Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Moving to the Toddler Bed: A Look at Toddler Sleep Habits

By Amanda Garrett

Making the big move as we call it in our house can be a scary thing for a toddler. For us, it came when my 16 month old discovered how to climb over the rails of his crib. Unfortunately, it was right about the time when we were able to lay him down and he would go to sleep on his own. Needless to say, we were scared!

The big move went fairly well for us with only a few nights of getting up and down. These tips will help your toddler sleep in his big bed easily and comfortably.

Leave the crib in the room.

Toddler sleep patterns are fairly predictable which makes it easy to start with nap time when making the move to a toddler bed. Use nap time to get your little one interested in the new bed and to get him used to sleeping there instead of the crib. To make this easy on you, simply leave the crib in the room with the new bed.

Have a routine in place.

Since moving to a different bed is a new concept for your toddler, it is important that everything else in his life is calm and familiar. Be sure that you have a good bedtime schedule in place. You can make story time, bath time and then cuddle time part of the before bed routine. Chasing your toddler around the house begging him to go to sleep is never a good way to end the day.

Decorate to motivate

Make the move a fun thing for your toddler. A good idea is to redecorate your toddlers room buying a new bed, bedding and even a new paint job will do wonders to get your toddler excited about sleeping in his or her new bed. Even if you dont go the whole nine yards, even new sheets or rearranging the furniture can be exciting so make the most of it!

Don't go overboard with rearranging the furniture. When you lay your child down to sleep, you want them to look at the same things as they fall into dreams. So try and position the new bed in the same location as the crib was in. This will allow your toddler to sleep more comfortably and fall asleep more quickly.

Keep your attitude in check

Please, parents, dont push the change. It will only make the transition harder for you and your child. If your toddler puts up a big fuss about sleeping in the new bed, simply reassure him or her that it is a good thing; however allow them to go back to the crib if he/she absolutely insists. Remind your toddler that you sleep in a big bed and also offer a night light and a lovie of some sort.

Offer rewards for sleeping in the new bed such as a new book or a trip to the park. As parents, bribery is our friend. Embrace it!

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