Saturday, January 31, 2009

The ABCs of Female Hair Loss

By Irina Thorton

There is no need to be ashamed if you are a lady who is currently experiencing some hair loss. You are not alone. More women than we actually think are suffering from female hair loss. This and many other facts of female hair loss should be properly understood.

Social Stereotype

Because of prevailing social stereotype on bald women, we rarely hear about women suffering from hair loss. Of course, short hairstyles are now socially acceptable for females. Baldness however is not. It is quite common for us to think that women should have thick, luxurious hair regardless of age and hairstyle. This is probably why those with female hair loss simply prefer to keep mum about their conditions. The truth is however, 1 in 4 women suffer from baldness. Female hair loss may therefore be as common as male hair loss.

Hair Loss Myths

One common belief about hair loss in women is that the condition is caused by frequent hair styling, hair coloring and treatments. Frequent handling of hair in these ways may really result in hair breakage near the scalp. Female hair loss of this kind however is not permanent. Hair will eventually grow back and the worst that may result in over treating hair would be hair dryness and probably split ends.

Other Causes

There may be several reasons why women experience loss of hair. The most commonly believed causes of female hair loss however may actually be responsible for only 5% of hair loss cases. These causes include alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, traction alopecia and trichotillomania.

An autoimmune disorder called Alopecia areata is a hair disorder which makes a person lose hair in patches. Telogen effluvium is another condition in which numerous hair strands shift from the growing phase into the falling phase. Traction alopecia is the result of tight hairstyles like ponytails, buns and braids in which large amounts of hair are pulled off. This may eventually lead to scarring alopecia in which areas of the scalp become scarred. Trichotillomania is a serious psychological condition which is characterized by chronic hair pulling which can lead to bald areas.

Most Common Cause

One common cause of baldness in women is hormonal changes. Estrogen level imbalances, an over or under active thyroid gland, child birth, menopause and hormonal therapies may be the culprits in female hair loss.

Difference with Male Hair Loss

The age for women to suffer from loss of hair is different from that of men. Women may suffer from hair loss as soon as they hit their early twenties. Most women who suffer from hair loss also do not frequently develop bald patches.

Women may only suffer from a generally diffuse kind of balding with obvious thinning only in some areas like the back or top of the scalp and the front hairline. Having severe and wide bald spots may be a sign that you need to see your doctor.

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