Friday, January 2, 2009

The Power of Using Your Intuition To Attain Success In Life

By Ray Stendall

Your intuition or your sixth sense is vitally important to your future success. Let us first define intuition. Intuition refers to the ability to sense or know immediately without reasoning." A good question that is often asked is how does a person improve their intuition? To answer this question I will need your help. I want you to think of someone in your life who you consider to be highly intuitive. Most people who are highly intuitive have the capacity to observe details about their surroundings and details about who they are. Let's call this hyper awareness.

When you talk to someone who is highly intuitive they tend to do more listening than talking. They observe everything you say and how you say it and more importantly what you did not say. By doing this and observing the environment in which the communication took place, they are able to read between the lines and sense more about you than you ever thought possible.

Intuition can also be applied to all aspects of life beyond communicating with others. Have you ever noticed that when you have a pressing challenge that occupies your mind for some time that somehow almost through thin air the right answer comes to you? Often we call this a hunch or inspiration. What do you do when you experience a hunch or inspiration? Do you follow through and investigate it or do you let it fall through your fingers like it never existed? Have you ever experienced getting the same hunch over and over again separated by long periods of time? When inspiration or a hunch comes to us, particularly repeatedly, this is a signal that we need to pay attention to.

Where do these hunches come from? To answer this question I'll need to involve a little bit of quantum physics. Don't worry we will not go into too many esoteric details here.

Do you realize that you and everything around us is made up of energy, space and matter? If you look at inanimate objects under a microscope you will see that they are made up of molecules, and every molecule is made up of atoms, and every atom is made up of electrons, neutrons, and protons. Each has a positive or negative electrical charge and a whole lot of space. If you continue looking under the microscope you will see that these atoms are vibrating at a high speed of vibration.

If you do not believe me let us consider an ice cube. If we add energy in the form of heat to an ice cube we'll get water. If we continue to add more heat energy to the water we will get steam. What has really changed here? At a molecular level nothing has changed, however, the ice has disappeared and has become steam in our atmosphere. What changed was the rate of vibration of the water atoms contained in the ice. Now that we understand this critical principle, I think you will agree with me that everything around us represents energy. If not, well, youll need to review your science textbooks.

If everything around us represents energy then the thoughts we have also represent energy. Correspondingly, since energy cannot be created or destroyed and it can only change its form based on the laws of thermodynamics then it is quite possible that we can pick up the energy of others and we can transmit energy to others. This has often been called telepathy. A short example is to think about people you know and have met that you got a bad vibe from. Nothing may have been said but you just knew that, that person was trouble.

If we acknowledge that it is possible to receive energy from others we must also entertain the idea that it is possible to receive energy from a source outside of human thought. Energy flows to and through us. In very much the same way that an acorn can grow into a large oak tree, you and I can take the energy that flows to and through us to take ideas in our conscious and subconscious minds and convert thought energy into its physical equivalent. The process of recognizing the energy that flows to and through us is what our intuition is all about.

If you want to become more intuitive you have to become hyperaware of who you interact with and your surroundings. You have to get in tune with reading vibrations so that you can act on your gut feelings and hunches. Your success depends on grabbing those ideas and little flashes of intuition and putting them into action in your life.

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