have a partner whose number opposes yours, this will lead to misunderstandings and stress at work. It is very important for you to find a colleague whose number is compatible with yours to have a mutual relationship of trust and respect.

You and your business number:

Your business number should be compatible with your number to lead to profits and success. If the business number is not compatible to your number, then you shall suffer more losses rather than profits. It is crucial that your business number is compatible to your number to ensure that your business flourishes in turn bring you the success you have always dreamed of.

Husband and wife:

A happy home is the basic need of every human being therefore it is very important for the numbers between two spouses to be compatible. Usually there is tension or unhappiness in a marriage because of this simple reason. Marriage is a life-long commitment that should be made only when both the husband and the wife have characteristics that are compatible with each other. In order to ensure a happy marriage, make sure that your number is compatible with the same of your partner.

Love relationships:

As we have all been in love at one point of time or another, we all know that not all love affairs are long lasting; actually some are extremely short lived. Many are disappointed and fail to make relationships work. This is a good enough reason to find out your compatibility with your partner before intensifying your relationship. This way you guarantee that the person is perfect for you and that the relationship would be a magical journey.


Number 1 and 4 are very compatible. Also same is the case with number 2 and 7. Number 1 and 2 are more compatible than number 1 and 1. Number 1: 3, 4, 5 and 6 Number 2: 3, 5, 6 and 7 Number 3: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9 Number 4: 1, 5 and 6 Number 5: compatible with all Number 6: 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6

Now that you know about numerology compatibility, do make it a point to use these numbers to your advantage. It is important that you surround yourself with compatible numbers to ensure success in everything that you do. The best part is that you can never go wrong or overdo it so go ahead and turn your life in the right direction with a little help from this amazing science named numerology.

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The ABCs of Female Hair Loss

By Irina Thorton

There is no need to be ashamed if you are a lady who is currently experiencing some hair loss. You are not alone. More women than we actually think are suffering from female hair loss. This and many other facts of female hair loss should be properly understood.

Social Stereotype

Because of prevailing social stereotype on bald women, we rarely hear about women suffering from hair loss. Of course, short hairstyles are now socially acceptable for females. Baldness however is not. It is quite common for us to think that women should have thick, luxurious hair regardless of age and hairstyle. This is probably why those with female hair loss simply prefer to keep mum about their conditions. The truth is however, 1 in 4 women suffer from baldness. Female hair loss may therefore be as common as male hair loss.

Hair Loss Myths

One common belief about hair loss in women is that the condition is caused by frequent hair styling, hair coloring and treatments. Frequent handling of hair in these ways may really result in hair breakage near the scalp. Female hair loss of this kind however is not permanent. Hair will eventually grow back and the worst that may result in over treating hair would be hair dryness and probably split ends.

Other Causes

There may be several reasons why women experience loss of hair. The most commonly believed causes of female hair loss however may actually be responsible for only 5% of hair loss cases. These causes include alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, traction alopecia and trichotillomania.

An autoimmune disorder called Alopecia areata is a hair disorder which makes a person lose hair in patches. Telogen effluvium is another condition in which numerous hair strands shift from the growing phase into the falling phase. Traction alopecia is the result of tight hairstyles like ponytails, buns and braids in which large amounts of hair are pulled off. This may eventually lead to scarring alopecia in which areas of the scalp become scarred. Trichotillomania is a serious psychological condition which is characterized by chronic hair pulling which can lead to bald areas.

Most Common Cause

One common cause of baldness in women is hormonal changes. Estrogen level imbalances, an over or under active thyroid gland, child birth, menopause and hormonal therapies may be the culprits in female hair loss.

Difference with Male Hair Loss

The age for women to suffer from loss of hair is different from that of men. Women may suffer from hair loss as soon as they hit their early twenties. Most women who suffer from hair loss also do not frequently develop bald patches.

Women may only suffer from a generally diffuse kind of balding with obvious thinning only in some areas like the back or top of the scalp and the front hairline. Having severe and wide bald spots may be a sign that you need to see your doctor.

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The Great Rebellion of 2057

By LJ James

Many of the "facts" in this story are based on Legend and Myth as much of the history of the Motorcycle and it's Culture was lost in the great rebellion of 2057.

Taken from a history book in the year 2095...

Motorcycles And The Culture They Inspire 1868-2017

Motorcycles started out as steam engines strapped on to bicycles in 1868. Soon after the gas engine took its place in the 1900's there were Motorcycle shops and Dealers all over the World. For awhile, Motorcycle were simply used as transportation. In 1907, when Henry Fords, Ford Motor Company, released the Model-T at a price everyone could afford, the Motorcycle soon went from a necessity to a luxury item.

In the 1940's, the Motorcycle Culture really took off. An organization called the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) held races and events all over the United States of America. In 1947, held an event in Hollister California. This event was attended by many of the AMA Racing Teams and Motorcycle Clubs. This event marks the beginning of the separation of Motorcyclists which eventually led to the end of Motorcycling in the year 2017.

Newspapers, being what they where in 1947, got a hold of some pictures of Motorcyclists having fun at the event. The press decided to embellish the facts and transformed the story of the first large motorcycle rally into a torrid tale of Bikers taking over a small town! More negative news stories soon followed. Eventually Hollywood joined the Biker bashing by releasing movies that portrayed Motorcyclists as lawless and evil.

The American Motorcycle Association, trying to end the bad press, responded by basically saying that the Newspapers had lied and that it was only 1% of Motorcyclists that caused problems. This resulted in the first ripple in the Unity of the Motorcycle World and the Medias' hatred of Bikers.

Around the same time, the AMA began adding new requirements for motorcycles to be able to race in AMA sanctioned Races. Those whose motorcycles didn't meet the new AMA requirements started their own Race Leagues. Because the new Race Leagues/Clubs were not AMA sanctioned, they soon became known as Outlaw Race Leagues/Clubs. Although many Bikers raced in both the AMA and Outlaw Leagues, another great separation had begun.

