Thursday, January 29, 2009

Spinal Decompression And Sciatica


Sciatica has long been a difficult and unrelenting symptom to treat. Many treatments have failed to produce long term results, until now. A new treatments provides relief in the majority of cases without the risk on invasive procedures.

Sciatica is the the term used to identify pain running down the leg, it is irritation of the actual sciatic nerve as it exits the spine at various levels. The sciatic nerve is actually made up of several different nerves joining together to form one large nerve. The most likely cause of sciatica is a herniated or bulging disc in the lower back. The discs are thick fibrous structures between each vertebrae that offer cushioning and spacing needed for the nerves to exit and the flexibility needed to move.

When you look at the consistency of a disc it is made up of 2 distinct layers. The outer portion is the consistency of cartilage and the inner portion is much softer and almost jelly like. The combination of these structures provides good cushioning and flexibility to the disc. The problem arises when the outer portion weakens and allows the softer inner portion to begin to migrate outward creating a bulge or herniation. This then compromises the exiting nerve and creates the symptoms often associated with sciatica such as pain, numbness and weakness.

Traditional treatment programs for sciatica typically consist of pain medication, injections and in severe cases surgery. These approaches may work in the short term to reduce inflammation and decrease the pain somewhat, however they also carry with them significant risk. The risk to reward benefit is often not worth it long term as most of these treatment are only temporary. If the problem becomes more severe and the nerve is actually compressed then these treatments may offer no relief at all.

Steroid injections are one of the most common treatments utilized for severe sciatica as we have outlined previously. The goal of the injection is to reduce inflammation and soothe the surrounding areas. The problem is that the injection is only temporary and offers no real long term benefit for the patient. Side effect can include spinal headaches, a rebound pain phenomenon and a spike in blood sugar in diabetics. The relief obtained can sometimes be worth the risk, however a proactive approach must be coupled with the short term pain relief.

Some of the worst cases of sciatica may be referred for surgery. This approach may help a small number of these cases and may in fact be the treatment of choice, however it brings with it significant risk factors and a poor success rate. Spinal surgeries have about a 50% success rate and often can lead to a condition called failed back surgery syndrome. This condition is usually caused by scar tissue formation, spinal instability or another disc being involved due to increase stress on adjacent levels. It is also very likely another surgery may be indicated in the future.

A new approach to the treatment of sciatica now exists that is safe, effective and treats the cause of the problem not just the symptoms. It's called Spinal Decompression and brings with it a patented technology that allows a negative pressure to be created inside the disc space through a gentle distraction on the spine. This technology bypasses the typical guarding reflex of the spinal muscles and produces these negative gradients drawing in bulging and herniated material as well as fluid and nutrition so the disc can heal. It's effective in over 80% of patients and has no risky side effects. While some will say it looks like traction the computer system makes it highly sophisticated and beyond the realm of traditional traction devices.

While spinal decompression may not be right for everyone suffering from sciatica, research shows it to be a very promising and long term option for many. Because it offers a true healing environment for the disc and nerves the problem is not just masked or covered up, but a true healing of the structures takes place. The treatment is safe and represents a real promise for sciatica sufferers everywhere.

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