Thursday, January 1, 2009

What You Need to Know About Head Louse Cure Solutions

By Rashel Dan

Head lice on your kids can be a real problem. It's not a hopeless one, though. There are various head louse cure solutions. You just have to find the right one.

The Best Cure

The options are simply countless that you can have a hard time finding the right one. There is a possibility that there is no single head louse cure that is the most effective. This is especially since lice are so stubborn and some have even grown so resistant that even the most carefully formulate head louse cure product is not enough.

Sometimes what you really need is a great deal of patience, time and perseverance. A natural or chemical head louse cure needs a lot of manual help. You also need to perform regular manual check ups to make sure that your head louse cure has really killed all the lice.

Prevention is Still Better

Getting Lice from Other Kids - Rather than deal with a recurring problem, some parents simply prefer to prevent the problem from happening. Prevention they say is the best head louse cure. Prevention however is easier said than done. Lice usually spread through direct head or hair contact. This means that lice can transfer from one kid to another during regular classroom interaction, school sports activities and summer camp games. You can't possibly expect your child to keep away from other children. You could however lessen the chances of getting lice on your kid by instructing him not to share personal belongings with other kids. This would at least cut the chances of lice transmission through free roaming lice.

Use Products Properly

Although it may not be necessary, some parents immediately use chemical products on a kid who has been to summer camp as a preventive head louse cure. It is suggested though that such chemically strong products only be used if your child really has lice. You should also be patient enough to use a product only as indicated and instructed. Using a product improperly can encourage lice to be resistant to treatment.

Clean House

Clean Environment - A total and complete head louse cure involves a thoroughly clean house. Perform house cleaning when a child has been deloused and after your child's friends have just concluded a slumber party. Remember that lice can live for more than a day away from their food source. Free roaming lice can get right back where they belong.

Just Expect Lice

It can only be expected. Ask around for a good head louse cure as soon as your kids reach the age of 3-12 years old. Although not all kids get lice, it is so common that almost every kid gets it. Even squeaky clean kids get lice so don't think that your kid is exempt.

See a Doctor

Generally, lice infestation is usually a problem that can be solved at home without the need to consult a doctor. This is because having lice does not expose your child to the risk of transmitted disease or lice induced deadly conditions. You should however see a doctor for an alternative head louse cure if the problem persists and if your child suffers allergic reactions to your current solution.

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