Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chemicals to Avoid in your Skincare Products

By Marilyn Etzel

Taking care of our skin is a priority. If we are good to it, it will be good to us. With so many skincare products to choose from, what do you do? Whatever skincare line you decide to use, there are some chemicals that shouldnt be contained in any of them.

1. Alcohols"Alcohol is a drying agent. If you have dry skin, alcohol will make your skin feel even drier. Alcohols go by many names so look closely at the label for words ending in -ol. Drying agents will further strip your skin and hair of necessary moisture.

2. Parabens"What are these products? It is a chemical that inhibits the growth of bacterial in products like lotions and creams. When we pour or pump lotion from the bottle, our skin may come in contact with the top. It is a potential source of contamination to the product especially if several people use it. Parabens work to stop that, but can cause skin irritations in many users.

3. Perfumes"Companies work hard to produce a new scent that people will like. Even though you may like the smell, it can cause skin irritations or allergies if the right chemicals are mixed together. A rule of thumb is to avoid skincare products that are scented. Look for words like hypoallergenic when buying skincare products.

4. Phthalates"Look at the ingredient list on your lotions and soaps the next time you are in the store. If you see the word phthalate (pronounced thal-ate), put it back. These chemicals have a poor reputation and if they are harmful to animals.

5. Dyes"Some of the dyes that give the products their color are also harsh to the skin. If your skin is oily or well moisturized you may not notice it but for those with skin conditions these dyes can leave you itchy and red.

It is important to read the label on all skincare products. Most people dont know that skincare products are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They are on their honor to provide a safe product to the consumer. Many consumer watchdog groups keep a lookout for harmful products and get the word out in print or on the Internet.

We hope that manufacturers wouldnt sell us a bad bill of goods but it happensa lot. The only thing that these manufacturers are required to do is list ingredients on the label according to how much is included. Even with skincare products claiming to be all-natural, check the label to validate their claim.

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