Sunday, January 25, 2009

How To Make Beef Jerky

By Jonni Haydens

Jerky is as jerky does right? Well, yes and no. If you just make plain jerky then yes, jerky is jerky. However, if you put some time into being creative with it, then it's more than just jerky. It becomes a true culinary delight and something you will never tire of thanks to the variety of recipes you have stored in your head.

You can try all different types of combination in search of making truly great beef jerky. For example, don't just stop at beef...try and switch it up by using turkey or bison meat. You may be pleasantly surprised at how great tasting it may end up being.

Are you are wine lover? Well, if you are, you are going to love this. Go grab your favorite bottle of red wine because we are going to use it in our beef jerky. Now remember not to use too much wine because if our jerky is too moist then we will have a hard time getting it to dry correctly which will result in some not so tasty jerky!

Just a word of caution. The first batch of jerky you make will probably not be very good. It's just like learning anything and it will take some time to master. But the more you make, then better you will get and in turn your beef jerky will also taste better.

The first thing you need in order to get started making homemade jerky is meat. There are many choices you can go with but I will tell you that my favorite is sirloin tips. It is tender and makes great tasting jerky. You will need to cut the meat into strips that are 1/8 inch thick and try and cut the meat with the grin to help keep it tender.

Make sure that when you are cutting your meat into strips that you cut off any fat that may be on the meat. The purpose of this is not to make it more healthy but because the fat will not dry and will do bad. This will lead to you having to throw out all the beef jerky you just made! So make sure to cut off all the fat you can.

The marinade for our jerky will include 1/2 cup of red wine, a half cup of soy sauce, 2 garlic cloves and 1 tsp of garlic. If you want to spice it up even more, then feel free to add some red pepper. Mix all these ingredients up nicely and then pour them into a ziplock bag. Now add your 1/8 inch meat strips into the bag also and let it marinate in the refrigerator for a night.

After letting the meat marinate for a night it is now time to toss it in the dehydrator. Beef jerky usually takes around 6-10 hours to finish but you will want to keep an eye on it to make sure it is not over cooking. To test it, just take a piece out and cut it to see if it is still moist. When the jerky has finished drying, take it out and enjoy.

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