Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Crafting Business: Homemade Play Dough

By Mercie Hallow

Modern hands-on mom who stay at home and look after the kids can start a crafty business on a low capital, using safe and economical ingredients. There are a lot of pieces of information from the internet that can help moms start their own business at home. These can include homemade soaps, shampoos, liquid gels, cleaning agents, baby toys, etc. These crafty ideas may be used as a business starter and for the home as well.

An example of a homemade baby toy that is good for selling in a crafty bazaar is homemade play dough. Home made play dough is done using safe ingredients that are not harmful to your babys health once swallowed. Firs step in making homemade play dough is to prepare the ingredients: 1 cup table salt, 1 " cups of flour, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 4 teaspoons cream of tartar, food coloring and flavor oil (coconut, vanilla, cherry, etc.) for scent.

Mix all the ingredients until you were able to create huge white dough. Grab a handful, indent a side with your finger and add food color after which start molding it in your palm to show the achieved color. Add more drops of food color as you wish until you reach the desired color for your play dough. Do this with the other food color choices to create several play dough with different colors. How exciting is this!

Play dough making is very easy and very quick you can have it in no time. It can be stored in air tight used baby food bottles. It can be refrigerated. Once the play dough dries out just pour drops of water and it will be just fine. Homemade play dough can last for months. These are cheap, easy and safe ways to have your little one be creative and play with.

You may be decorative in your play dough bottles to use as gifts or even to sell. You may want to create a cute print-out on a sticky paper indicating your business name and contact numbers and ingredients of your homemade play dough. This print-out can be used as a gift tag or a great label for your play dough bottles.

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