Sunday, January 4, 2009

Manage Your Kids to Eat Fish Once and For All

By Michael Byrd

Have you ever thought of abusing your child? If you think you don't, then, it is high time you do, especially if not feeding your children with fish will most likely resemble to child abuse.

Well, maybe because you really just don't want fish in your dishes. But that does not mean you can escape conviction. You are already grown up. You don't need to get away from the consequences of your actions because you know that you are what you eat. But your children do not know yet the consequences of not eating fish. And because you know the possible problems by doing so, it is almost a sin not letting them have what their body needs.

Put an end to such drama. Let's just pretend that you want to change everything and that you want to introduce fish to your child's diet. The question is on how you will work on it.

I have four children and with them I have learned that kids live by example. They will eventually follow whatever they see in us. And these actions will have an impact as they grow up, even as teenagers.

And so, just as what the experts keep on saying, teach them by example and while they are still young. The message is clear - to teach your children to eat fish, you must first start eating fish. Of course, it's not easy to get used to the taste or maybe because you have not just bought a fresh one. But it should not be a problem. You can always fix them. Here's how:

Non-fish eaters say that fish tastes fishy, or so they thought. Of course, fish is fish and will never be like chicken. But the reason behind its fishy taste, if ever there is, can be attributed to its preparation or its freshness. So to avoid fishy fish, always go for the freshest catch.

Start with a fish cookbook. Keep on trying all fish recipes until you have found the one you and your family will love.

Experts say that it is simpler to build up your liking for fish by starting first with a mild tasting fish. This does not include salmon because even if it has the highest omega 3 fatty acids, it is also highly flavored. So you'd better start with those in the white fish group such as sea bass or grouper. Little by little you will get used to the fish taste and eventually you will like salmon. Do it this way and everything will be easier for you and your family.

Getting your kids to eat fish and hitting it all right from the very start can make a big impact. In our own experience, we started introducing fish to our children when they were just 6 months old. We gave them fish oil on a spoon. By then, they are already chewing the capsules on their own. And now, fish is definitely one of their favorite foods. And so, we are confident that whenever we go out, there is 80% probability that they will order fish.

For those who belong to the older age group, especially to those who have already created a preference for pizzas and potpies, encouraging them to eat fish may seem like a miracle. But you can still do something about it. Just stick with the tough love and be firm with what you will do. Follow the suggestions mentioned earlier and be firm on creating the menu. If it is fish, then stick to it. When they get hungry, they will eat.

To lengthen you children's lives and to put them in the pink of health, try these ideas. Studies show that aside from the many benefits that fish can give, it can also improve your child's mood and behavior. This is advantageous on your part too. Just be happy you have chosen to teach your kids to eat fish. Sooner or later, they will also appreciate what you have done.

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