Monday, February 2, 2009

Which Golf Training Aid is Right for You?

By Pat Johnson

If you want to reinforce the proper technique of the golf swing you should take a serious look at one of the highly rated training aids that are available. An accurate and powerful swing is the first step in shaving strokes from your final score. A well designed training aid will allow you to do both.

The majority of us are not born with the innate ability to pick up a club and perfectly swing it on plane and with the right tempo. This skill takes lots of practice and hard work. However with dedication, great strides can be made and you will see the results you are looking for in time.

Golf swing training aids come in all shapes and sizes. They range from videos on DVD, to practice clubs to full blown simulators. Each one is unique in the manner in which it teaches and the degree to which it provides immediate feedback

As not all training aids are created equal, neither is the method by which the seek to improve your swing. Some will give immediate feedback on what went wrong while others are not instant. Regardless they all aim to identify your problem and advise you of the proper technique to use instead.

Even setting up a simple camcorder can be a great way to improve your golf swing. You can film your swing and then review it later. By looking at your swing objectively in the third person you are able to detect flaws and take the necessary steps to correct them.

A few golf lessons can be a great way to ensure you are practicing proper form A live golf instructor can guide you to the proper way to hit a ball and then you can take that information back to your personal practice. Then you can be assured that you are not merely reinforcing bad habits.

While it is certainly not necessary to play at the caliber of Tiger Woods, a game of golf is much more enjoyable when you are confident and have control over your shots. Repeated practicing of the correct technique is the only way to achieve this result. The amount of practice each individual needs is different. Find a golf swing training aid that targets the area you most need improvement in then keep using it until you have it mastered. Good luck.

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