Monday, February 23, 2009

Is your partner cheating on you?

By Tammy Porter

The word "cheating" is one which is very much associated with romantic relationships. It is a sad event and nobody wants to be cheated in a relationship. However, the fact remains that there is a huge percentage of relationships which get ended due to cheating. If you are one of those smart people who want to know well in advance if they are being cheated then here is the way to find it out.

This isn't all tat hard and you will come to a definite conclusion in less than a couple of hours. Let's look at it in three steps.

First step:

It might sound difficult, but this is something you have to do. Try and steal away your partner's mobile phone for a few moments when he/she is not noticing. You will need it for around ten minutes, but make sure you are not caught in the process.

You could surf through the phone when he/she is sleeping or taking a shower. If they go out for shopping or a walk without the phone, grab that opportunity. These are the commonest occasions which will enable you to do the job with considerable success.

Step Two-

We assume you have their phone by this point. Go to the call log list. Check all incoming and outgoing calls.

Get hold of a piece of paper and a pen and quickly jot down all the phone numbers in the lists. It really won't take a lot of time, and once you are done, make sure you return the phone to its original place. You are ready to move on to step three in ten minutes!

Step Three-

This is the last step to aid you in finding out if your partner is really cheating on you.

Now it is time for you to find out who the owner of these phone numbers are. This gives you the information about who your partner has been talking to.

These required details shall be furnished by a service called the "reverse phone lookup". Within no time you will be ready to judge whether your partner has been unfaithful or not.

"Reverse phone lookup" is an amazing system whereby you can get the name, address and even background information about the owner of a particular phone number.

For this you will have to subscribe to the service of "reverse phone lookup". Go for a service provider which charges you only once. So you will have to pay only once to enjoy unlimited lookups.

It's now time to run a reverse lookup on every phone number you had noted. Watch out for any suspicious names or calls. Chances are, anything out of the way will stand out prominently.

The steps given above provide you with the easiest and the fastest way to catch an unfaithful partner. It provides you with enough proof to confront your spouse or partner about his/her infidelity!

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