Friday, February 27, 2009

The Problems of Fat Loss

By Tony Haynes

There are a number of people who are so desperate to shed few pounds quickly that they resort to unhealthy methods like starvation because they know it works but this not a healthy approach to weight loss and should be avoided at all costs. Weight loss like this is not healthy as we all require specific vitamins and nutrients in our food to maintain our health.

Healthy weight loss and maintenance actually means to eat a healthy diet rich in the nutrients we need without excess calories. Some people also help themselves along with fat loss supplements such as Thyrogen X which can help. You must never underestimate the importance of sleep to stay healthy in the same way that we all need daily exercise.

Women's magazines often present wonder diets that make you slimmer in a matter of days and some of these 'healthy' weight loss diets are centered on using a specific type of food. An example of this would be the 'healthy' diet that relies on the dieter eating nothing more that fruit boiled vegetables, salads and chicken; which in itself is not bad but does not include many other types of food that we need to stay healthy.

We are not meant to have such restrictive diets and a consequence we rebel against them, even if they are healthy as it is almost impossible to live on just a few types of food for very long. If you want to be on the right track for your healthy weight loss, all you need to remember is not to eat foods with a high calorific value, keep up the daily physical activities, even if it is walking for thirty minutes, and make sure you sleep well.

Eating during the night when they should be asleep is actually quite common for overweight people and a doctor can tell a great deal about a person who does not sleep well. If you are someone who does rise in the night to feast, you are doing nothing but harm to your body and will be wasting all the effort you have made following a healthy weight loss program, with exercise to burn off calories.

The expression 'you are what you eat' could not be truer because if you eat a healthy diet and get regular fitful sleep, generally you will find you are more active during the day and your health will improve. Don't demand to much from yourself as healthy weight loss takes time and the one thing that will slow it down or stop it altogether is the way you treat yourself so be positive. You can't ask miracles from your body because it responds in a certain rhythm to physical stimuli and overweight people who desperately want to lose weight often have the tendency to work themselves out in tiresome physical exercises. A good way not to fall into this trap of expecting too much from your body is to build up your stamina slowly by jogging or walking on a daily basis before you even sign up for that gym membership. You should never forget that your body has its limitations and mobility comes in time.

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