By the late1960's, the separation of the Motorcycle Community was becoming more evident. There were now three basic groups. The American Motorcycle Association, Outlaw Clubs, and 1%er Clubs. All 1%ers were Outlaws, but not all Outlaws were considered 1%ers. Over the years, the AMA continued to grow. In addition to racing, they began to champion Motorcycle Rights and Safety. As time went on, others formed independent groups whose goals were similar to that of the AMA. Their inability or outright refusal to work together with the other groups resulted in a further separation of the Motorcycle Community and Culture.

In the 1970's, rifts began to grow between some of the Outlaw/1% Clubs. By the 1990's, the media had inflated stories about the conflicts into proportions that rivaled the tall tales of the old west. These tall tales invoked fear of the Outlaw/1% Clubs. Motorcycle Riders were lied to,. They were told to stay away from and fear the Outlaw/1% Clubs. The media began referring to Motorcycle Clubs as Motorcycle Gangs, a term meant to instill fear into the heart of the Public. Stories and rumors began surfacing, claiming these "Gangs" were ruthless and would kill or maim people for little or no reason at all.

By the early 21st Century, every minor conflict between Outlaw/1% Clubs was made into a book, made for TV movie, or docudrama. Titles like "Motorcycle Gang Wars In Your Back Yard" were common. Although real wars, conflicts, and suffering were occurring worldwide, the Corporate owned media chose to report fiction over fact. "The world is full of Kings and Queens who blind your eyes and steal your dreams...Black Sabbath".

In 2009, a conflict between two rival Clubs was captured on Video at a "Biker Build Off" event. The coverage by the media and negative publicity was so overwhelming that in 2010, the United States Government passed a law banning all Outlaw/1% Clubs. In response, the Outlaw/1% Clubs put aside their differences and formed "Bikers United".

The Bikers fought back stating the law was unconstitutional and un-American. Even as late as 2010, workers still clung to the misguided belief that they had rights and lived in a free Nation. The Bikers fought hard and came very close to winning, but without the support of the Motorcycle Rights Groups, The AMA Clubs, and the Independent Riders, all of whom had been brainwashed into believing the Outlaw Clubs were criminal organizations, they were defeated.

Many of the Outlaw/1% Clubs tried to stay together. The Clubs went underground, but after many raids and constant Government harassment, they had all but disappeared. In 2013, in an effort to ensure that the Outlaw/1% Clubs never returned, the Government decided to outlaw all Motorcycle Clubs and organizations.

The AMA, it's clubs, and all of the Motorcycle Rights Organizations United in an effort to battle the Governments oppression. They tried to use many of the same tactics and strategies that the Outlaw/1% Clubs used. Unfortunately, the Government was much smarter and stronger this time around. They had learned many lessons in their fierce battles with the Outlaw/1% Clubs, and they used what they had learned against the united Clubs and Organizations. With no Outlaw/1% Clubs left to assist them and without the support of the Independent Riders, the United Clubs and Organizations were defeated.

In 2015, the Government passed a law that made it illegal to even look like an Outlaw on a Motorcycle. The Independent Riders banned together to try and fight the law, but by this time their numbers were few and there wasn't anyone left to show them how to fight for their rights. After a brief protest, they too were soundly defeated.

In 2017, What was now a "Global Government", in its infinite wisdom, decided that Motorcycles posed a danger to the public. They passed a law banning Motorcycle manufacture and use and destroyed all existing Motorcycles. This brought to an end, the History of Motorcycles. It would take until the year 2093 before anything even close to resembling a Motorcycle reappeared.

As a historian looking back at the History of Motorcycles and the Culture it created, it amazes me how powerful the Motorcycle Culture could have been had they not let every little thing separate them. Instead of embracing something they had in common and working together to protect it, the instead let their differences, the media, and the government divide them.

By the time the Bikers realized how much they were connected and needed each other, it was too late. Their numbers were certainly sufficient to achieve victory, but their failure to come together as Brothers and Sisters and work for the common good ultimately spelled their demise. Had they been victorious, it may have been enough to stop all of the oppression and tyranny that soon followed.

History is full of stories just like this one, over and over again. The ones who love and honor Freedom the most are taken down first and the rest fall like dominoes. Until the rebellion of 2057, we as a Global Society did not realize how important it was to put aside our differences. It may have taken awhile, but we finally figured it out...Just in time!

Your Bro L. J. James Listen to LJs Radio Show at

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What are the Natural Substances that Help Get Rid of Nail Fungus?

By Rashel Dan

It may take some patience to get rid of nail fungus. The condition, known as Onychomycosis in the medical field, is used to refer to nail fungus. It is made up of very tiny organisms that may infect both fingernails and toenails. Such organisms are called dermatophytes. Fungus prefers a warm, damp and dark environment for it to grow. Because of wearing socks and shoes, toenails are more susceptible to nail fungus than fingernails.

Why is it tough to cure nail fungus?

Our nails are protective barriers. They serve as protection to our fingers and toes. However, once nail fungus moves in under the nail, the same nails that are supposed to protect us, actually works against us. The nails serve as a covering that protects the fungus instead. And since the fungus lives underneath the nail, it is more difficult to reach and stop.

Are there natural substances that help treat nail fungus?

Unknown to many, there are natural substances that help get rid of nail fungus. When looking for the right treatment for nail fungus, it is best to choose a topical solution that includes these substances. It works extremely well and is safer to use, since it does not have any adverse side effects, unlike prescription medicines. Here are some things you have to look for when choosing a topical solution:

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil promotes healthy skin. It is also a known antifungal. In Australia, it has been recognized as a potent antiseptic for much longer than there has been scientific evidence. And now, recent studies show that tea tree oil has a role in skin care. Terpenoids, which are found in tea tree oil, helps promote healthy nails.

