Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sam's Hemorrhoids Story - The Truth Exposed

By Heather-Jane Hunter

People loved my last case study about my friend who beat hemorrhoids after a 10 month fight against them so much that I decided to share another success story with you.

This story is based around a 52 year old man named Sam who come from Dallas, Texas. Sam runs his own furniture removal business. When I found this out I wasnt surprised to hear he had gotten hemorrhoids as lifting heavy weights is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids were nothing new to Sam, in fact in the past 5 years he had suffered from hemorrhoids 3 times. The first two cases were minor and disappeared as quickly as they appeared, but the third case was more severe. Worst of all, it happened at a time when Sam couldnt take a break from work as he was simply too busy.

By not resting as he should have, Sams hemorrhoid quickly worsened to the stage that he could no longer work, he struggled just to walk around the house let along carry fridges onto a truck! The heavy lifting he had done had added a lot of pressure to the hemorrhoid which is why it got worse.

Luckily for Sam, when he was desperately looking for a hemorrhoid cure he stumbled across one of my articles I wrote some time ago. That particular article was about natural hemorrhoid cures in which I specifically recommended H Miracle.

Sam purchased H Miracle and within 7 days had fully cured his hemorrhoid and was back at work. Sam was so delighted with how quickly he had healed his hemorrhoid that he tracked that article down and sent me a private message saying thanks!

Sam knows that he was foolish to keep working when he initially noticed the hemorrhoid " but he was unaware at how quickly they can become more serious. To Sams credit, he eventually did take action that cured his hemorrhoids in less than 10 days " not a bad effort I think.

When talking to Sam I suggested he try a new breathing technique when lifting the heavy objects to reduce the chance of hemorrhoids. I told him that if he exhales while lifting and inhales while lowering the weight he can better control the blood pressure in his rectum.

If this article has been useful for you, you may find my previous case study interesting too. Click the link below to see that case study and visit the hemorrhoid website I mention below for more in depth hemorrhoid information.

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