Monday, February 2, 2009

Best Life Diet by Bob Greene - the 3 phases

By Matt Hellstrom

Phase 1: Reving Up

In the first four weeks of the Best Life Diet, focus on moving more and changing your eating patterns. Step on the scale to get your starting weight. Then, put it away! Next, get moving! This is what revs up your metabolism and burns calories. You will determine where you are on the activity scale. If you are already exercising regularly, boost it one level. Zero activity level, go up two levels and start formal workouts right after checking with your physician.

Also, start eating three meals and one snack daily. And don't forget breakfast! It gives your metabolism a jolt and will keep you satisfied until lunch. If you wake up without an appetite, eat anyway. Not only does this get your metabolism going, it gets your brain making endorphins that increase pleasure and decrease pain sensations. Can't beat that!

Guidelines for Phase 1:

* Eliminate alcohol (you can add it back in later).

* Have a glass of water at every meal.

* Starting taking a nutritional supplement, multiple vitamin with omega-3 and calcium included.

* Stop eating at least two hours before you go to bed.

At the end of the 4th week, weigh again. Goal is to have lost 1+ lbs a week. If that is happening, continue for 2-3 more weeks here. If your weight didn't drop much, move to Phase 2.

Phase 2: The Switch

Now you are ready to see the pounds really fall off in this phase, which should last a minimum of four weeks. You will eliminate 6 foods from your diet and replace them with less fattening foods that will curb your appetite. Weigh yourself once a week. If the number goes up, don't be hard on yourself. Just see if you can fine-tune your efforts. Also, think about increasing your level on the activity scale. Exercise can provide some of the comfort you might otherwise find from eating, thanks again to endorphins.

At the end of four weeks, its time to check to see how you are doing. If you've met your goal weight, move to Phase 3. Otherwise, you can stay put here. There are a few other variables based on your weight goal that Bob Greene's Best Life diet plan book explains.

Phase 3: The Rest of The Story

Welcome to the rest of your life! You don't have to add all the recommendations of this phase all at once, but do the best you can. You will continue to watch the way you eat and exercise as this is a work in progress. By now, watching calories will come more naturally (which you can do easily with the Bob Greene diet plan Advanced Pedometer).

With everything you have learned and changed in Phase 1 and 2, you are ready to add the "anything goes" calories back into your diet. Good foods like dark chocolate, full-fat cheese, yogurt, a glass of vino, pizza (whole grain crust of course!) are all back up as options. Vegetables continue to be your main staple. With these, 2 servings of fruit and any whole grain food, depravation (and diet) are no longer words in your vocabulary. Your craving for sweets will be taken care of with fruit and an eye on the ingredients when you added a tasty tidbit.

Getting to indulge in a few more of these extra calories may be one incentive to increase your activity level, which you should do again when you enter this phase. Exercise will help you maintain the weight loss you've achieved and allow you to eat more food without regaining. A plus is exercise also slows down the aging process. Weigh yourself no more than once a week and no less than once a month.

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