Almond Oil

What's in a good solution? A good solution will not only fight the infection but also smooth your skin. This is to avoid irritation to your skin, which is very important in achieving healthier looking fingers and toes. Almond oil is known to relieve itching due to dryness and moisturize dry skin.

Jojoba Oil

The Jojoba oil is essential in promoting skin health. For many centuries, Native Americans used the oil from jojoba seeds to improve their skin condition. The oils from jojoba seeds helps prevent moisture loss from skin. When paired with natural antifungal and antibacterial substances, then surely you can fight fungal infection and at the same time keep your skin smooth and soft to the touch.

Lemongrass Oil

Most creams and lotions have an awful medicinal smell. If you are treating fingernail fungus with such treatment, it can be very embarrassing especially when shaking hands with the people you meet. Fortunately, there is a topical solution that has lemongrass, which exhibits a soothing smell. Lemongrass is actually used in perfumery and aromatherapy.

These are some substances that help get rid of nail fungus. When looking for nail fungus treatment, avoid prescription medicines that have potential negative side effects. Go for the natural, safe and effective choice. Use a topical solution that contains these ingredients so that you can both fight the infection and have better skin.

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Want to Train at a Texas Jiu Jitsu School?

By Tony Hadley

Before anyone decides that they want to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu they must also decide on whether they want to train with a Gi or without a Gi, called No-Gi. Training Gi means that you will be training in a Martial Arts Uniform similar to the ones you would see in a judo or karate gym. The uniform has pants a long sleeve shirt and a colored belt.

The term No-Gi simply means that you don't train with a Gi and that you usually train in shorts and a T-Shirt or a rash guard for the people who want to reduce their chances of getting a staph infection.

The payback of training with a Gi according to the people who like it that it helps with you performance. This is because when wearing the Gi it gives people the capability to grab hold of the Gi making it more complicated to get out of things forcing you to not lose focus on what you are trying to accomplish and making mistakes harder to conquer.

Also if you train in Gi you get a belt which gives you the opportunity to earn a higher color or level of belts. Earning a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is not an easy feet and is not given out to just anybody unlike other martial arts.

To earn a black belt in most common forms of martial you simply have to show up and practice for a couple of years maybe 2 or 3 and you can easily earn a black belt as long as you memorize some moves. To receive your black belt in Jiu Jitsu it can take up to 10 years. In Jiu Jitsu you have to actually be able to perform them on someone who is fighting back.

The motive for training No-Gi is that it is more like what a genuine real life fight would be like. If you do happen to get in a fight odds are that you are not going to be wearing your Gi at that time. Only training Gi might not get you ready for a real life circumstances.

Also a majority of the guys that go No-Gi also train in mixed martial arts and when you fighting in the cage you will not be allowed to wear a Gi. Some people find the Gi rather uncomfortable and just don't enjoy to train in it and don't have any other reason for not using it.

Whichever you decide just find the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school that offers the style that you are looking for.

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Remodeling Tips for Small Bathroom Designs

By Torrie Cantor

Small bathroom designs are easy to come by. Limited space does not necessarily mean limited creativity. Here are some top ideas for small bathrooms.

Pick Light Colors

To make great first impressions on small bathrooms, pick light colors. Small bathrooms should always avoid dark, heavy colors. These can make your bath seem both assuming and smaller than it is. Light, pastel colors on the other hand with small designs are perfect. These colors create the impression of spaciousness. These are also the colors that can make any room fell fresh, airy and relaxing. Mix and match pastel colors for your floor, walls, cabinets and fixtures.

Use Corner and Overhead Spaces

Even small bathrooms have unused spaces. The key is to make the most out of these small unused areas. You could for example push your bath tub and toilet to the wall to ensure that no remaining unused space at the back remains. You can also use corners for a hanging sink and a corner shower booth. Overhead spaces can still accommodate cabinets, hamper hooks and racks. As much as possible, keep the floor space free except for your tub, shower stall and toilet.

Choose Smaller Bath Items

Pick out small items and bathroom accessories. Bath fixtures don't come in single sizes. If you do not have a family of giants, then you can settle for a smaller toilet, bathtub and sink. Do make sure though that you have fixtures that you are comfortable using. Consult the biggest member of your family when picking the smallest possible fixture available.

Use Mirrors

All bathrooms need mirrors. Small bathrooms would look perfect with unadorned mirrors. Extremely small bathrooms might have to do with small round mirrors. Small baths though that aren't exactly too cramped could use wide mirrors that stretch across walls. It may not be obvious to some but mirrors are design accents that are more than just functional. These reflective surfaces will help make your bathroom seem larger.

Get Lights and Windows

Just like mirrors, lights can also help extend the perception of space. As much as possible, natural light sources should be preferred over artificial ones. Windows over bathtubs or overhead openings bring in not just light but a breath of fresh air.

Use night lights wisely. Opt for generous light fixtures that aren't just limited to the center of the room. Attach dimmers so you can adjust light options when you are in the mood for subdued lights.

Think Minimal

Don't keep too many things in your bathroom. As much as possible, stick to only the essential items that a bathroom should have. Move magazine racks, extra cabinets, excess hampers and towel racks from the bathroom.

It may be hard to imagine designs for small bathrooms but it's not impossible. They need not zap your creative energies though. With a little imagination, you can easily convert a small bathroom into the dream haven you have always wanted.

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A Look at Treatments Used For Skin Cancer

By Donald Saunders

If you have received a diagnosis of skin cancer you might be wondering what treatment which you will receive as, even if you have already been over your treatment choices with your doctor, you might still feel lost due to the inability to absorb all the technical jargon that was thrown at you. It is also possible that you might not have taken in the information because of the shock following your diagnosis.

Here therefore is a brief outline of just some of the treatments which are typically used to treat skin cancer.

