Thursday, February 26, 2009

How Normal is Your Headache?

By Robert Walcher D.C.

Headaches: A Common Occurrence

The most common modern health complaint of people today is the suffering from headaches. With so many people having headaches, it is only natural that they are turning to pharmaceutical remedies for these annoying problems.

One estimate contends that some 50 million people in the U.S. get severe, long-lasting, recurring headaches. While most headaches are not signs of serious underlying conditions, they are extremely distracting and account for a significant loss of work time.

Over the counter medications are the quickest fix for most people suffering a headache. It seems that we have become a society that relies heavily on OTC medications and will pop pills at the first sign of trouble. Pain relievers or analgesics however have their own side effects, one of which is a headache. Rebound headaches are "drug induced" caused by the very medicines we take to overcome the headache in the first place.

As the body accustoms to drugs and medications we build up a tolerance to them. This means that we need more medication to find relief but also will need to more frequently use the medication. The headaches will become worse and with so much medicine being taken we lose our ability to control them. The only way to stop this circle is to discontinue the medications.

For this reason alone, a chronic headache sufferer should consider alternative treatment sources such as chiropractic treatment.

What is Your Headache Telling You?

It's important to note that a headache is merely a symptom of a deeper problem. It should be viewed as a warning sign. And until that warning sign is heeded and the symptom is dealt with, the headaches will undoubtedly continue.

The root causes of headaches can be wide and varied. They can range from stress, to allergies, to sinus problems, to eyestrain and even lack of sufficient nutrition. Likewise there are many different types of headaches. The most common headache is the tension headache. Next are the dreaded migraines which can be severe enough to put a person to bed due to the blinding pain. Cluster headaches are less common but no less painful.

As we mask headache pain without finding out why we have the headaches; we are simply prolonging our own cure. Treating ourselves with pain relievers causes more harm than good and does not offer a permanent solution.

Putting Up With Headaches

Unequivocally, the answer to that question is NO! No one should be forced to put up with the pain and aggravation of headaches. Regular headaches are not normal and should be looked at as a problem that requires specific attention. A chiropractor is the perfect choice to get to the root of your headaches so you can stop masking the problem and actually find a remedy to them.

Headaches are caused by pressure on the nervous system. If you are predisposed to a misalignment then added pressures like stress, tension and dramatic events can easily give you a headache. A chiropractor works to relieve existing pressures through specific adjustments to the vertebrae. It is proven that there is a cure for spinal related health problems through properly performed adjustments. They are a highly effective means of remaining in optimum health.

What is Your Body telling You?

Continuing to deaden your body with painkillers will never be the answer. This simply masks those warning signs. Listen to your body. And then seriously consider learning the root cause of your headaches through the safe and trusted use of chiropractic.

The only thing you might lose by turning to a chiropractor - is your headaches!

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