Friday, February 27, 2009

Why Do I Keep Developing Tonsil Stones?

By Mike Long

Treatment options for those suffering from tonsil stones has become widely available over the past several years. Unfortunately, there aren't any "one and done" solutions. But with some changes to your regular oral habits combined with regular use of the products available, it is possible to keep the little buggers from being a nuisance.

A tonsil stone can be an annoying nuisance and give the feeling of a foreign body stuck in the throat for some. The stones can vary in size from being very tiny right up to the size of a pea, but people who only produce small stones may not feel them at all. Some only feel their presence when they eventually work loose and are coughed up into the mouth.

Keep in mind that quite often having chronic tonsil stone problems often goes hand in hand with having bad breath. Similar bacteria and sulfur compounds can be found in each issue. If you have ever smashed one of these things in your fingers and smelled it, you'll know what I mean. It might be the most foul smell known to mankind!

There are a number of ways to remove tonsil stones, but most of them are pretty much ineffective. You can try scratch, press, or pull them out with your fingers, but many times they are lodged too deep for that. Some may also try using a pick or brush to clear them out. This isn't recommended as you can accidentally do damage to the inside of your mouth or tonsils.

If you do insist on squeezing them out, it is possibly better to first make sure you have scrubbed your hands clean and then use a moistened cotton bud to gently squeeze the tonsil until the tonsillolith works its way free. Remember that pushing anything down your throat can make you gag and will not cure tonsil stones for good. In fact this will do nothing at all for any bad breath issues or horrible dry tastes you may have and is not a method I would personally endorse.

The best tonsil stones treatment in my opinion and one that I have personally used to great effect is a complete oral hygiene kit that works at eliminating the underlying problems to stop the tonsilloliths and bad breath for good. If used correctly it should stop tonsil stones from ever forming again, get rid of any bad breath issues and give you that constant fresh breath feeling.

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