Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Best Sci Fi Can Inspire Us

By Joseph Alan

This may be unconventional thinking, but it's possible that the best sci fi can alter the way in which we view our universe. Often, it shows us whole new areas of imagination, and may even influence us enough to inspire us to create what we imagine.

Standard forms of writing can also provide inspiration, but it often has a hard time dealing with real creativity. It can be too structured to allow for inspirational ideas, so it overlooks ideas that are normally considered radical.

The best sci fi, however, can enlarge our perceptions and help us follow new avenues of thought. It can help us imagine what an artificial intelligence might be like. Or a species from another planet. In doing so, it also helps us look at ourselves in new ways.

New technologies may also be explored. Isn't it possible that Asimov's whole concept of robot intelligence and artificial consciousness is even now inspiring modern scientists? This idea would almost certainly be pursued anyway, but his ideas are certainly influential.

Conventional stories aren't as good as science fiction when it comes to exploring the many possibilities of the human experience. They don't allow for as much speculation, so they are more limited.

Writing that describes non existent worlds, or alien species in a convincing way, requires a great deal of talent. Therefore, it should be taken as seriously as any other form of literature, and appreciated for what it is.

Many people avoid non realistic stories. This is a mistake, and they need to remember that all tales are ultimately the creation of an author's imagination.

Some introspection will show that no fictional work is actually about real events. All good fiction is designed to lead a reader into believing that certain characters and locations really exist, even though the author has just made them up.

Therefore, all fiction is an attempt to escape from reality. The really good authors also help us learn something about ourselves or the world around us, and they can do this no matter what genre they are working in.

The innovation and creativity that the best sci fi offers the literary world should not be underestimated. More serious study should be given to this unique form of literature.

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