Wednesday, January 28, 2009

vaser lipo body contouring

By Dr. Ian Jones

Selston cosmetic clinic near Nottingham, has recently introduced a new and safer method for removing unwanted body fat, called vaser lipo. It achieves outstanding results becasuse it only works on fatty cells in the body and has no effect on healthy veins and other body tissues.

By using this approach the results are far smoother than more traditional liposuction techniques and result in far less swelling and bruising. As a result, recovery times are shorter. The area women usually request work on are abdomens, hips and inner thighs. Men usually request work on reducing unsightly breasts.

The approach allows medical people to use greater precision in their surgery and achieve delicate restructuring not otherwise achievable. The fast is melted or disssolved and then remvong it ueinsg cannulas. This allows surgeons to be more selective than liposuction methods, and offers faster patient recovery.

The patented Vaser Lipo Liposelection technology efficiently breaks up fat with diffuse ultrasound energy. The energy is delivered using small, solid, grooved probes. The liquefied fat is then removed with suction and massage using tiny cannalue designed to give minimal tissue trauma.

The ultrasound only dissolves fat cells and does not affect nerves or blood vessels. The procedure is carried out under a local anaesthetic.

In summary: Results are immediate. There is minor swelling for approximately a week. As the swelling subsides the results continue to improve for up to six months as collagen grows and tightens the skin. A Friday procedure will typically have a patient back to work and play by Monday. Patients can participate in light exercise later the same day.

In an independent study, patients having had the procedure, experience very few complications such as chnaged skin sensation, skin induration, skin necrosis, prolonged swelling or skin burns compared with other techniques..

So the choice of method does depend on how much fat the patient wants removed and vaser lipo can extract more in one procedure. However there is a limit to the volume that can be extracted.

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