Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Science And Art Of Natural Healing

By Gabriel

Have you ever considered aromatherapy for your health and well-being? Well before you go into it, lets take a look at what it is and what it is not.

First off, aromatherapy is considered a science and art of healing and maintaining the subtle energy balance of the human body. This art has been in practice for many centuries.

They date as far back as the ancient Egyptians to the classical Greeks. Though technically they are not recognized by the medical establishment as a hard-core science, their healing track-records are proven. They range from alleviating headaches to curing certain diseases.

If course as with all things, not all aromatherapy are created equal. The effectiveness and efficacy of this ancient art really depends on the skill of the user and the quality of the oils used. It must be said that aromatherapy is not a cure-all. What it does is that the aromatherapy oils help the body to heal itself.

Huh? I know you might be a little confused here. Let me explain. Unlike medical science, where administer drugs will cause certain effects in the body, aromatherapy oils actually have an indirect effect on the human body.

It stimulates certain natural functions of your body which knows how to heal and repair itself. The efficiency of the aromatherapy oils depends a lot of how well the blood-stream circulates in the body. The faster and smoother it circulates, the greater the effect it can have.

Certain oils like the lavender can be soothing and helps the body to unwind while other types can aid in other bodily problems like indigestion or insomnia. If you wish to fully benefit from the many wonders of aromatherapy, than you should seek out a quality store that stocks good essential oils.

Aromatherapy oils are basically taken from the extracts of trees and plants. Ancient tribes knew the benefits of these plants as they experimented and cataloged its uses and properties. These oils were then passed down orally or written in texts to let the next generation know of it.

Alternatively, you can also visit an aromatherapy therapist. What the therapist will do is do a basic diagnosis of your health issues. Than he or she will select certain essential oils that will have the best effects for your custom needs.

Remember certain oils may not be suitable for some people, so take care to only approach qualified aromatherapy therapists for advice. I hope the above article has given you a clearer picture of what aromatherapy is and clear up any common misconceptions of it.

The general rule of thumb is: Look for professionals who know what they are doing. Stick with this advice and you will be fire. Now go and bathe yourself in that nice aromatherapy bath!

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