Friday, January 2, 2009

Stopping Alcohol Cravings

By Ed Philips

Although there do exist links between what you actually eat and cravings for alcohol, the food issue is not a short cut in helping us to stop drinking alcohol as other changes such as medical treatment and dietary supplements are necessary.

There have been a lot a studies carried out on just which nutritional supplements help most during alcohol withdrawal time periods and the results show that it is in fact the B-complex vitamins that make the biggest difference, although positive responses were also recognised through vitamins A,C,D and E.

Studies have shown that greatly reducing intake of sugars and caffeine can directly lower alcohol cravings. In the case of sugars, this would mean avoidance of processed desserts and treats with greater than about 10 grams of sugar per serving; avoidance of sodas; avoidance of dried fruits and fruit juices except in limited amounts (like a 4 ounce glass of juice or a few tablespoons of raisins on cereal); and of course, very little use of table sugar.

In the case of caffeine, the benefits would come from elimination of caffeinated sodas; elimination of coffee or tea, unless decaffeinated; and elimination of chocolate, except in fairly small amounts (like 3-4 small chocolate squares). Both simple sugars and caffeine can have an impact on your blood sugar regulation, and this connection with blood sugar is interesting, because there has been some evidence in the research that stabilizing blood sugar can help reduce alcohol (sugar) SS cravings. In summary, although it can be difficult to steer clear of these two substances, the research suggests that it's worth it in terms of alcohol craving.

A second step is to make sure that your diet is filled with nutrient-rich foods so that you can get all the nutrients your body needs to operate at its best including helping to support your liver and other detoxification processes.

From our point of view the only way to achieve a complete nutrient rich diet is to eat as healthy as possible as these the the food that most contain the all important nutrients. Another reason for this is that alcohol depletes our body's nutrients so we need to stock up again and get back into being healthy again.

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