Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Depressed About Breaking Up And Need Help To Make Up?

By David C Zimmerman

Depressed about breaking up and wishing you could turn back time? Are you experiencing strong emotions and extreme regret that makes you feel blue and sad? Although you may be tempted to say you are feeling "depressed", true depression is a medical illness that requires medical attention. Possibly it is more correct to say you are extremely sad and feeling very unhappy.

So, if you are feeling sad about breaking up, what can be done to make you feel better about yourself? Believe it or not there is a highly successful program for mending relationships that may help your situation. Before I tell you about that though, I want to tell you a few steps to start making you feel a lot better about yourself and not so sad and blue. When you are depressed about breaking up it takes a big effort to do positive things and stop real clinical "depression" from setting in. Once you become more emotionally balanced you can then start and work on the process of mending your relationship.

Here are some things you really should try to do:

1. Get yourself out of bed each morning as early as possible. Feeling melancholy and sleeping in all hours is really of no use at all and won't solve your problems.

2. Get out and do some exercise. Walking, running, cleaning...anything! Researchers have shown that when we exercise the body releases chemicals known as an endorphins into our systems. These helper chemicals can alter moods and make us feel good about ourselves.

3. Get to work promptly and dont slack of by calling in sick(especially when you are not.) Work can be an excellent distraction when you are feeling depressed about breaking up!

4. Before you and your ex were together you would have done things you enjoyed. Try and do them again know to fill in your alone time.

Using the tactics listed above, you will find that very quickly your depressed about breaking up feelings become more controllable, and that eventually, although you are sad, you are not feeling so devastated and wiped out.

Now for the information that probably got you reading this information about break ups anyway!. What system is there available that can help mend a broken relationship and help you get back with your ex on a permanent basis? The system exists, and is known as the Magic of Making Up System. In fact the advice on how to deal with feeling depressed about breaking up comes from this program. The Magic of Making Up System has actually been so successful it has helped over 6000+ people mend their relationships and get back together with their loved one.

The proven techniques in the Magic of Making Up System actually take you step by step through the relationship mending process. Starting from the point of what to do when you first break up, helping with what to say and do when you make first contact again, all the way through to reconciling and making sure you don't split up again, The Magic of Making Up system certainly has the power to heal relationships.

You can download the Magic Of making Up System directly off the net as it comes in E book form that allows you to start immediately working on the plan that will mend your relationship. You can also get valuable free advice from the Magic Of Making Up webpages, where the author of the program (T.W. Jackson) speaks to you on how you can take action to stop feeling depressed about breaking up and begin the process of making up.

Are you ready to stop feeling depressed about breaking up? Very soon you could instead be feeling over the moon about making up!.

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