Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What is a Nocturnal Animal

By Richard Guzman

Andrew's class has an oral report due next week. They have been studying nocturnal animals. Nocturnal animals sleep during the day and stay awake at night. His assignment is to pick a nocturnal animal and share what he learned with the class. He is the only student in the class who hasn't picked one.

Andrew's friend "The Brain" slept over last night. After everyone was asleep, they snuck out to look for nocturnal animals. Andrew was bored. To entertain himself he thought it would be fun to hang upside down on a tree branch. That wasn't such a bright idea. The branch broke and so did his arm.

Although, he was restricted from some activities and even some chores he still had to do his oral report. I know it sounds unbelievable but his report is due Monday and he still hasn't picked a nocturnal animal.

He convinced his mother to let him go over to friends' house. His friend was going to help him pick a nocturnal animal and help him research it on the computer. The funniest thing happened as soon as he got to his friends' house. His friends' Mom was still puzzled. She wanted to know why he was hanging upside down in a tree at night like a bat. Andrew finally realized what nocturnal animal his report was going to be about! A bat!

Jake and Andrew looked for websites that had information about bats. Andrew learned many interesting and fascinating facts about them. He learned that a bat was a mammal, just like we are. He also found it cool how insect eating bats move around in the dark, a process called echolocation. This means when a bat sends out a high pitched sound a sound bounces off objects around them and comes back to their ears. Also, when a bat rests he hangs upside down. I bet he doesn't break very many branches and arms. Andrew is so excited that his report is really coming together. When he got home he practiced his oral report in front of the family. He decided to take his sisters' advice and add pictures. Today the reports were due. Andrew was picked to go first and he was fantastic!Looking back, he realized that he should have gone about picking a nocturnal animal differently. All the worrying was for nothing.

In the future Andrew will relax! Andrew admits he gets overwhelmed easily. The teacher doesn't even finish her sentence and he becomes nervous. As soon as he hears the word "project" his stomach does flip flops and whatever she says after that is "blocked out". Andrew agrees this sounds pretty accurate. Perhaps, it would be in his best interest to research the topic on the computer first. Andrew agrees 100%. He said utilizing the computer should never be his last priority. He was really surprised how many websites were just a few clicks away from the topic he needed information on. For example; Google, Yahoo, and Ask.com are very helpful and simple to use to find out information. Andrew, realizes that on any of the above websites, he simply has to type a sentence or the main words of your topic. It is unbelievable how fast the results are displayed...in seconds.

Andrew, thought about it and using a computer is so much easier than sneaking out and getting injured. Andrew said he did not look at the big picture when he made his careless decision. He also believes that this experience has taught him to stop and think before making any hasty decisions in the future. Andrew, knows if he has any other questions to just ask a family member someone will be more than happy to help him with his dilemma.

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