The precise treatment that you will receive is going to depend upon a number of different things which include your age and whether any cancer has spread to other parts of your body.

Your treatment may consist of surgery during which your surgeon may decide to remove the cancerous region itself together with some of the surrounding skin tissue. The amount of normal skin removed will be dependent upon the particular form of cancer found and how deep that cancer is. Usually an area of about one to two centimeters of surrounding skin will be removed.

Some types of skin cancer can be treated by freezing using a substance called liquid nitrogen or treated with drugs like Imiquimod which is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the use on superficial basal cell carcinoma.

A more extensive type of surgery might be needed if a lymph node is found to contain cancer cells following a biopsy of a suspect area. This technique removes lymph nodes close to the cancer along with affected skin and is frequently followed up with radiotherapy.

Another recent development for skin cancer treatment is what is known as immunotherapy cancer vaccination although research into this form of treatment is still being conducted and it is not yet widely available. You may be given chemotherapy if the cancer has spread into other areas.

There is no definitive form of prevention for skin cancer but there are a number of things which you can do to lessen your chance of developing the disease and the most important and generally ignored is to keep your skin covered if you are out in the sun.

All of us, regardless of the color or type of skin you have should use a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15. It is also a good idea to wear sufficient clothing and stay out of the sun as much as possible, especially between 11am and 3pm when the sun's rays are at their strongest. By the same token, it is not advisable to use sunlamps and sun beds as these too produce harmful rays.

Lastly, keep an eye on your skin and pay particular attention to any changes in moles and lesions. If changes are seen then you ought to see your doctor as soon as possible so that you can be treated while the problem is at an early stage

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Life As A Plus Size Woman

By Bart Icles

Going through life as a large woman brings up many different obstacles that are hard to deal with. Not only are large women self conscious, but some of lifes simplest tasks often cause extra effort or cannot be done at all. One huge example of this is locating good looking, fashionable, plus sized clothing.

Clothing, when you are a large woman is of extreme importance! If a plus size woman dresses in clothes that are too small, this creates the illusion of a much larger woman, but the goal was to appear slimmer than you really are. This can really take a huge blow to your self-confidence if people are looking at you with pity because you are fat. It even hurts if you are happy with your size.

Dressing in the right clothing for a large woman means finding the right plus size clothing and this can be a huge struggle for most women. The big box stores that we are all familiar with have not been too quick to provide plus sized men and women with clothing that looks good and caters to their curvy needs. A lot of times, you have to locate smaller niche stores that stock extra large clothing.

The typical big box stores that do carry plus size clothing have a tendency to stock items such as extra large jumpers, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and the occasional blouse. However, the major staples of a womans wardrobe are most often overlooked.

You know, a lot of women live in jeans and it can be very difficult to find comfortable, extra large jeans for women. Not having a comfortable pair of jeans can really make you stand out, which is not a good thing at all. In order to feel as relaxed as your smaller friends, it is very important to find plus size jeans that have some stretch and give in them. Add a nice plus size blouse and you have the perfect outfit to make you stand out in a good way.

Thankfully, there are lots of online stores as well as the occasional big box store that offer clothing specifically for plus size women. Whats even better is that most of these stores offer wide ranges of fashionable clothing that is actually affordable. How is it to know that you are no longer a minority?

Wearing the right sized clothing will definitely make you look slimmer and will greatly improve your self-confidence.

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A Restaurant for Vegetarians?

By Ros Harlot

Even in today's health conscious world, mentioning you are a vegetarian quickly stops the conversation. If you are thinking of following vegetarian diet for certain causes - religious belief, health reason, economic reason, animal rights - you will often face a barrage of uninformed arguments from skeptical relatives and friends. You may want to consider a vegetarian diet for improving and maintaining your physical, mental and spiritual health. Your vegetarian diet may be very healthy for you but an lack certain elements that are only obtained from animals.

The health of most children can benefit from a hormone and preservative free diet that vegetarian food can provide. You would be wise to carry out some research before placing your child on a vegetarian diet to ensure they receive a suitably nutritious intake.

A vegetarians diet with involves regular servings of fruit, vegetables and whole grains is known to be healthy. By adopting the vegetarian diet, many obese people could deal with the problem of too much protein and animal fat in their diet and increase the amount of fiber. Low amounts of Cholesterol and fat are two other advantages of a vegetarian diet.

The higher than usual amounts of fiber found in a vegetarian diet means that it doesn't stay in your system for as long nor does it take as long for the food to be produced initially. History and archaeology has shown us that our ancestors hardly ever ate meat so being a vegetarian would be normal for us. Although a vegetarian option is usually on the menu in almost any Italian restaurant nowadays, it's always a good idea to remind the server that you require a vegetarian option and whether or not you eat dairy products and eggs.

Medical research into the vegetarian diet highlights some interesting statistics. Of late, increasing numbers of people have switched to vegetarian meals - as scientific research has shown the adverse effects of animal meat. There is also, for instance, a 50% less chance that a vegetarian will develop heart disease. A large number of the population has decided to start a vegetarian diet during their life.

Although more and more people are adopting a vegetarian diet, it is the West where the biggest health benefits would be seen. Like all things in life, something worth doing that will benefit your health in the long term, is not necessarily the easiest thing to do. For a successful change to occur though, you must not consider a vegetarian diet as just a replacement for a meat based diet.

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Signs Your Ex Girlfriend Wants You Back

By Johnny Will

How can we ever get to know the mind of these young women? Believe me man, its really very hard. But, there are some common psychological features which will be usual for all the ladies. Based on these psychological matters of a ladies mind, I have designed some questions for you to notice for yourself if your ex still loves you.

