Friday, February 27, 2009

Sharebuilder also offers Mutual Funds

By Kay Riter

If you ever want to retire or if you want to be rich someday, you will need to make your money grow. The best way to do this is through investing. By investing, you won't have to save as much to make more money, or you can make more money faster and maybe even retire early.

You have to start learning. Do as much research and studying as you can. Read books and magazines about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investing. If you want to become rich, you know that you need to invest and that you need to learn how to correctly and effectively research stocks.

Now what do you do? You've done you're research and you know what you want to invest in, but how do you start investing? Where are the brokers that need to buy you stocks? With the internet, it is now easier than ever to get started buying stocks and investing.

My top recommendation for a stock brokerage firm is Sharebuilder. I have been with them for more than 2 years now buying and selling stock, and I've had no problems. Once you sign up, you can get started investing right away. It's really that easy! It will take about 10 to 20 minutes to get through the sign up process, and then after sending in copies of ID, you should be all set.

Sharebuilder has plenty of features to protect your money. Many people are wary when it comes to using a credit card online, let alone investing your money. Sharebuilder does not use a credit card. Use simply connect your checking account and transfer money whenever you need it. They have special validation for whenever you transfer money and make trades to ensure you are the only one using your account.

Another great benefit of sharebuilder is that stock trades only cost $4. Just $4! Other brokerage firms first cost much more than that or have a minimum investment amount. Sharebuilder lets you invest $10 at a time if you really want to. For long-term buy and hold investing, they is the best.

If you're new to investing, you might not feel comfortable choosing stocks on your own to buy. If this is you, you can choose to invest in any of Sharebuilder's mutual funds instead. With a mutual fund, you just send in your money and an fund manager pools it with other investors' money and chooses stocks to buy for you.

It's never too early to start investing. Ten, twenty, or thirty years from now, you will be very happy that you started early. Don't worry about your future. Just do what you need to and stay on top of things.

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