Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hemroids-Piles-Pain, What to Do!

By Noel Byrne

40% of the adult population suffer for hemroids, if you are reading this you are probably one of them. I will reveal the shocking truth in this article of what does not work and what to do for hemroids. Why haven't you got rid of hemroids for good.

Hemroid and pile treatments that are effective include creams and ointments. When the creams are rubbed into the rectal area, the tissues are relaxed and the pain eases. The bulging stops. This method is very effective in the short term, but temporary as the hemroids usually flare up again.

Another method what to do for hemroids that is very popular also are the use of suppositories. They are inserted inside the rectum to deliver moisture to the hemroid. The purpose of this is to ensure the hemroid heals before it ruptures again when the pressure is there.This treatment for hemroids seems to work for some but not at all for others.

Blood pressure is regulated with pills, they are also usefull for to tighten the tissue of the veins so that it is less susceptible to problems. This method can have side effects. Big pharmacies do like to push this method but do be aware it can have side effects.

Surgery and cryotherapy are other methods used for hemroids, these methods are extreme and only used if all other methods have been exhausted. This option depends on each person.

Painful hemroids or piles will get relief with safer options. Everyone is different, the pain they can tolerate is different too. It is better to try all safer options before thinking about using extreme methods.

I don't want to frighten you but 40% of the adult population, maybe more, ask the question "what to do for hemroids at some point". For some this is a recurring question as they have only found temporary solutions.

Inflamed tissue around the rectal area is basically what hemroids are. Internal hemroids can be painless, no symptoms unless you see blood on the toilet paper. Other hemroids can be very painful, and do effect our lives. Uncomfortable to sit, stand, walk and go to the toilet as the pressure will cause pain and scratch the hemroids.

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