Monday, February 2, 2009

Wireless Home Security to protect you

By Scott Chalmers

Your home is at risk all the time however during hot days people become more careless and the security risk to your home rises. It is amazing to see how careless people are when it comes to security in the home. The number of people who leave spare keys under the door mat, above the doorframe or even under a plant next to the door. In some instances your insurance may not cover a break-in if you have done this so you may not be insured after all.

It's a really warm day and like everyone else you open your windows but whatever you do make sure you close them before you go out. Even if you think you are going to be a few minutes that's all a thief could need. You also run the risk of your alarm going off because of a small wind moved some curtains and set off a motion sensor in one of your rooms. A thief can be in and out with your valuables in a matter of minutes so don' let them

Garden furniture and tools cost a lot of money and thieves know this as well. Make sure you keep it out of sight from passers by otherwise you might as well put a big sign on it saying 'I'm expensive come and steal me and don't forget to checkout the valuables inside' Try and give the thieves the impression there is nothing worth stealing and that if they do you have the security systems in place to prevent and catch them.

A really simple door announcement system would provide a cheap and simple alarm system. These alarms come in two different types, one is connected to the door and every time the door is opened the connection is broken and the alarm goes off. The other is a small battery operated motion sensor alarm which I belive is the better of the two.

Rather than be bothered by the kids going in and out for drinks you could put a motion sensor just outside the kitchen so if anyone went any further into your home you would know. The battery motion sensor offers greater flexibility as you can position it at patio doors or in a hallway.

You can quickly and easily set up a mini motion sensor alarm and as it is battery operated there is no wires or need to find an electrical socket. Normally these alarms come with two settings including a simple chime so that you know someone has passed or a continuous alarm sound to warn you.

The mini motion sensor is a great security device to take on holiday with you. You can point it at the door or next to patio doors to make sure you are not broken into whilst asleep. Nobody wants to wake up with an intruder in their bedroom.

Most crime is committed by opportunist thief who will take any chance you give them to steal from you. If you do not give them the opportunity to make you a victim they will move on to someone who will. Remember it is better to prevent a crime, so call your local police station for crime prevention advice.

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