Monday, February 2, 2009

My Review of Liberty League International

By Murry Thompson

I started with Liberty League International in the spring of 2004. I spent two years as an associate with them, made more money during the following two years then I had in the past five. I meet a phenomenal group of friends and really did live a life of freedom. All of this was possible because I was naive and really believed in what I was doing and selling.

In the summer of 2007 all of that changed.

I became exposed of the real way Liberty League International was being run, I learned the heart breaking secrets that no one ever spoke about with leads, and I overwhelmed with of watching 96% of the people I brought in fail. Because of these, and other reasons, I left LLI. I looked for a new system that could really teach members the skills necessary to become profitable marketing on the internet. It had to have the training, support, and products that all are in demand and sell easily.

Liberty League International Product Overview:

Liberty League International has three main products, with the "Beyond Freedom Home Study Course", being the first. It did have a lasting impact on my life, and I still believe it has value. That being said, if you are not interested in the Liberty League International marketing opportunity, you can easily access the information that is contained in Beyond Freedom from your local book store in the personal development section.

I attended the Liberty Conference several times and was exposed to top speakers in the personal development sector. The first Liberty Conference I attended was by far the most powerful. As I attended more conferences, speakers often repeated from event to event, the actual 'in session' portions of conferences got shorter and shorter, and the overall value decreased.

What finally turned me off was the Summit Conference. It is Liberty League internationals financial education event. It was all but informative about finances. There where speakers there giving "ideas and information" to better your financial house, but I was really let down. For a conference that costs $12,995.00 I really think LLI could have done much better. All of my close friends in LLI at the time felt the same way. It was at this time I started looking else where.

My Conclusion with LLI:

Are you able to make a living with Liberty League International? Yes. Are there better opportunities out there? Absolutely! Do through review, if you feel you like what LLI offers, then join them. Just be sure you know what you are getting involved with. Liberty League International changed my life in a positive way and was a part of my path to success. That being said, if I where starting in business today I would look elsewhere. I believe LLI's time has passed.

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