Sunday, January 4, 2009

Are You Living In Integrity With Your Goals?

By Ray Stendall

So... you have set the goal and started the process of achieving what you want. You work towards the goal, think about the goal and are really excited. Then something happens. You loose steam, you get busy and the excitement that you had while you were working towards your goal fades and another project gets stuck back up on the shelf. Waiting for completion and just outside of your grasp.

These projects and goals that you shove to the side have an impact on your mind. They are promises that you made to yourself that you have broken. Inside there is an overdrawn debit account for every project that you did not complete. The internal stress from this debit account wears on you if you cannot put it back into alignment.

Getting Back Into Integrity

One of the ways that you start to live in integrity with your goals is to figure out what you really want in life. Many times you start a goal and never finish it because its something that you dont really want. Maybe some of the goals you have been setting have been for other people and not you. You will never make real progress until you have clearly defined goals that you actually want. Think about each of the projects that you have tabled or not completed and evaluate whether you want that for yourself or whether you were just going through the motions for another person.

Once you have that done list out the five main areas of your life: wealth, health, family relationships, love relationships and your form of spirituality. Write down what you want in each area of your life and be specific.

Do A Daily Check-Up

Each morning when you wake-up read your goals. Plan out what you will do each day based on the five categories of your life. Make sure that you devote at least five minutes every day to each of the five areas. At the end of the day go back over your list and ask yourself if you lived true to your goals during the day.

Living in integrity with your goals means that you take steps each day to move towards them. You align yourself in terms of your habits and your thoughts so that you are helping move yourself closer to your goals. If you merely sit around and dream without taking action you are out of integrity.

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