Saturday, January 3, 2009

Denosyl Tabs - The New Liver Supplement For Dogs.

By Francina Pawley

A great choice in a natural supplement to support your pets liver function is Denosyl tabs.

Your dog is made up of hundreds of cells, some of which bond together to form organs, which are the major players in sustaining life.

Although we put great store by the larger organs, life depends on health right down to a cellular level.

Cells are essentially what we are made up of, so we shouldn't ignore the small guys.

Imagine driving a neglected car, it goes, but all it takes is one tiny component to fail, and the whole thing may not function.

The same can be said for our bodies and those of all animals around us, we can neglect or abuse our health a bit but we are laying ourselves open to infection and disease.

And like an airplane component failing, it can lead to a bigger problem in the long run.

We can sustain some damage at cellular level without too much hardship, but if a major organ is affected, you have serious problems.

Transplants are possible, but incredibly costly, uncommon and risky. Much better is, of course, to stop the problem before it starts.

Specifically for pets, Denosyl SAMe is a great way to supplement his diet. When you give Nutramax Denosyl, your dog will produce more glutathione levels in his liver.

Glutathione is a good thing, and here's why. It's a naturally occurring antioxidant which will help fight off attack, disease and other unfriendlies and will repair liver cells, providing healing at basic level.

The best way to avoid disease taking hold is to ensure the cells in the body are healthy; many cells are destroyed each day by the body's defense systems if they mutate.

A healthy liver will fight back much harder than one which is already weakened.

It can be used as a preventative or in conjunction with other treatments to prevent or treat the following diseases and related illnesses:Hipidosis, Chronic Hepatitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Drug-induced Hepatitis caused by Prednisone or Rimadyl, and Pancreatitis.

Nutramax Denosyl SAMe for pets are an economical preventative measure any dog owner can take to give their dog the best fighting chance against liver problems.

For a few cents per day, you may end up saving thousands on costly and upsetting medical treatment for your dog.

If humans choose to abuse their body, it's their choice, but our canine friends will generally eat what we put in front of them and their lives and therefore health are controlled by us their owners.

Nutramax Denosyl SAMe for dogs is one obvious and easy way to do just that.

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