Sunday, January 4, 2009

How to Stop Foreclosure

By Gary Rollins

Buying a home is one of the happiest times in a person's life and they last thing they think about is unforeseen circumstances and the possibility of foreclosure. Unfortunately now that the economy is in the pits more and more people are facing foreclosure; and it is one of the most terrible things a person will ever have go through.

The fact is that you never know when you may become ill or lose your job. People tend to think in the here and now and don't realize that they could be in an accident or be struck down with some disease that puts them out of work for a long period of time or even permanently. With no or limited income it becomes harder and hard to meet a mortgage payment. All it takes is a few simple steps to keep from falling behind with the mortgage company. Don't just leave it to hope and fate that things will work themselves out.

It is embarrassing enough to be unable to pay your mortgage payment without having to actually admit it to your mortgage lender. Avoiding phone calls and hoping things will get better is not the answer and it is probably the worst thing you can do, especially when it comes to your mortgage lender.

Fortunately, for those willing to save their home, there is a way that foreclosure can be stopped. The first step to take is to call your lender. Nine out of ten times they will have some form of plan that will help you to get back on track with your house payments. The only way you will know is to give them a call and speak with one of their mortgage specialist, who will be able to help you determine what program or plan is right for you.

If you find things are too far gone and your mortgage company will not help you, then you may want to seek the advice from a financial institution other than your mortgage company. There are many lenders out there that can help you negotiate a good repayment program with your mortgage company. They will speak on your behalf to help you work things out in your favor.

The next option available is to consider getting your home refinanced. With this choice if you have any equity in your home you may even be able to get some extra cash back so that you can pay off other debts and free up some of your monthly outgoing amount. This is an option that many use when they find they are short on funds each month because of excess credit card debt. By paying off the credit cards you have more cash flow to afford your house payment.

Another alternative that will keep you from facing foreclosure is to do a quick sell your home. With the present state of affairs in this economy, there are a number of quick sale options available that were not available before. In previous quick sales it was possible to avoid foreclosure, however you only had 15 days in which you would have to move.

Many times you may find a lender that will buy your home quickly. This keeps you from going into foreclosure and in some cases they will allow you to remain in your home as a renter. There are even times when you may have to option of purchasing your home back, when your economic situation has balanced back out.

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