Monday, January 26, 2009

Dog Food Secrets: A Book Review

By Elliott Concagh

Noble was in Andrew Lewis' arms as he slowly died from a lethal injection. Andrew cried as he said goodbye.

Those of us who have sat in a veterinarians examination room like Mr. Lewis did that dark Wednesday afternoon, and braved the same painful experience, understand his grief.

Up until about a month before his death, Noble was an energetic, happy, frolicking dog. And well he should have been. He was only four years old.

Fours years old is a very young death for any dog. What caused his death so young?

Noble ate tainted food. Food filled with toxins. Noble was poisoned.

Since Mr. Lewis fed Noble, he had been an unwitting conspirator.

The sympathetic vet explained that Noble's kidneys simply gave out. The cause? A toxic reaction to the chemical preservatives in his commercial dog food.

This story starts as Andrew begins to comprehend the cause of death of his much loved pet.

Of course as the shock subsided, it turned into a great rage. In time the rage wore itself down and morphed into a sense of determination.

Ive spent the past 3 years and over $12,000 of my own money researching the truth about commercial dog food and proper canine health and nutrition Andrew says in his new book, Dog Food Secrets.

The book is actually about this road he travels to unlock the secrets and find the answers. In the process he shares some shocking facts about ingredients in commercial dog food, including:

***Chemical preservatives that are known carcinogens. Cancer causing agents that attack almost every organ in the body.

***Animals found dead on the roadside

***The decaying carcasses of dead dogs, cats, and zoo animals

***Residues of deadly poisons used to euthanize animals

***Pet collars, flea collars, ID tags and plastic bags

As the book continues, the rage turns into a determination to help animals and educate their owners on their safety and welfare.

A few examples of ways owners can protect their pets, include:

***Understanding the double speak on pet food labels.

***The few healthy brands of dog food. Hint: He couldn't even come up with a top 10!

***Why natural homemade dog food is the best food for your pet

***Over 30 homemade dog food recipes (included)

***Extending your dog's life beyond normal life expectancy

The book is dedicated to Noble and all the other dogs that have suffered food poisoning at the hands of their masters. The author is determined to make certain that what Noble suffered will not be suffered by other pets. And what Andrew Lewis suffered will not be suffered other dog owners.

The book is a fascinating read.

About the Author:

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