Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How Effective Is An Acne Prevention Diet?

By Nathan James

Many diets have been designed to help people prevent future acne breakouts, wherever they may occur on the body. Acne can appear on the face, back, chest, and shoulders. To make an acne prevention diet truly successfully, it is important to remove certain aggravators from your diet. Nothing special has to be added to what you regularly eat, however.

Fats and Grease

For your acne prevention diet to help you clear your skin, you will need to greatly reduce your consumption of foods high in grease, fat, and oil. These products cause the body to create an overabundance of sebum and other oils. It is those oils that fill up pores and cause acne.

The pores on your face can easily become clogged due to the presence of high levels of sebum and facial oils. Once a pore has been clogged by this mixture, bacteria begin to grow and the pimple that forms becomes more difficult to get rid of effectively.

Carbohydrates and Sugars

Studies have shown that those carbohydrates that exhibit an elevated glycemic index increases the risk of an individual developing acne break outs. This is due mainly to the elevation of insulin and glucose which are factors to acne breakouts. The studies have shown a remarkable link of carbohydrates and sugars to the increase of acne breakouts due to the high glycemic index of these foods. On the other hand, an acne prevention diet consisting of carbohydrates which have a low glycemic index and more lean protein have turned out favorable responses.

Not just adolescents experience acne problems; adults can also develop acne. Acne prevention diets for adults are essentially the same as those for younger people. Foods that are safe to eat include carbohydrates and sugars with a low glycemic index while foods to be definitely avoided would include greasy, fatty, and oily foods.

The severity and frequency of acne breakouts can both be significantly reduced by making use of an acne prevention diet. Despite the fact that some people do not believe that the things you eat can affect the condition of your skin, it really can. Remember the old adage, you are what you eat. Eating right and sticking to a good acne prevention diet can help you to keep your skin clear, healthy, and beautiful.

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