1. Still do you get wishes from her during your birthdays? a.Yes b.No c.N/A 2.Do you get any wishes from her during christmas,thanksgiving etc? a.Yes b.No c.N/A 3. Do you get any phone calls from her still? a.Sometimes b.Never 4. Do you get any information about your ex girlfriend date? a. As far as my knowledge - No b. I have heard that my ex is dating someone else

5. Do you receives any email forwards from her? a. Yes b. No 6. Have you get any information from your mutual friends that she miss you? a. Yes b. No 7. Whenever you and your ex girlfriend meet, what does she talk about? a. Some of the great days which you both enjoyed during your past relationship b. Just asks what I am doing these days, general talk basically

So, I have given you the some essential queries with which you can discover the level of feeling and love your ex girlfriend yet has for you.

Now, if you have many of the answers as option a in the above-mentioned question, then your ex girlfriend yethave a feel for you.

The more option a responses the more deep is her love towards you. Can you get what im saying?

Besides, remember you can not judge using these queries if your break up just went on yesterday. You should give her some time to get lose you and think about you. Only then her draw towards you will increase. If you want your ex girlfriend back, dont try to do the general faults of visiting back and begging her. Get a full-clad strategy for getting your ex back, beneath.

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How To Get Free Wii Game Downloads

By Billy Jean

Wii clubs increase in numbers almost daily and its made its way into social gatherings and functions as well. Not surprising given the whole Wii experience. Entertainment for the whole family, a great way to kick back at the end of the day and even a neat way to exercise and have fun getting fit. It really is a full bundle of fun. The only downside to the Wii experience has to be the cost of the games.

New games are getting more and more complex, a fact reflected in the increasing prices for new releases. But is there a cheaper option than simply buying new games? Well luckily for Wii gamers there is. Being a digital product, Wii games can be sold effectively over the internet. Wii games download sites are becoming increasingly popular with more and more services now offering cheap Wii games for download. So what are the best ways to download Wii games.

Downloadable Wii Games can be done over file sharing networks free of charge or from the various torrent sites. These sites have a serious drawback though in the shape of viruses and other types of spyware, making them a big no-no with the serious Wii gaming community. The quality of the games on these sites is also questionable as is the whole process of getting the download in the first place.

A far better option would be a reliable paid membership site. For a minimal cost, you get peace of and ease of use. Options abound and there are different types of membership packages to suit all needs and tastes. The occasional gamer might choose a per-download scheme or even limited time options. These types of memberships are in the minority though. Serious Wii gamers want unlimited access to all the new releases on their favorite machine. This makes unlimited membership plans the best, and by far the most popular choice.

Unlike limited download plans, unlimited plans are far more cost effective, as the one time charge is applied to the cost of the necessary download software, rather than the cost of the games themselves. Plus these types of memberships are not limited to just games. The plans include unlimited access to music, movies and TV shows. Cost of these unlimited download memberships is comparable to the cost of a single Wii game.

Finding a site offering download games to wii is easy. Finding a safe, reliable, professional provider takes a bit more effort. Not all membership sites offer value for money. With the growing popularity of the Wii download market, all kinds of scam sites are springing up every day. Only use membership sites that offer a full refund guarantee. Insist on full 24/7 support from the service providers. Keep safe from identity theft by using reliable e-commerce networks like Clickbank.

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How to Relieve Hemorrhoid Pain in Toddlers

By Heather-Jane Hunter

Hemorrhoids form when blood vessels in and around the rectal canal cannot contain the pressure being put on them. Anyone can get hemorrhoids, regardless of age. Toddlers and young children are less likely to get hemorrhoids than adults but they are still at rick. If a toddler is unlucky enough to get hemorrhoids it can be a very painful situation for them. Symptoms include burning, itching, anal pains, and blood on the stools. If you happen to notice blood anywhere around your childs anus, you should get them to a doctor quickly as hemorrhoids are not the only condition that can cause anal bleeding.

Hemorrhoids are especially bad in toddlers as they can cause serious long term damage both physically and emotionally. It is therefore very important to ensure that everything is done to ensure that your toddler avoids leading factors the cause hemorrhoids such as constipation. Straining to remove a stool is the single biggest cause of hemorrhoids in toddlers.

If you think that your child is constipated, or if the mention to you that they can go to the toilet, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible for an appropriate stool softener. A couple of things can be done to ensure that constipation never occurs, these include making sure your toddler drinks at least 8 glasses of water per day and has a diet high in fiber. Regular exercise also benefits the metabolism and helps to prevent constipation.

What to do if Your Toddler Has Hemorrhoids

If you find that your toddler does have hemorrhoids the best thing you can start to do is minimize their pain as much as you can. Make sure they stick to the three things mentioned in the previous paragraph (fiber, water, and exercise) as these will aid in healing the hemorrhoid. You can also do some other things to ensure that they are as comfortable as possible which I will now explain.

Take care to clean the anus with a very soft cloth or tissue. It sometimes helps to dampen the cloth before cleaning. Keep the area as clean as possible to avoid further irritation.

Dont let the child stand or sit for long periods of time. Once in a while get them to lye down to reduce pressure building up in the blood vessels located in and around the anus. Additionally, to reduce pain from burning, apply Aloe Vera gel to the affected area " this should be soothing and cooling for the toddler.

Soothe the hemorrhoid pain further by applying an ice pack to the rectum " this also helps to reduce the size of the hemorrhoid temporarily. Some people also find that giving the child a warm sitz bath helps to relieve pain.

If you want a step by step hemorrhoids cure, H Miracle is probably the best one to go for. I has no harmful side effects and works quickly to cure hemorrhoids and delivery rapis pain relief to toddlers and young children. H Miracle has be a proven success for thousands of children worldwide.

