Sunday, February 22, 2009

Affordable Homeowners' Insurance -- Things To Do

By Chimezirim Odimba

Anybody who implements time-tested tips will easily attract more affordable rates without sacrificing adequate coverage But also note that you could save if you use the wrong tips. The only difference is that you'd put yourself at risk. Here are some sure ways to pay far less without putting yourself at risk...

1. You might be suprised to hear that you might not know half the discounts that you might be eligible for. If you don't know something exists you cannot prepare yourself to take advantage of it. Can you? Sit your agent down and demand that they tell you about all discounts that your insurance provider offers and eligibility requirements. More often than not, you will be pleasantly surprised at the amount you'll save with unadverised discounts.

2. Having window locks on each of your windows will help lower your home's risk of burglary. You'll save even a lot more if you go further to have burglary-proof bars fixed on every window. If you're not one of those people who say that having such amounts to being imprisoned in their own house, have them fitted if you intend to lower your home insurance premiums considerably.

3. You will spend less if you take reasonable steps to improve the quality and strength of your roof. This applies more to you if you reside in the East. Your agent should be able to outline steps that you should take if you want a discount this way.

4. A CLUE (comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) report is a must-read for every home buyer. This report will help you avoid homes that would cost you much in home insurance.

For example, some people don't know that they'll spend more if the town they live in has just a volunteer fire service instead of a full time service. How far away the nearest police station, fire station and/or fire hydrant are will also determine how much you'll pay.

Get such helpful information before buying a home. You could pay less for the home and end up spending a lot more on insurance.

5. A house with a swimming pool is something everybody likes having. But as far as your home insurer is concerned it raises a home's risk and therefore brings more expensive premiums.

Despite the fact that you will get higher rates if you have a swimming pool, you can bring down what you'll pay by having a fence around it or taking other safety precautions. Doing the contrary will make you pay much higher rates.

As you take note of the above don't forget this...

You can save much money in home insurance if you get and compare home insurance quotes from quotes sites. You'll make savings if you visit just one of such sites. But keep this in mind, you'll get more by using at least five. The plain reason for this is that you'll get a greater number of home insurance quotes from many more insurers. This increases your chances of getting better quotes.

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