Friday, January 30, 2009

5 Important Steps to Achieving Your Goals

By April Ladrey

Do you have well thought out goals? If the answer is no, then you need to think and decide what it is you really want out of life so that you can find out what type of skills and resources you need. Once you know what you want, then you need to set both short and long term goals. This will help motivate you as you move toward and reach each of your goals.

These are just a few points to keep in mind when you begin to set your goals:

1. Attitude plays a very big role in setting and achieving your goals. You must ask yourself if any part of you or your mind is holding you back towards completing your simplest goals? How do you approach and solve problems? If you do have problems in these areas then the immediate thing to do is to address this problem. Decide to take 100 percent responsibility of your life starting right now.

2. Possessing time management skills is another important attribute you will need to achieve your goals. If you can harness time and use it to your advantage, then you will be able to continually reach goal after goal. Develop this skill now and make it into a daily habit.

3. You may need to gain certain skills or education to be able to reach you goal. This may require getting a degree or certificate in specialized training, or it may just mean you need experience in whatever field you plan on moving up in. Whatever the case, make an outline of what skills and education you will need to reach your goals.

4. Your family and support system should never be left out of your plans. Make sure they know what you envision for yourself and how that will affect them. Their support can be extremely helpful. Make sure and let them know you only want constructive advice if they have any to offer. Do not let them take away from your goal.

5. Make a plan. To start achieving your lifetime goals, set a five or ten year plan. This needs to be as specific as possible and you need to break down the plan into yearly, quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals as well. This will keep you on track and enable you to reach any goal that you set.

Taking action is now possible once you get through the above steps. You can now use your plan as your agenda for setting up to-do lists. You should have a daily and weekly list and consistently make sure you are moving toward your goal. If you get off track, then rearrange your steps as needed. If you make this into a habit you can honestly achieve any goal you can imagine!

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