Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Treating A Cold Sore - Making Your Cold Sores Disappear Fast

By Denny Bodoh

Treating a cold sore safely and successfully can be quite easy if you read this quick article. Enjoy amazing relief from your cold sores using these tried and true tips for treating a cold sore.

Treating a cold sore is not something you want to do very often. They are quite an interruption in your life no matter how good your treatment plan.

Your body can heal cold sores without your aid, but it takes much longer. Treating a cold sore in a timely and safe manner will give you relief much more quickly.

It is very fortunate that cold sores always form on the surface where you can easily get at them.

There are several stages of cold sores. Each stage requires a slightly different remedy for optimum success. Below are the main stages and the appropriate treatments.


The herpes virus that causes cold sores lives in the roots of your nerves. When active, this virus squirms to the surface through that nerve fiber. You feel it as a tingling, itching or burning sensation.

As soon as you feel this, apply ice or any cold object. The herpes virus hates this. This treatment alone can postpone - or even stop - cold sores from occurring.

Lysine supplements can be very helpful in stopping cold sores fast. Start taking them now through final healing.


Painful red bumps and lots of swelling marks this stage of cold sore development. This tells you that the herpes virus has entered the surface nerve cells to replicate.

The use of ice is still a good choice for treating a cold sore in this stage of development. It will give you some relief from pain and swelling and helps discourage the herpes virus from more damage.

Applying garlic at this time is also extremely helpful. Cut or crush a fresh garlic clove and apply to the sore area. You can get garlic oil in bottles and gel-caps for convenience or travel.


Once the sore breaks open, the virus has completed the damage and you now enter the healing phase.

Continue taking the lysine and applying the garlic oil. Stop using ice as a treatment now because it will slow down the healing process.

During the healing period, applying heat will greatly speed healing and comfort. Using a hot tea bag is an excellent choice for this purpose because you also benefit from the anti-viral properties of tea.

Do not heat up the tea bags in the microwave. It destroys the beneficial healing nutrients in tea. Heat up on the stove. You can drink some too for even better results.

Keep the wound as sterile as possible by cleansing with alcohol or peroxide. After a good cleansing, apply the garlic and then the heat for about 12 minutes.

After you apply heat, then finish up by applying Aloe Vera gel. This is an amazing repair gel for damaged skin and cells.

Aloe Vera makes skin and cells grow like crazy. But do not use the bottled gel. It has very little healing power left. Get it fresh from the leaf of a live plant. These make very useful house plants.


When treating a cold sore, use extreme caution so as not to spread the virus to other spots on you or someone else. People with a lip full of sores started with one and spread the rest.

The most dangerous risk is getting the herpes virus in you eyes. These eye cold sores usually cause permanent damage to the cornea.

Keep your fingers and the cold sore area as sterile as possible while treating a cold sore. Wash your hands religiously, and avoid touching the sore with your fingers. This virus is a direct contact virus.

Cold sores occur on the end of your nerves. That is why they are so painful. Drug store remedies often contain deadening agents such as lidocaine. These do give some degree of relief.

Treating a cold sore does not have to be complicated. Simply use cold to slow the sore and heat to heal it quickly. And to prevent new infection sites, wash your hands regularly when you are treating a cold sore.

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