Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cat Food Ingredients You Should Avoid

By Virginina Sutherland

Finding a good food for your kitty may take a bit of detective work. Discounting advertising slogans such as "Wholesome" and "Recommended by veterinarians" along with the deceptive, yet legal, labels that allow "meat" to be the number 1 ingredient even though it is far down the list.

Unfortunately there are a number of ingredients in cat food that not only do not belong there, they can be detrimental to your cat.

The multibillion pet food companies spend both time and effort making people believe that grains are healthy and wholesome in order to sell their food. The truth is that grains are implicated with a long range of chronic, painful and expensive health problems.

One of the worst ingredients in pet food is corn. It irritates the bowel, it is highly allergy producing and it has a high glycemic index.

I high glycemic index means that after your cat eats food containing corn, her blood sugar levels will raise. Cats do not have the necessary enzymes and hormones deal with an absolute onslaught of sugar in the blood. Cats are designed to get their energy from protein, not from carbohydrates.

Commercial kibble containing corn has 30-60% carbohydrates. A cat in the wild, eating what nature intended for them to eat, will eat food containing 3-5% carbohydrates.

After a meal of corn containing kibble, the cat will have a spike in blood sugar. Cats do not release insulin after eating carbs, cats release insulin after eating protein, thus are inefficient lowering the blood sugar.

Constant spikes in blood sugar levels are taxing on vital organs such as liver and kidneys and taxing on the endocrine system. The end result is not infrequently insulin dependent feline diabetes.

Corn is also a culprit in feline obesity. Cats do not register full after consuming carbs. Cats register full after having consumed the required amounts of protein. In order to satisfy the need for protein your cat has to eat more of the inferior, grain containing kibble.

Finding a grain free food for your pet should be on the top of your list. Today there are grain free canned foods and even grain free kibble.

Start looking today for a brand of food that contains no corn, no wheat and no soy. Your furry friend will thank you.

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