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5 Tips To Finding Cheap Hotels In Genoa

By Gabriele La Gona

Genoa, locally pronounced as Genova is an Oceanside city located in Northern Italy " the most celebrated part of the Italian Riviera. In the past, the area was but a seaport and was a relatively unattractive tourist destination. But times have changed, and so has Genoa " thanks to its rich history, impressive architecture, collection of art and sculpture, and winding back streets, Genoa has undergone massive changes. Today, it is still the home to many fishermen and sailors but it also has high-end boutiques, several five star Genoa hotel, and restaurants specializing in gourmet that Italians are famous for. All these are responses to an increasing number of tourists who are drawn to the beauty of the lovely Riviera.

Known as the city with two faces, Genoa is both a center of commerce and medieval art. It is considered as one of the oldest cities in Italy and is the home to many tourist attractions including the Mercato Orientale, Genoa Aquarium, and museums. It is the hub for shopping and nightlife and most importantly, of the performing arts. Surely, a visit to hotels in Genoa is more that you can hope for!

Genoa is a wonderful place to visit but before you go, make sure to book your accommodation. With winter in northern Europe, many visitors are flocking to the seaside for a respite to the cold weather. As such, here are a couple of tips you can use in finding cheap hotels in Genoa.

1. Preparation is the key. Just like anything, a vacation requires a plan. In order to create an effective plan, make sure you read up on Genoas origins. This way, you will know which places you are going to visit and you can choose a Genoa hotel thats not too far from the tourist attractions you have in mind.

2. Organize your transportation. You need to know how you plan to reach the tourist destinations listed in your itinerary. Note that not because you pay lesser for a genoa hotel doesnt mean that its the best deal for you. Consider the long term costs " sometimes your transportation cost may add up and you will realize that you were better off choosing a $100 hotel room near a tourist spot than a $20 per night room which is so far out of the way.

3. Decide where you want to stay " in the city or the country side? In this city of vibrant culture, you have many options in both areas. if you want to book accommodation, you can contact the Genoa tourist board or do a search for sites offering bookings to different hotels in genoa.

4. Areas outside the main part of the city offer cheaper accommodation in the form of small hotels. Many of these Genoa hotel are equidistant from the seaport and the commercial part of the city.

5. Look for accommodations that offer breakfast such as those located near a sidewalk caf. This way, you can jumpstart your day with a dose of Italys famous coffee.

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Diet Frozen Meals Have Gone Gourmet! Read Why Here!

By Xania Hughes

Diet Frozen Meals have evolved from flimsy offerings of soggy vegetables and watery sauces and into amazing gourmet style meals full of taste and style! No longer do diet frozen meals have to be relegated to the ranks of last choice when choosing diet food. I know this because I recently trial a diet frozen meals program myself! Here's a list of what I uncovered:

* The days of boring dieting are over thank goodness! In fact, diet frozen meals now offer a very real way to put back taste and variety into a daily diet plan. When I received my first delivery of diet frozen food I didn't quite know what to expect! To my utter surprise I found gourmet meals such as Chicken Marsala and Beef Pot Roast, to name just two.

* Diet frozen meals are extremely convenient. All the meals and snacks are delivered weekly and remain frozen until I need them. I then heat...and eat! This is very important to me on a busy schedule as I often do not have time to make a special diet meal after a long day at work.

* One of my favourite things about diet frozen meals is that I don't worry about counting calories any more! For me, the part I hate the most about dieting is counting calories and writing them down each day. On my diet frozen meals program the calorie counting is done for me! Now I just make sure I eat only what is on the program and the weight loss takes care of itself!

* The meals are nutritionally balanced. This means that I don't have to worry if all the nutritional needs ( such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and iron) of my diet are met as they have already been calculated and included in my plan.

* The plan is affordable. It works out at about twenty dollars per day for me, which is a lot less than I would spend when I calculate what I would normally spend on lunches, snacks and bagels. I now know that once I have paid for my weekly diet frozen meals plan I don't really need to go shopping for extra food.

For people who are busy and live hectic lifestyles, diet frozen meals offer a very real alternative to traditional diet fare. I have enjoyed the variety and taste of my experience so far that I am certainly going to remain on my frozen diet meals plan whilst I lose my weight.

As with everything of course, it is important to be cautious when paying for your frozen diet meals program. I made sure I chose a supplier that was well regarded by the general public and had a proven record of quality and service. I am sure that because I did this I found a diet frozen meals supplier that certainly exceeded my expectations.

The diet frozen meal provider I finally settled on was the Bistro MD program. Bistro MD was not developed by a marketing company but was actually developed by a medical doctor who specialised in weight loss programs and had the welfare of her patients in mind.

With excellent presentation and a food variety that is gourmet standard, all the diet frozen meals I have tasted on the Bistro MD program have certainly exceeded my expectations.

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Who Makes The Rules?

By Jennifer Dumas

It is a growing trend to start our children in organized sports at a very young age. Mom, dad, I am sure you proudly recall watching your first born playing soccer at the age of 5. The rules are simple. Everyone plays and nobody loses. Funny how the game always seems to end in a tie. Your little guy chases the ball mixed into a cluster with the other children. It's wild kicking in that cloud of kids. Thank goodness for shin guards! Amazingly, by the end of the season, they have learned some basic positions and are no longer on top of eachother. It is in that moment that you realized that your little one has some real athletic talent.

His atletic career continues to grow. He dabbles in soccer, basketball, baseball and football until he finds the one sport he really excels in. It is then that you see his passion for the game and his true desire to win. You pay for the private instuction and make the commitment to practice and play 5 days a week or more.

Your child's team works hard to achieve championship status. As a family, you commit to raise the money to make your child's "World Series" deam a reality. You sell hotdogs, wash cars, and seek sponsors. Your friends , family and community rally around you, contributing to the cause. You have raised the funds...the team will have their opportunity to play.

Prior to arriving at the tournment, your child's coach informs you that the tournment allows teams to pick up "stud" players. To stay competitive with the other teams your coach feels he must do the same. The result... Your child and many of his teammates sit on the bench.

