Sunday, February 22, 2009

Environment is the Key to Enhanced Learning Skills

By Lauren Tyson

A student can come up with a million excuses for why they haven't started studying. Television, video games, and lack of motivation are all culprits. Persuading kids and teens to study can be difficult, especially if they are not in the mood.

Something that many parents overlook is the environment in which they study. A teen may have every intention of studying, but the TV, computer, internet, and daily family traffic can distract them from fulfilling their objective. Even something as simple as the lighting in a room can dissuade kids and teens from 'hitting the books'. Many times, these choices are not on purpose; they are subconscious signals that the brain picks up that tells kids that there may be better things to do elsewhere.

Physical environment has a tremendous influence on a teenager's motivation. A desk cluttered with books, papers, and personal effects can affect his or her sense of organization and make it much harder to concentrate. A blaring television or the drone of background conversation can also make it difficult to focus.

How can you help motivate a teen to study? The first step is to provide a calm, studious environment. Help your teen choose a place in the house away from family activity and distractions. It should be somewhere they are comfortable studying and spreading out their schoolwork. If it is necessary to choose a den or TV room, draw back the curtains and let in as much light as possible. A bright room will keep a student alert and focused.

If the study environment is in his or her room, ensure that the space they have to use is neat and organized. Studies have shown that kids absorb more information in an orderly environment than they do in a place cluttered with items. This will also help them find papers, books, pens and anything else they need to aid them in the study process more easily.

Another great way to enhance the studious atmosphere is by making signs that remind teens of their goals and aspirations. SuperCamp, a leading academic summer camp that teaches learning skills to kids and teens, believes in a doctrine called Everything Speaks. When teens are surrounded by positive affirmations, they will feel capable of anything they set their minds to. Messages such as "Everything I do deserves my best effort", "I can learn this", and "I believe in myself" will energize your teen and help them muster the motivation to study.

Make studying a joint effort with your kids. Help them clear out the space designated for studying daily, and collaborate with them on the best ways to accomplish their goals. Experiment with music. Baroque music especially has been known to help the brain focus and access it's most resourceful learning state. Regardless of the methods used, allow your kids to see that you have a vested interest in their academic career.

Students in control of their own successful learning experience will be students motivated to study and achieve. Providing the necessary tools for their success can enhance their study habits and set them up for future success. Positive learning environments can make a difference in every student's life!

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