Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Secrets Of Weight Loss Revealed

By Dan Ezeife

Around 60 % of the estimated population suffers from excess weight. There are people who carry double the average weight required for a fit body. This group either has no time for workouts or never bothers about the dangerous of overweight. There is another segment which is aware of excess weight but wants to reduce it within a month or quarter. To add up there are certain companies or products in the market which promise to give them what they want within a limited period. Loosing weight never happens in a day to two, it's a long term activity and takes years to reach the final destination.

Heavy weight is dangerous. It may have certain effects like body pains, heart problems, retain body's fluids, thyroid problems, imbalance nutrients etc?A famous phrase says "health is wealth". Maintained body weight is always a sign of good health and fit body. They are three effective methods of loosing weight diet, workouts and medication. Don't bother to reduce your weight with a day or two. Weight reduction is a continuous and long term activity. People who loose weight within days face severe problems than those who never bother about their increasing weight.

Avoid fatty food as they help you to increase your weight instead eat less more often which contains proteins, Legumes and vegetables viz. Boiled eggs, chicken breasts, black beans or pinto beans, mixed vegetable or spinach. Prepare a diet chat which helps to understand what and when to eat. Dietician's suggestion is always advised before creating a diet chart. Here family support also comes into picture as the diet would not be effective unless the family helps him or her in weight reduction. Diet chart should picture a balanced amount of fat, protein and carbohydrate.

Regular exercises are the most important activity to reduce excess weight. It is impossible to reduce weight without workouts. Try and take sometime for workouts like running or abdominal exercises. Build your muscles they not only keep the body fit but fills energy in you to carry out the work for the rest of the day. It is highly preferred if exercises are carried on early in the morning rather then sun set. Push ups, Bands and other equipments in the market and beneficiary in reducing weight.

Some people even prefer medication to keep their body weight. Pills are easily available in the markets which help either to increase or reduce weight. They are usually not preferred as they have lots of other side effects, which need not be healthy. Hence, weight loss is a long term process and continual process which keeps the body toned and healthy.

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