What message do we send to our children? "Thanks for all your hardwork this season, but have a seat. You're not good enough to play these kids". Isn't it your child and his teammates played hard to make it to this level? I say come as a team, play as a team, leave as a team!

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How a Knife Set Sharpener Can Help

By Moses Harun

There are a number of pieces of a knife set that may be enjoyed, including the several kinds of knives that are included with the set and the storage area. One of the best extras that is included in most sets is the sharpener. Many sets will have sharpeners that are part of the storage area for the knives. A knife set sharpener can be a great extra to any set.

A sharpener is meant to be used to make you knives blades amazingly keen and strong. With time, everyday usage can cause the blades to turn weak and lose their edge. Due to this fact, it can be more of a chore to properly manage the ingredients that require chopping. When the knives need to be used, it is important to know that if they are dull it will be tougher to manage them. You can use your new sharpener on the Wusthof Santoku Knife.

And even though a number of brands say that their blades will never need sharpening, this is not going to be the case for many of these sets. Because of this, it is important to choose a great sharpener for the set.

The sharpener may turn out to be among the components that is most often used. The sharpener can be very easy to use. The sharpener is used as an open area where the knife can slide. The knife can be inserted in the right direction so that it will be easy to get the knife to be properly sharpened. The knife will need to be pulled through the knife sharpener with slow, consistent movements. This is since each of the edges on the knife may be sharpened the right way; in the end, it will be much less difficult to cut food.

In most cases, the sharpener will turn out to be part of the set itself. This is where the sharpener is discovered within the storage area for the knives. It will be effortless to in and out of the sharpener because the sharpener that is meant for a particular knife set will be one that works precisely with the knives that make up the set.

Sometimes, the sharpener can be found packaged with the whole set, but but has not been attached right to the storage area. Along with your new sharpener, you can get the highly recommended Wusthof Santoku Knife.

A knife set sharpener is sure to be one of the best parts of a knife set to use. A sharpener will work to help with getting the knives to be sharp and working nicely. The sharpener may be employed so the knives have the capacity to work properly and that they will be ready for any kitchen needs.

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Getting Health Insurance When You're Self Employed

By Irving Donaldson

More and more people need to rely on self employment as their primary job and that means as a general rule that they need to understand the best ways of getting affordable health insurance on their own. As the economy worsens, an increasing number of jobs are lost that have the advantage of an employer with an excellent health insurance option, and rather than find themselves without, people are turning to the right agents to help them find the best coverage possible.


And many of these people might not need to look very far. In the best case scenario, there's a spouse that still has the kind of affordable health coverage that might even cover the disenfranchised person as well. This is method will save you potentially hundreds of dollars a month.

As well it might be possible for you to talk to the health insurance company that your presently employers use. This assuming that you're still working but will be laid off soon. This person might be able to help you find some affordable health insurance that's similar to the one you have at a higher deductible.


You might want to network as well and take the time to talk with some friends and others who are self employed. They'll be the ones that can tell you all about their experiences with getting the health insurance that you need as someone working on their own.

The other option that most people prefer is going online where they can get multiple health insurance quotes quickly. Here you'll need to be careful about the responses that you get and it's a great idea to have a general idea about the kind of insurance that you need and the amount that you're willing to pay before you start out. Remember that you'll want to get these quotes based on your current health and it's not a bad idea to get quite a few quotes before you start to narrow down your choices.


Remember that you dont need to go it alone either. There are many health insurance companies that have friendly knowledgeable agents that are willing to work with you to get the best price for the most health insurance coverage. Choose the company with the agents that are licensed and have the best knowledge of the requirements from state to state.

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What Is a Win Worth?

By Jennifer Dumas

It is a growing trend to start our children in organized sports at a very young age. Mom, dad, I am sure you proudly recall watching your first born playing soccer at the age of 5. The rules are simple. Everyone plays and nobody loses. Funny how the game always seems to end in a tie. Your little guy chases the ball mixed into a cluster with the other children. It's wild kicking in that cloud of kids. Thank goodness for shin guards! Amazingly, by the end of the season, they have learned some basic positions and are no longer on top of eachother. It is in that moment that you realized that your little one has some real athletic talent.

He or she continues to work hard to develop those athletic skills. You pay for the private instuction and make the commitment to practice and play 5 days a week or more. That hard work pay off as he and his teammates win league games, tournments and move on to thier sports version of the "World Series".

Your child's team works hard to achieve championship status. As a family, you commit to raise the money to make your child's "World Series" deam a reality. You sell hotdogs, wash cars, and seek sponsors. Your friends , family and community rally around you, contributing to the cause. You have raised the funds...the team will have their opportunity to play.

Prior to arriving at the tournment, your child's coach informs you that the tournment allows teams to pick up "stud" players. To stay competitive with the other teams your coach feels he must do the same. The result... Your child and many of his teammates sit on the bench.

What message do we send to our children? "Thanks for all your hardwork this season, but have a seat. You're not good enough to play these kids". Isn't it your child and his teammates played hard to make it to this level? Thats's when a win doesn't feel like a win.

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Useful Tips on Dinner Reservation

By Doug Schlette

Folks eat at restaurants. Some dine out almost every day, while for others it's a less frequent treat. Restaurant meals are common at lunch for white collar workers. Dinner out is common for some working families and in some industries where constant schmoozing happens. Often people can walk into an establishment and find a table. But at some times, and at some restaurants at all times, a dinner reservation is needed. Without a reservation a person won't eat there.

Particularly weekends and evenings, many restaurants accept reservations. Reservations are sometimes needed months in advance. Some are so special that even having a reservation is amazing. Can you imagine food so good that people would wait months to eat it? For some it's the thing to do.

When making a reservation only make it for the number of people you're sure will attend, and make it in advance of the planned night out. There are exclusive restaurants out there. Don't wait too long or you risk missing out on an evening. You may also have to invite fewer people because only a small table is available. Reserving spots too early can mean not knowing who will show up to eat, getting the restaurant to set aside too many seats at too large a table. Restaurants don't take kindly to that. the service may suffer, or they may think twice before accommodating your dinner plans next time.

