Friday, February 6, 2009

ORAL CHELATION SECRETS The Hidden Secret of Oral Chelation.

By Harriet Bammolleiz

Oral Chelation is still kept a secret, even though it has been sold by doctors since 1948. It has so many benefits that drug companies do not want you to know about this great product.

What is the 21st Century Plague? Toxic Heavy Metals are all around us everyday and night and we are clue less to them. We have done numerous case studies and have seem amazing reversal of serious health conditions when using a Oral Chelation Formula. We have done case studies and research that shows the effectiveness or Oral Chelation.

Many people don't understand that on a daily basis we come in contact with toxic heavy metals. Its in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and some products we use. It is almost impossible not to come in contact with these toxins. They can cause serious health conditions, pains, and aches. Using an Oral Chelation formula can help detox these dangerous toxins from your body. Oral Chelation has been used by doctors since 1948, and has amazing health benefits.

Here are some Professionals that understand the many benefits of Oral Chelation:

As an allopathic nutritional and metabolic physician, I am happy to state that Oral Chelation has served hundreds of my patients very well, indeed for many years now. Aluminum, mercury and copper excesses/toxicities are quite common among my patient population in Tucson and phone-consulting patients around the US, causing fatigue, memory loss/dementia/early Alzheimer's and general ill-health The results, in hundreds of patients over a many year period, has been nothing short of outstanding, with total clearing of symptoms and very few sensitivities - John V. Dommisse MD, MBChB, FRCP(C), ACAM member.

Vital organs such as the brain, liver, kidney, and bones can all be affected by toxic heavy metal exposure. Generally heavy metals cause disruption is metabolic functions. High blood pressure and cholesterol are also very common issues. You won't want to stop taking any medications your doctor prescribed, but after seeing benefits and if recommended by your doctor you can start to reduce the amount or completely stop taking the medication.

The EPA states that there is over 50 industries where employees are directly exposed to Heavy Metal toxins. We all know that work is necessary, so start taking Oral Chelation to help prevent the toxins from damaging your body while you are working. Taking care of yourself is number one, try Oral Chelation and see the amazing health benefits for yourself.

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