Wednesday, February 25, 2009

West End Marketplace in Dallas, Texas

By Haylee Landford

I was fortunate to grow up in a place surrounded by unique and exciting places: Dallas, Texas. I didn't appreciate how special these places were until I ventured out into the world away from it. The forefront of my favorite memories of fun in Dallas, no doubt takes place in the West End Marketplace.

The school made this place the destination of many field trips to engage our attentions. There were many shops including a fudge factory, a purple store, and a unique 3-D art gallery with holograms. Students flocked to the joke shop to see the many novelties, like the sucker that captured a tequila worm. The bottom floor held our captivation the strongest with its sea of arcades.

The Dallas Alley, just outside the Marketplace was also filled with fun vendors, such as caricature paintings. My visits at night introduced me to specialty artists on the sidewalks. One particular man was bouncing to techno as he spray painted a colorful canvas with great speed and grace, finishing it off with a blast of flames. Watching him paint was just as artful as looking at the finished painting itself.

Witty street vendors would approach a group of us young people and offer me a flower on the condition that a young man in the group would give me a hug. After I received my hug, the vendor would turn to the boy and inform him that now he must purchase the flower for me. To this day, I have failed to retain possession of a flower from the West End, owning to the frugality of youthful boys.

The atmosphere is only complimented by the local cuisine at very close vicinity. The most worthwhile would be the Spaghetti Warehouse. The environment created at each individual table is enough to set it apart as a fascinating experience.

The food itself is far superior to any Italian restaurant at which I have eaten. I have sampled the lasagna, the spaghetti with homemade sauce, and chicken alfredo, all with mouthwatering pleasure. Ultimately, the experience of eating at the historic Spaghetti Warehouse in Dallas is legendary.

My last visit to Dallas, however, was met with unexpected disappointment. I was showing my fiance around like I had to many other visiting family members. Our visit was very brief since so many of the shops were boarded up and closed. I was at a loss to see the great transition from the charming place I had remembered from the past.

Why would people stop going to the West End Marketplace? It has been rejuvenating news that the magically place that captured many memories of my youth has been undergoing renovations with the hopes of returning to the prize of Dallas activity. My anticipation to return there and re-experience the captivating is hopefully shared by many locals and tourist alike so that we might again see the West End Marketplace flourish.

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