Sometimes the customers do the wrong thing when it comes to reservations. But some restaurants are pretty poor when it comes to honoring reservations. People make plans to eat at 8PM, call in the reservation for 8PM, show up at 7:30 to enjoy a cocktail before dinner, then wait three hours before being seated. This may result in customers no longer patronizing that restaurant. However, it's expected at some higher end or exclusive places. The arrogance of making people wait, even when they called months in advance to make plans, is part of the atmosphere of such establishments. For some reason some people like being treated poorly.

There are now even companies that manage restaurant reservations. Many include online booking and get very good reviews. One customer related making reservations for her husband's birthday. Upon arrival she found the host looking up the reservation on a computer. To this patron's surprise the restaurant had done some planning for the birthday meal, providing extras and even a free slice of cake.

Make a dinner reservation to ensure a spot at the table. Hopefully the restaurant honors it. If not, express your displeasure. Stop giving them your money and tell your friends to do the same.

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Immigration DNA Testing Is Important Too

By Patricia Denny

There are lots of reasons that you might need to get some form of paternity testing done. You might need to determine the biological relationship between a man and a child or you might need to determine how many family members can enter a county under Immigration testing procedures.

Global Requirements

Of course there are some similarities between the dna testing procedures that go with a variety of tests like paternity testing before birth and the ones used for immigration, but there are other differences between the different variations that are worth noting. For example, while paternity testing can be accomplished with samples from people that are usually but not always in the same general locale, the tests that many Embassies ask for are from relatives that can be miles or even a continent apart with immigration testing.

Overseas Samples

Very often the country that a family hopes to settle in will ask that they provide samples so that all the members that want to immigrate can prove they are of the same family. This often means that samples need to be collected in overseas locations and the best dna testing companies will have the facilities to do that. Its necessary to make sure that the firm that you want to use is of the highest caliber possible. Regardless of whether you need court ordered paternity testing or the samples collected so that family can be reunited in a new land, there are some factors that need to looked at so the consumer can be assured they are getting the best product possible.


As you might expect, one of the first things that youll need to have a good look at is the kind of laboratory that the place employs. Any one who wants to make sure that they get the very best that these laboratories have to offer should look at a few simple factors. How long theyve been in business is at the top of the list regardless of whether you need the latest prenatal paternity testing procedures or something to do with immigration. Its essential that you find out as well if the place that youre considering using has all the proper credentials.

Finally, its good to know that the paternity testing place that youre looking has a flexible background. That way, theyll be able to handle your immigration needs too.

About the Author:

Immigration DNA Testing Is Important Too

By Patricia Denny

There are lots of reasons that you might need to get some form of paternity testing done. You might need to determine the biological relationship between a man and a child or you might need to determine how many family members can enter a county under Immigration testing procedures.

Global Requirements

Of course there are some similarities between the dna testing procedures that go with a variety of tests like paternity testing before birth and the ones used for immigration, but there are other differences between the different variations that are worth noting. For example, while paternity testing can be accomplished with samples from people that are usually but not always in the same general locale, the tests that many Embassies ask for are from relatives that can be miles or even a continent apart with immigration testing.

Overseas Samples

Very often the country that a family hopes to settle in will ask that they provide samples so that all the members that want to immigrate can prove they are of the same family. This often means that samples need to be collected in overseas locations and the best dna testing companies will have the facilities to do that. Its necessary to make sure that the firm that you want to use is of the highest caliber possible. Regardless of whether you need court ordered paternity testing or the samples collected so that family can be reunited in a new land, there are some factors that need to looked at so the consumer can be assured they are getting the best product possible.


As you might expect, one of the first things that youll need to have a good look at is the kind of laboratory that the place employs. Any one who wants to make sure that they get the very best that these laboratories have to offer should look at a few simple factors. How long theyve been in business is at the top of the list regardless of whether you need the latest prenatal paternity testing procedures or something to do with immigration. Its essential that you find out as well if the place that youre considering using has all the proper credentials.

Finally, its good to know that the paternity testing place that youre looking has a flexible background. That way, theyll be able to handle your immigration needs too.

About the Author:

Immigration DNA Testing Is Important Too

By Patricia Denny

There are lots of reasons that you might need to get some form of paternity testing done. You might need to determine the biological relationship between a man and a child or you might need to determine how many family members can enter a county under Immigration testing procedures.

Global Requirements

Of course there are some similarities between the dna testing procedures that go with a variety of tests like paternity testing before birth and the ones used for immigration, but there are other differences between the different variations that are worth noting. For example, while paternity testing can be accomplished with samples from people that are usually but not always in the same general locale, the tests that many Embassies ask for are from relatives that can be miles or even a continent apart with immigration testing.

Overseas Samples

Very often the country that a family hopes to settle in will ask that they provide samples so that all the members that want to immigrate can prove they are of the same family. This often means that samples need to be collected in overseas locations and the best dna testing companies will have the facilities to do that. Its necessary to make sure that the firm that you want to use is of the highest caliber possible. Regardless of whether you need court ordered paternity testing or the samples collected so that family can be reunited in a new land, there are some factors that need to looked at so the consumer can be assured they are getting the best product possible.


As you might expect, one of the first things that youll need to have a good look at is the kind of laboratory that the place employs. Any one who wants to make sure that they get the very best that these laboratories have to offer should look at a few simple factors. How long theyve been in business is at the top of the list regardless of whether you need the latest prenatal paternity testing procedures or something to do with immigration. Its essential that you find out as well if the place that youre considering using has all the proper credentials.

Finally, its good to know that the paternity testing place that youre looking has a flexible background. That way, theyll be able to handle your immigration needs too.

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